How to make cookies at home: fast, tasty, simple. Recipes for homemade cookies: cottage cheese, coconut, with pumpkin


There are many recipes for homemade biscuits: shortbread, crumbly, dry fillet, tender biscuit, cream-filled and jammed with jam, salty and sweet, chocolate and nutty.

Of course, you can buy a package of sweet treats in the store, but how can its contents be compared to home baked goods?

And more taste and goodness.

And what is the smell in the house, when cookies are baked in the kitchen!

Cookies at home are baked quickly and easily, eaten with pleasure and benefit.

How to make cookies at home: what products are needed

To prepare cookies at home, you need to prepare products in advance. The set will be different depending on the type of baking. Most often, homemade cookies are made from shortbread dough.

Its main components are:

• flour;

• butter;

• sugar;

• baking powder.

Various flavoring and aromatic additives are added to this basis: vanilla, chocolate, coconut chips, flavors to taste, nuts. Egg, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, yogurt, fruit and vegetable puree, raisins, jam, honey, oatmeal, rice flour can be added to the dough.

The difference between biscuit cookies, which is also quite easy to bake at home, is a large number of eggs.

How to make cookies at home: what you need dishes, kitchen utensils

For baking cookies at home you need to have a set of standard kitchen utensils. May require:

• wooden rolling pin;

• their silicone or wood spatula;

• ordinary grater;

• beating bowl;

• whisk for beating;

• mixer or blender;

• mortar;

• coffee grinder;

• sieve;

• molds for cutting dough figures;

• baking tray;

• Bakeware;

• good baking paper (parchment paper).

You may need a sharp knife to cut cookies made from baked whole cake.

How to make cookies at home: the fastest way

Literally in twenty-thirty minutes you can bake the wonderful shortbread cookies “Cinnamon Rings”. This is the fastest and easiest way to make fresh crumbly rings with the wonderful Christmas aroma of cinnamon for tea.


• 250 grams of white flour;

• 100 grams of granulated sugar;

• 100 grams of soft butter;

• 10 grams of regular baking powder;

• four tablespoons of warm boiled water;

• pinch of salt;

• A spoon of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

Sift the flour.

Mix with baking powder.

Pour out the water.

Spread out the softened butter.

Knead soft, pleasant dough.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

Then mix the cinnamon powder and sugar.

To form from the test narrow strips in the form of "fingers".

Dip strips of cinnamon sugar on both sides.

To form ringlets.

Line a clean baking tray with high-quality parchment (baking) paper, buttered.

Put the rings and bake for fifteen minutes.

If the rings get reddened earlier, stop baking.

Remove the cookies and cool.

One of the fastest and easiest recipes popular in Slavic cuisine is brine cookies. To a glass of any pickle you need to take an incomplete glass of vegetable oil, as much sugar, one egg (you can do without it), a spoon of soda, a pinch of salt and about two glasses of flour. All the ingredients need to be mixed, roll the finished dough into a centimeter-thick layer, cut into rhombuses or fantasy figures using tin molds and bake.

How to make cookies at home: recipes

Cottage cheese, coconut, oatmeal, chocolate - all types of cookies are simply impossible to list. Each hostess has several proven recipes in her arsenal.

Homemade cookies "Curd corners"

No less quickly and easily cooked cottage cheese cookies. At home, it turns out especially lush, fresh, melting on the tongue.


• 230 grams of cottage cheese of any fat content;

• 250 grams of white flour;

• 130 grams of butter;

• half a cup of sugar;

• teaspoon of vanilla sugar or a bag of vanillin;

• half a spoon of soda.

Cooking method:

Sift the flour.

Butter cut into cubes.

Mix the butter with the flour and grind to a crumb with your hands or a wooden spoon.

Cottage cheese mash and rub through a sieve.

Put the grated cottage cheese into dough crust, add soda, vanilla or vanilla sugar.

Knead the dough until the stickiness disappears.

Fill the working surface with flour, lay out the dough and roll it out with a thin layer of not more than three millimeters.

Glass or glass cut circles.

Dip the circles in the sugar with one side.

Fold the sugar side inside.

Dip the semicircle into the sugar, roll it up again so that the sugar side is inside.

Corner dipped in sugar last time.

Place the corners on parchment paper so that the sugar remains on top.

Bake for about half an hour until a beautiful blush appears.

Homemade cookies "Coconut balls"

Delicacy for a true gourmet, homemade biscuits with coconut chips has a delicate exquisite taste, creamy tenderness, airy consistency.


• 220 grams of white flour;

• 150 grams of butter;

• 200 grams of finished coconut chips;

• two chicken eggs;

• bag of vanilla or vanilla sugar;

• three hundred grams of granulated sugar;

• half a spoon of soda;

• to taste a little salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the butter into small cubes, leave in the kitchen for softening.

When the oil is soft, beat the pieces into a fluffy smooth mass using a mixer.

Gradually add sugar, without stopping beating.

Beat the sugar with the butter until the grains dissolve (three minutes).

Separately until foam beat eggs.

Add vanilla sugar to the egg base, beat again.

Continue whipping the butter, gradually introducing the beaten eggs.

Mix flour with soda, salt and sift.

In small portions enter the flour in the oil-egg mixture, kneading the dough.

When the dough has a pleasant uniformity, add the finished coconut shavings, knead again.

Preheat oven.

Grease a baking sheet with butter or cover with paper.

Put dough balls on a baking tray, scooping them with a large spoon.

Bake coconut balls for about fifteen minutes until a pleasant golden blush appears.

Remove them from the oven, cool and then remove from the sheet.

Homemade cookies "oatmeal honey hats"

Delicious, moderately high-calorie, healthy cookies at home can be baked from ordinary oatmeal and a small amount of honey. Kefir-based pastries will always be tender and light.


• 300 grams of any oatmeal;

• 300 grams of granulated sugar;

• 350 grams of white flour;

• 250 grams of butter;

• 120 ml of kefir;

• two chicken eggs;

• salt;

• teaspoon of soda;

• one and a half spoons of flower honey.

Cooking method:

In kefir pour soda and mix.

Cut butter into pieces, melt in a separate cup in a water bath, cool.

Pour melted butter into kefir, mix.

Put the same honey and eggs, beat everything with a mixer until smooth.

Turn oat flakes into flour using a coffee grinder or blender.

Mix white and oatmeal, a pinch of salt.

Adding flour, knead gradually homogeneous dough.

If necessary, add during kneading flour or kefir.

Bake on baking paper in a preheated oven.

From the test roll small balls of two or three centimeters in diameter.

Put the balls on the sheet, slightly embroider.

Oven no more than fifteen minutes. Stop baking immediately, as soon as the cookies turn red.

Remove the sheet from the oven, put the "caps" in the dish, bake a new batch.

Homemade cookies "Fragrant pumpkin"

From pumpkin you can cook a lot of delicious dishes, including homemade cakes. Pumpkin cookies at home is prepared very soon. In combination with coconut chips, a delicious and healthy delicacy is obtained.


• 50 grams of butter;

• four hundred grams of flour;

• two hundred grams of pumpkin;

• one chicken egg;

• four tablespoons of coconut chips;

• vanillin or vanilla sugar;

• spoon baking powder;

• three tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Peel the pumpkin, wrap in foil and bake.

Remove the oil from the refrigerator.

Ready to pumpkin pumpkin grated or in a blender.

In the softened butter pour sugar and grind until white.

Beat an egg into butter, add coconut and vanilla sugar, mix.

Add pumpkin puree and mix again.

Mix flour and baking powder with a spoon, sift.

Mixing flour and butter-egg mixture, knead the soft dough.

Spread baking paper on a baking tray.

Form balls and lay them on the sheet.

Bake for about half an hour.

Homemade chocolate-nut cookies

Soft, almost biscuit cookies at home are easy to bake on the basis of milk and eggs. Chocolate and nuts - what could be better for a nice tea party?


• 250 grams of white flour;

• 125 grams of milk of any fat content;

• 100 grams of granulated sugar;

• 100 ml of cream;

• five tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• three chicken eggs;

• bag of vanilla sugar or vanilla;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• fifty grams of chocolate;

• a glass of walnuts peeled.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs, vanilla and plain sugar with a mixer.

When the mass becomes a delicate yellow shade and lightness, stop beating.

Baking powder pour into the flour, mix and sift.

Milk to warm.

Gradually pour the flour into the eggs, kneading the dough by hand or with a mixer.

Add milk and butter to the mass.

Knead the dough to the end. It should not be thick.

Cover the square baking dish with paper, smear with oil and pour the dough into it.

Bake the cake on medium temperature for about half an hour.

Baked cake will not leave wet traces of dough on a wooden stick, if you carefully pierce it.

While the biscuit is baked, grind the nuts into crumb with a mortar or an ordinary rolling pin.

Chocolate break into pieces, put in a metal container and pour the cream.

Prepare a water bath and melt chocolate on it.

Baked and slightly cooled cake cut into rectangular or triangular pieces according to the size of the future cookies.

Dip each piece of chocolate fudge, and then dip in a nutty crumb.

How to make cookies at home: tricks and tips

  • So that the shortbread dough is not hard, before cooking it you need to cool thoroughly by holding in the refrigerator.

  • To make homemade shortbread cookies not stale, it must be properly stored. Ideal for this tin, tightly closed bank. Keep it in a cool place. If there is no can, a plastic container will do.

  • The best temperature for baking cookies at home is 180 degrees. If you raise the temperature higher, the treat can be tasteless and tough.

  • Once the liver has browned, it must be removed from the oven and cooled at room temperature. If you leave the pan in the oven, the cookie will burn or harden.


Watch the video: Pumpkin Cookies Recipe. How to Make Pumpkin Cookies (June 2024).