Buckwheat with carrots - smart porridge! Recipes cooking buckwheat with carrots and with onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, chicken, eggs


Buckwheat porridge and carrot are two great products that improve brain activity, increase the performance and endurance of the body.

And they are very tasty.

Both apart and together.

Buckwheat porridge with carrots can be eaten at least every day, and it will bring only benefits.

And in order not to be tired, cook buckwheat with carrots in different ways!

Buckwheat with carrots - the general principles of cooking

Buckwheat groats are washed, black and damaged grains are removed, then poured with water or broth. Temperature does not matter. If there is no extra time, you can immediately pour boiling water. Salt put immediately.

Broken buckwheat is not very tasty, so we pour water strictly according to the norms. Two parts of the liquid are added to one part of the raw cereal.

Carrots before adding to buckwheat are usually fried separately or stewed. Often other vegetables are added to it: tomatoes, onions, peppers, garlic. Eggs, cheese, mushrooms, greens, various spices are well combined with buckwheat and carrots.

Recipe 1: Buckwheat with carrots and onions

A simple recipe for buckwheat. If you replace the ghee with vegetable oil, it is suitable for a lean menu. The porridge will be cooked with pre-frying grits, which will give the dish a pleasant aroma.


• 250 grams of buckwheat;

• 1-2 carrots;

• 1 onion;

• 70 grams of ghee;

• pepper, salt.

Cooking method

1. The croup needs to be sorted, washed, drained.

2. Put a little bit of butter in the pan, literally half a spoon, and fry the washed grits. Do not forget to stir for even roasting.

3. As soon as all the moisture has evaporated, the buckwheat will darken and begin to click, transfer it to the saucepan. Fill with 450 grams of water, put 1 tsp. salt and cook until tender.

4. Cut the onion into cubes, carrot on a large grater.

5. Melt the rest of the butter, fry the onions for a moment, then put the carrots and cook until soft. At the end of pepper vegetables, you can add other spices.

6. Mix buckwheat with carrots and ready!

Recipe 2: Buckwheat with carrots and chicken

For this dish of buckwheat with carrots we will use chicken breast, as it is quickly prepared and perfectly combined with porridge.


• 200 grams of buckwheat;

• 1 carrot;

• 200 grams of fillet;

• 40 grams of oil;

• 1 tsp. seasonings for chicken;

• salt;

• 3-4 sprigs of dill.

Cooking method

1. Fill a glass of washed cereal with two glasses of water, put salt and set ordinary porridge to cook.

2. Cut the breast into strips, also three carrots and mix with a spoonful of chicken seasoning.

3. Heat the butter, spread the carrot and breast and fry for 3 minutes, then cover, reduce the heat and simmer until soft.

4. Combine boiled grits with carrots and breasts, add fresh dill and a wonderful chicken dish with a side dish is ready!

Recipe 3: Buckwheat with carrots and mushrooms

Buckwheat and mushrooms are a classic combination, but carrot perfectly complements it, adds richness and color. For a dish it is better to use a cauldron or a deep saucepan, as it is prepared using pilaf technology. Use fresh champignons.


• 2 carrots;

• 200 grams of champignons;

• 250 grams of buckwheat;

• 1 onion;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• seasonings;

• 5-7 tablespoons of butter.

Cooking method

1. Peel carrots and cut into strips. You can use a large grater for Korean salads. Onion cut into half rings.

2. Put the vegetables in the cauldron and fry for a few minutes.

3. We wash the champignons, cut them into cubes and throw them into the cauldron with carrots, fry for another 2 minutes.

4. We wash the cereal, pour out the liquid and put it in the cauldron, add seasonings, salt, pour water so that it covers the food for 3 cm, throw the bay leaf on top.

5. Cover the cauldron and cook the dish for about half an hour. During this time, it should completely absorb all the water and soak in the aroma of mushrooms.

Recipe 4: Buckwheat with carrots, garlic and bell pepper

Option very fragrant buckwheat with carrots, which will serve as a wonderful side dish for meat, chicken or fish. Also, Bulgarian pepper is added to the dish, take a large pod or two small ones.


• 1 cup of buckwheat;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 2 carrots;

• 30 grams of oil;

• salt;

• Bulgarian pepper.

Cooking method

1. Fill the buckwheat with water, salt and set to boil on a slow fire.

2. Peel the garlic, cut 3 cloves into 4 parts and fry in oil until golden brown. One tooth left for refueling.

3. Remove roasted garlic, fry grated carrots in this oil until soft.

4. Cut the peppers into cubes, send them to the carrots and cook together for another 2-3 minutes.

5. Chop the last clove of garlic, add to vegetables, salt and pepper.

6. We put buckwheat porridge in the pan and warm it well together so that the products are connected.

Recipe 5: Buckwheat with carrots and tomatoes

The recipe is a bright and rich dish that can be eaten or used as a side dish for meat. You can cook it in a deep pan or cauldron, you do not need to cook porridge separately, which also saves time and clean dishes.


• a glass of buckwheat;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 2 spoons of tomato paste;

• 1 onion;

• 2 glasses of water;

• salt, oil.

Cooking method

1. We dip tomatoes in boiling water, then in cold water and remove the peel. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes.

2. Also cut the onion, carrot just finely rub.

3. Pour the butter into a deep frying pan, fry the onions to transparency, put the carrot, fry for 5 minutes, then add the diced tomatoes and simmer the vegetables together for 5 minutes.

4. Add the washed buckwheat, mix.

5. Dilute tomato paste, salt and pepper in two glasses of water and ship to the rest of the products. Surface leveling spoon.

6. Cover the pan, reduce the heat and cook the dish until the cereal is cooked. Buckwheat must absorb almost all the liquid.

Recipe 6: Buckwheat with carrots and eggs

Cooking options for buckwheat with eggs are many. You can simply put the porridge in the pan with butter and pour omelet. Fry for two minutes - and you're done! But it will turn out much tastier and healthier if you prepare a dish with vegetables, in our case with carrots and onions.


• 200 grams of buckwheat;

• 2 carrots;

• 1 onion;

• 3 eggs;

• 1 spoon of tomato paste;

• spices, oil.

Cooking method

1. Cooking ordinary porridge or from roasted cereals with salt. How this is done, you can see in the first recipe.

2. Immediately put boiled boiled eggs.

3. Cut the onion into strips, fry for a minute in butter.

4. Shred peeled carrots, too, straws and fry with onions until soft.

5. Dilute tomato paste in 50 grams of water, pour into a pan with vegetables and simmer for 2-3 minutes.

6. We shift the vegetables from the pan to buckwheat porridge, which is almost ready and cook till the end.

7. Eggs are cleaned, cut into cubes and put into a pan, gently mix, cover and turn off.

8. Give the dish to stand for 10 minutes and can be served!

Recipe 7: Buckwheat salad with carrots in Korean

It turns out that from buckwheat with carrots you can cook not only cereals with side dishes, but also wonderful salads. Tasty, nutritious and very fragrant. We use already cooked carrots in Korean.


• 200 grams of boiled buckwheat;

• 200 grams of Korean carrots;

• 2 pickled cucumbers;

• 150 grams of ham;

• 100 grams of green peas;

• 1 onion;

• mayonnaise and parsley.

Cooking method

1. Cut the onion half rings, lightly rub hands and mix with Korean carrots and leave aside.

2. Cucumbers and ham cut into cubes and while we put in a deep bowl.

3. Add the green peas to them, pre-pour the marinade.

4. Mix boiled buckwheat with cucumbers, ham and peas.

5. Fill with mayonnaise, mix, salt is not necessary.

6. Spread the buckwheat mass on a flat dish slide.

7. In a circle, put the carrot and onion, decorate with parsley sprigs and the salad is ready!

Recipe 8: Baked buckwheat with carrots and cheese

And this wonderful dish can be cooked, if after dinner or lunch there is a side dish, and the meat is over. Baked buckwheat with carrots can be served for breakfast, as a second for lunch or to make a quick dinner.


• 400 grams of porridge;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 2 carrots;

• 4 tablespoons sour cream;

• 1 clove garlic;

• 40 grams of butter;

• fresh dill;

• spices.

Cooking method

1. Melt the butter.

2. Add the carrot, diced or straw, and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. We shift the carrot in a baking dish.

4. Top lay buckwheat porridge.

5. Combine chopped garlic and sour cream. Put in the sauce salt, pepper, you can pour any seasoning, which is.

6. Pour a layer of buckwheat porridge with sour cream sauce. Sprinkle with fresh dill on top to rinse and chop finely.

7. Three cheese and fall asleep dish.

8. Sent for 20 minutes in the oven and bake until golden brown appears.

Recipe 9: Buckwheat with carrots in pots

A pot is an ideal dish for cooking buckwheat porridge. In it, it turns out to be especially tasty and fragrant, and also relieves the hostess from downtime at the stove. Products are designed for one portion pot.


• 0.5 cup buckwheat;

• 0.5 carrots;

• 0.5 onions;

• spices;

• 15 grams of oil;

• 1 cup broth;

• 1 scoop of sour cream or a slice of cheese.


1. Put a piece of butter on the bottom of the pot. For the lean dish, pour a spoonful of vegetable oil or put a piece of margarine.

2. Cut the carrot into thin rings, onion into cubes.

3. Wash the cereal, mix with carrots and onions, lay in a pot.

4. Salt broth, pepper, put any greens and pour into the pot.

5. Top put a spoonful of sour cream (you can and without it) or a slice of hard cheese.

6. Cover the pots and put them in the oven for 40 minutes. We get and call everyone to the table.

Buckwheat with carrots - tips and tricks

• When cooking buckwheat porridge can not open the lid and let off steam. It penetrates into the upper layers of cereals and contributes to the uniform cooking of the dish. If you often remove the lid, the porridge on top will be undercooked and some of the kernels will remain rigid.

• A piece of butter, added to the pot when cooking porridge, will make the dish tastier. Also for the flavor you can put a clove of garlic or pea pepper. But they do not recommend laying a bay leaf right away, it is better to stick it in a saucepan with already cooked, but still hot porridge.

• To give the porridge a pleasant mushroom flavor, it is enough to put only one dried mushroom in the pan when cooking. It can also be crushed into powder and added when roasting vegetables and other products.

• Dust at the bottom of the package with buckwheat indicates a low quality of cereals. This product often gives an earthy taste and before cooking it must be thoroughly washed in several waters.


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