Is tingling all over the body an alarming symptom or normal? Causes and treatment for tingling throughout the body


A person can experience a wide variety of sensations.

Some of them are painful, others are unpleasant, and there are those that simply cause bewilderment by their unusualness.

But all of them indicate some processes taking place in the body.

One of the most unusual sensations is a tingling sensation throughout the body.

Most often, it is caused by an uncomfortable posture and passes after a change in body position. But in some cases this sensation can cause a person troubles and be the result of serious health problems.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully understand what it is.

Tingling throughout the body: symptoms

Each person at least once throughout his life felt as if goosebumps were crawling over his body or someone was pricking him with needles. In medicine, this condition is called paresthesia. Many people realize that this is due to a lack of blood supply. But in some cases, a tingling sensation throughout the body is accompanied by other symptoms:

• It may be preceded by numbness or cooling of limbs.

• Joint mobility may decrease and muscle weakness may appear.

• Increases touch sensitivity.

• Itching or burning may be felt on the skin.

• For some time, the sensitivity of certain areas of the skin decreases.

• In addition to the sensation of needles, slight tickling is possible, or vice versa, severe stitching pain.

All symptoms suggest that this malaise is associated with sensations on the surface of the skin. In most cases, they are caused by a violation of the blood circulation of some areas or a decrease in nerve sensitivity. But not everything is so simple: it happens that such seemingly harmless symptoms can indicate the development of serious diseases. And even if the tingling does not cause big problems, you need to figure out what it can cause. Whenever possible, it is necessary to avoid provoking factors, treat diseases in time and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Tingling throughout the body: causes

Most often, this sensation occurs due to compression of nerves or blood vessels when in an uncomfortable position. This can happen, for example, in a dream when a person is not able to control himself, with prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable chair or behind the wheel. Usually in this case, the tingling is concentrated in one part of the body and passes after the change of posture. Blood circulation is restored, and discomfort gradually disappears.

Why then does tingling occur? A feature of the functioning of the human body is the need for free circulation in every cell of the body. If blood does not flow to some place, then there is a feeling of numbness. After the restoration of blood circulation there is a burning sensation and tingling, sometimes severe pain. Very often, such sensations are also caused due to compression of nerves or other effects on nerve endings.

Paresthesia may be chronic. For example, in old age, blood circulation slows down, and tingling can occur often. Nerve cells function worse and receive less nutrition. Besides, Tingling throughout the body can be caused by other reasons:

• Long and tiring, often monotonous physical activity.

• Various skin diseases or fungal infections.

• An allergic reaction to drugs and cosmetics.

• Bites of insects and animals or the presence of parasites in the body.

• Prolonged exposure to very high or low temperatures.

• Various mental illnesses and disorders.

• A disadvantage of certain vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, sodium, calcium or vitamin B12.

• Poisoning with lead, arsenic or mercury, alcohol, tobacco or other poisons, as well as toxins from spoiled food.

But in some cases, tingling throughout the body can be caused by more serious causes. There are diseases that occur in a latent form and almost never manifest themselves. Only numbness, itching and tingling throughout the body can be their consequence.

What can cause such sensations?

• Pathological disorders in the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

• Various cardiovascular diseases.

• Violations of the thyroid gland.

• Diabetes.

• Malignant tumors.

• Acute cerebrovascular accident, spasm, blockage or rupture of blood vessels.

• Diseases of the spine and joints.

• Various injuries.

• Inflammatory diseases that cause tumors and compression of nerves.

• Epilepsy.

• Migraine.

• Severe form of alcohol dependence.

• Raynaud's disease.

• Carpal tunnel syndrome.

Tingling throughout the body: diagnosis of possible diseases

In cases where such feelings often disturb a person, it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice. This is necessary when tingling is observed in one part of the body, as well as if it intensifies with a sharp contraction of the muscles. Consultation is especially important if this sensation is accompanied by other symptoms: dizziness, nausea, darkening in the eyes and muscle cramps. Most often, the examination begins with a therapist who will prescribe blood tests, collect information about the symptoms, and then refer them to specialists. Reasons for tingling all over the body will help identify such diagnostic procedures:

• MRI or CT scan of the spine and brain;

• x-ray;

• electrocardiogram of the heart;

• ultrasound examination of blood vessels;

• electro-neuromyography;

• general blood analysis;

• electromyogram;

• A biopsy of the skin or nerves is sometimes prescribed, as well as an analysis of cerebrospinal fluid.

In some cases, according to the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes treatment, but can refer you to a specialist consultation: a neurologist, cardiologist, psychotherapist or surgeon.

What diseases can cause tingling throughout the body?

Spondylosis of the cervical spine. This disease is characterized by the fusion of several neighboring vertebrae, resulting in compression of the nerves. This causes a tingling sensation in the neck, back of the head and upper part of the back.

Intervertebral hernia also pinches nerves and blood vessels. Because of it, unpleasant sensations in the legs and back can occur.

Cardiovascular diseases cause tingling throughout the body, numbness of the limbs, especially the left arm, or

Joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis and gout. The inflammatory process causes compression of the nerve roots. Because of this, the feeling of needles or goosebumps is felt in the limbs.

Acute cerebrovascular accident, blockage or rupture of a vessel, stroke - all these problems cause tingling on the scalp, accompanied by darkening in the eyes, nausea and muscle paralysis.

Some mental disorders can also cause tingling throughout the body. Most often it is neurosis, depression or schizophrenia.

• Tingling in the extremities may be the first sign diabetes development. After all, with this disease, the nerve endings are affected. This is called diabetic neuropathy.

Full body tingling: treatment

If these feelings appear infrequently and themselves pass after a change in body position or a light warm-up, then you should not worry. But in cases where a tingling sensation all over the body appears for no apparent reason, the sensation of needles arises in one place, then in another, or if one part of the body is numb, it is necessary to begin treatment. It should be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and determination of the cause of the ailment. But before that, you can try to remove the discomfort yourself:

• In case of numbness due to an uncomfortable posture, blood circulation should be improved through exercise. It is best to do a few slow circular movements of the head, stretch the muscles of the arms and legs, rub the numb area of ​​the body.

• If tingling all over the body is accompanied by itching, redness of the skin, or burning, then this may be an allergic reaction. In this case, antihistamines will help.

• For tingling caused by nervous disorders or mental stress, sedation is indicated.

• Unpleasant sensations in certain areas of the skin can be removed with a cream or ointment with a cooling effect. A similar effect is exerted by a cold shower or ice cubes.

• Tingling in the hands caused by tunnel syndrome is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs or drugs that improve blood circulation.

If the cause of paresthesia is established, the doctor prescribes special treatment. Usually this is the appointment of B vitamins, antioxidants, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation and reduce blood viscosity. Treatments for tingling throughout the body may include:

• Drug therapy: Finlepsin, Piracetam, Cavinton, Nootropil, Actovegin, Mexidol, Trental, Magne B6, drugs containing gingko biloba extract and other drugs.

• Physiotherapy: electrophoresis, diadynamic currents, mud therapy, acupuncture, darsonvalization, magnetotherapy and massage.

• Traditional medicine for the treatment of paresthesia offers to drink infusions of horse chestnut and parsley, birch leaves, clover grass, nettle, goldenrod, peel of viburnum and willow bark.

Any therapy should be used only after the appointment of a doctor. You can not take any medications or decoctions of herbs on your own. Almost all of them affect the blood vessels and circulatory system. After all, it is possible that tingling throughout the body is not caused by these reasons at all. And any drugs can only aggravate the situation.

If the examination did not reveal any serious deviations in the state of health, then tingling all over the body is caused by an incorrect lifestyle. To prevent the occurrence of these unpleasant sensations, you need to change your habits of behavior and establish proper nutrition.

What can be done so that tingling no longer appears?

• Do not stay in one position for a long time. It is recommended to change the position of the body 10-20 times for an hour. If the work is associated with uniform movements, it is advisable to take a short break every 15-20 minutes to warm up.

• Do not wear tight, body-squeezing clothing. It is desirable that her style does not constrain movements, and the material is natural. It is worth abandoning tight belts and narrow shoes.

• You need to constantly monitor your posture, do not sit cross-legged and do gymnastics for the spine.

• In cold weather, you need to dress warmer to prevent hypothermia of the extremities.

• Blood circulation can be improved with massage or yoga. It is advisable to visit the gym or pool at least once a week.


Watch the video: Neurologically Why You're Getting Numbness,Tingling, or Burning in Arms or Legs - Dr Mandell (June 2024).