Honey Custard - Gentle! Simple and complex, with condensed milk and on sour cream: honeycake recipes with custard


Honey cakes are a whole family of delicious, juicy cakes melting in your mouth.

They prepare in advance for the festive table, or almost half an hour before the evening tea.

There are complex and very simple recipes, perhaps the only thing that unites them - you have to handle the cake with great care.

Honey custard - the basic principles of cooking

• Honey cake with custard is made from cakes baked with honey, richly lubricated with custard.

• There are several types of honey dough and custard for honey cake with custard and also many ways to make them.

• Honey can be used liquid, or thick, only you need to consider that the mass of thick honey is less than liquid. In a tablespoon contains 30 grams of thick, and the liquid will be about 5 grams more.

• If the dough, or a part of it, is brewed in a water bath, then the soda is not quenched, and if the dough does not warm up when mixing, the soda should be extinguished only with lemon juice.

• Dough for baking cakes put only in a well-heated to 190 degrees oven.

• The basis for the custard is milk, which can be replaced by water, then you get a lighter cream.

• All bulk ingredients intended for the cream are mixed immediately with milk or in a certain sequence and heated on the fire to a thick consistency, after which the cream is cooled and smeared with the cake layers.

• Depending on the recipe, various additional components are added to the hot or chilled cream, giving the custard to honey a special flavor.

Custard honey cake with custard with condensed milk "Toffee"


• 500 grams of baking flour;

• three eggs;

• 250 grams of margarine;

• 90 grams of thickened honey;

• 1 tsp. pish soda;

• 300 gr. refined sugar.

For cream:

• 325 ml of pasteurized milk;

• 125 gr. white wheat flour;

• 300 grams of sugar;

• one can of boiled, "factory" condensed milk;

• 300 gr. sweet cream natural butter.

Cooking method:


1. Put honey, soda in a saucepan and put it to warm up in a water bath. Without interrupting the stirring, wait until the honey is completely melted and starts to foam. The foam will be orange.

2. Add margarine. After it is melted, add granulated sugar and continue cooking, stirring occasionally.

3. Beat the eggs into the foam and add them to the cooking mixture and, after stirring everything thoroughly, cook for about ten minutes.

4. In small portions, a tablespoon, add the previously sifted flour until all is gone. And cook, stirring constantly for twenty minutes. It should make a homogeneous, not steep dough.

5. Transfer it to the floured surface of the desktop, roll it well and, packed in a plastic bag, put it in the fridge for half an hour.

6. Remove the dough, divide it in equal parts into six pieces and form small balls. The dough will not have time to cool well and will be a little more warm.

7. Roll out with a rolling pin, on a table abundantly floured, each ball, and then put it on a baking sheet, and gently pressing the dough with your fingers, spread it evenly over the baking sheet, giving the desired shape.

8. Bake each cake until a light rudiment is formed and make sure that it is not overcooked. Bake very quickly.


1. In a glass of milk, dilute the flour and stir to achieve complete homogeneity, and boil the remaining milk.

2. Upon boiling, reduce the heat to medium, pour the flour mixture into the milk with a very thin stream and continue cooking until it thickens.

3. Remove from heat, add condensed milk and whisk with a whisk, you can use a mixer, but very carefully, as the mixture is hot. When the mass turns evenly to a light brown color, cool.

4. In a separate container, also with a mixer, beat the drain. oil, adding 1-2 tablespoons of brewed cooled mixture to its end.

Trim the cakes, cutting off the edges so that they are the same size, and rub your hands into fine chips. Smear each crust cream, form a cake and decorate the top and sides of the prepared crumb. Remove the finished cake to cool for 2 days.

Honey cake with the usual custard "Bee"


For the test:

• 320 grams of white, wheat flour;

• two eggs;

• 60 grams of honey;

• half a glass of white granulated sugar;

• 2/3 tsp. pish soda

For cream:

• 50 grams of white, wheat flour;

• four table. spoons of sugar, no slides;

• 300 ml low-fat milk.

Cooking method:


1. In honey whipped to strong foam with sugar, add honey, add soda and mix well.

2. Pour in flour and whip with a whisk, cook a homogeneous, not too thick dough. According to its consistency, the dough should be thinner than homemade, but a little thicker than the fattest store sour cream.

3. From parchment paper, tear off several sheets of the same size as a baking sheet and draw a circle with the pencil with the help of a plate on each plate. Usually there are no more than three laps.

4. Spread one of the sheets on a baking sheet, pour at least three tablespoons of cooked dough into the center of each circle and spread the dough into the border of the circle with a spoon, without going beyond it.

5. Bake such korzhi not more than four minutes, until a rich light yellow color.

6. Remove the prepared cakes from the pan and cool.


1. In cold milk, dissolve, stirring with a spoon or a whisk, sugar, add flour and, mixing it with milk so that there are no lumps, boil on medium heat.

2. While the cream is boiling, constantly stir it so that it does not burn. As soon as it boils, remove from the heat and let cool.

Spoon the cream on the cake layers, forming a cake. Top and sides are also well smeared with cream, decorate the cake with finely grated chocolate and put in the refrigerator for not less than one hour.

Biscuit honey cake with custard with sour cream and butter "Pup"


• 150 gr. powdered sugar;

• a glass of unsweetened thick honey;

• four eggs;

• two glasses of white wheat flour;

• 10 grams of baking soda;

• 100 gr. kernels of peeled walnut.

For cream:

• 700 ml of homemade, can be pasteurized, milk;

• two eggs;

• 200 gr. sugar refined sugar;

• 100 gr. white wheat flour;

• 200 gr. a pack of sweet cream butter;

• a small pinch of vanilla;

• sour cream home or purchase 30%.

Cooking method:


1. In the microwave or on the water bath, soften the honey a little (it should be rather thin and at the same time non-liquid).

2. Mix honey with powdered sugar, add four yolks and whisk well.

3. Pour the flour sifted through a sieve and mix to a uniform consistency, enter four proteins, whipped into dense, beautiful foam, crushed with a blender of walnut kernels. Do not chop too fine, there should be pieces, not powder.

4. Mix well again and tighten the bowl of dough with a couple of layers of cling film, remove to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a day.

5. Cut the dough out of the bowl into three equal parts. By density, it resembles sandy.

6. To shift each such part on a baking sheet, it is possible in a round detachable form or a frying pan with a non-stick coating and a hand wetted in water with a thin layer. Lubricate the bottom of the roaster is not necessary.

7. Bake in preheated oven until soft brown, 9-12 minutes.

8. If the roaster does not have a non-stick coating, the cakes usually stick to the bottom and, in this case, remove them still warm, using a long spatula or knife. The remaining pieces of dough gently "scrape" and then use to decorate the cake.

9. With chilled cake layers, trim the edges with a knife, and chop the trimming pieces with a rolling pin and use it for sprinkling.


1. Using a mixer, beat the eggs and a half of the required sugar, pour in a glass with them a couple of tablespoons of milk, spread evenly, add the flour and continue to beat until the milk mixture is homogeneous and the sugar is completely dissolved.

2. Mix the second part of the sugar in a separate container with the remaining milk and, adding vanillin, put in a boil.

3. Before boiling, with vigorous stirring, enter freshly whipped milk-egg mixture and cook with minimal heating, slowly but intensively stirring with a whisk, until thickening.

4. Remove from heat and cool to cool.

5. In the fully cooled brewed cream, lay out lightly melted butter and whip vigorously. Add oil in small portions, not all at once.

6. Then add sour cream and also whip the cream until ready.

Form a cake of richly spread cake crust, coat it again with cream on all sides and sprinkle with cooked crumbs. To insist on such a cake should be at least twelve hours.

Honey cake with custard on Honey Honeycomb egg yolks, baked in a pan


• two eggs;

• 60 gr. margarine "For baking", can be replaced by a drain. butter;

• one glass of white refined sugar;

• two tables. spoons of thickened honey, without a slide;

• tsp. burnt baking soda;

• 320 grams of baking flour, white, top grade.

For cream:

• six yolks;

• 150 gr. refined sugar;

• 800 ml of home-made or fat pasteurized milk;

• 330 gr. frozen cream, or a little less butter.

Cooking method:


1. Heat the water bath and dissolve the butter with honey added to it.

2. Beat eggs and sugar into a homogeneous mass.

3. Add burnt soda and, having stirred well, combine with the honey-oil mixture. Heat in a water bath for about five minutes.

4. Pour the whole portion of the sifted flour, knead quickly and place the container with the dough for five minutes. warm up in a water bath.

5. Divide the finished, heated dough into nine equal pieces and refrigerate for half an hour.

6. After each piece roll out with a rolling pin around the desired diameter and, after cutting off uneven edges, shift to a dry frying pan.

7. Bake these cakes on the pan need not more than one minute on each side.


1. Beat in foam using a whisk, but best of all with a mixer, egg yolks with white sugar.

2. Pour in the milk, whisk well again and put on a slow fire to boil until the cream acquires the consistency of semolina of medium thickness.

3. Cool the yolks brewed with milk, and lightly soften the lightly softened butter with a fork until a homogeneous oatmeal is obtained.

4. Spread the butter to the yolks and at the minimum speed of the mixer gently mix the cooked yolks with the butter.

From well-smeared cream, cooled cakes, fold the cake and decorate it at your discretion. Let it stand for about a day.

Quick Honey Custard with Cream


• 100 gr. creamy margarine, or butter;

• two eggs;

• 100 gr. refined sugar;

• 2 tbsp. l non-sugared honey;

• 1 tsp. soda;

• 180 gr. white baking flour;

• A small pinch of vanilla.

For cream:

• a little more than a cup of full-fat milk (at least 3.2%);

• 3 tbsp. l sifted wheat flour;

• two tables. spoon of sugar;

• 380 grams of condensed milk (one can);

• a glass of high fat cream;

• vanilla sugar, small bag.

Cooking method:


1. Over low heat, melt the honey with the addition of soda. When the honey begins to melt and react with soda, the heated mass will start to foam, and grow noticeably in volume.

2. Add cut butter into small pieces.

3. When the butter is melted, pour the eggs, whipped with sugar, stir well and, after heating for another two minutes, remove from the heat.

4. Pour all the flour in 2-3 portions and knead the dough to achieve the consistency of thick sour cream.

5. Grease the form with margarine, powder with flour or white breadcrumbs and pour the dough into it, put it in the oven. For this amount of dough, it is best to take the form of a not very large diameter, up to 25 centimeters. Then the honey cake will be higher.

6. Bake until cooked for about half an hour.

7. Remove the baked cake blank from the mold and, after cooling, cut it into several shortcakes.


1. In warm, not hot milk, dissolve a spoonful of sugar and, adding flour, stir vigorously with a whisk. The resulting milk mass should not contain flour lumps.

2. Place the mass container for minimum heat and, while slowly stirring slowly, boil until thickened.

3. Add condensed milk, mix to a uniform consistency and, removing from the stove, cool, lowering the saucepan with the cream in cold, you can flowing water.

4. In a dense homogeneous mass, with a mixer, whip the cream with the remaining sugar and enter into the cooled custard, mix at low speed.

Fold the cake layers baked and smeared with caramel cream into a cake and decorate as desired.

Honey custard with curd "Tsarsky"


• one and a half tablespoons of any vegetable, refined oil;

• 1 tbsp. l non-sugared honey;

• two chicken eggs;

• 0.5 tsp. baking soda;

• half a lemon;

• 4 cups of white flour.

For cream:

• two tables. spoons of white wheat flour;

• 80 gr. white granulated sugar;

• 350 ml of homemade milk;

• 250 grams of cottage cheese or curd mass;

• a full glass of toasted walnut kernels.

Cooking method:


1. In a saucepan, mix two eggs, honey, white granulated sugar and add soda, extinguished in lemon juice.

2. Well stir everything and put to warm up on a slow heating, do not forget to constantly stir, so that the eggs do not cook.

3. When the mass is heated, and all the components are turned into a homogeneous mass, start slowly and evenly pour the previously well-sifted flour in small portions, one cup each, kneading the dough.

4. Flour may take a little more, but the dough should not stick to the hands, while remaining soft.

5. While the dough is warm, quickly divide it into pieces and roll out the cakes, no more than four millimeters thick.

6. Bake cakes in the oven until they start to get a light brown tint, about three minutes.

7. Cut the finished cakes, better warm, then they will not crumble.


1. In a small iron bowl, mix the sugar and flour, add warm milk and boil for a minimum of heat, constantly stirring with a whisk, so as not to burn.

2. When thickened, remove the mass from the fire and cool.

3. Add the curd mass and whisk well, the best thing is to make a mixer.

Richly smeared with cream crust fold into the cake, sprinkling each cake with finely chopped nuts. Grease the sides richly with cream and sprinkle with crumb, and decorate the top with whole nuts.

Honey cake with Winter Polenitsa custard


• 80 grams of honey;

• 150 gr. sugar refined sugar;

• 500 gr. white flour;

• 3 eggs;

• 1/2 tsp. soda

For cream:

• 50 gr. white flour;

• 3 tbsp. l refined bulk sugar;

• 1.5 Art. pasteurized fatty milk;

• 400 gr. mass of curd.

Cooking method:

1. Put honey in a bowl for kneading dough, add sugar and, adding eggs, beat well until a light foam is formed. Make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved.

2Pour the sifted and pre-mixed flour with soda, and knead the elastic "smooth" dough.

3. Roll out several thin layers and cut each layer into strips about one and a half centimeters wide.

4. Spread the strips on a lightly floured baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

5. When the stripes become gently golden in color, remove the baking sheet and remove to cool.

6. Brew cream. To do this, dissolve the flour and sugar in the slightly warmed milk and put it to boil on the lowest heat to a thick state.

7. Remove from the stove, cool to room temperature and, adding the curd, beat the cream well with a mixer.

8. Any, preferably a narrow, rectangular shape, cover with foil and pour a little cream into it.

9. Spread the baked sticks of honey dough all over the form on the cream, pour over the cream again and lay out until all the used ingredients have run out.

10. Top well pour the cream, cover with foil and put in for 6 hours in the refrigerator.

11. Remove the cake from the mold, remove the foil and sprinkle finely grated chocolate on top or decorate to your taste.

Honey Custard - Tricks and Tips

• Honey cakes at the recommended temperature bake very quickly and if they are over-exposed, they will taste bitter, and the cake will not soak well and will turn out dry and tough.

• When preparing custard, do not disregard it, do not stop stirring in the process of heating, then the cream will not burn and it will turn out to be uniform without lumps.

• Honey cake with custard can be smeared with not only cold, but also hot cream. Of course, it will soak much faster, but it will still taste better if you soak it with chilled custard.


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