Hard and soft cheese: benefits and harms, high-calorie dairy product. Exact information about cheese, its benefits, harm and calories


Yellow and white, hard and soft, with mold and greens, salty and soft cream - all this is cheese.

This is one of the most beloved products on our table.

There is no greater pleasure for a gourmet than to feel a slice of a gentle, sharp, exciting cheese treat melt in the tongue.

Cheese: composition, calories, as used

Cheese is prepared from cow, sheep, goat milk. The technologies are different, hence the wonderful cheese variety. Hard, soft, brine, rennet, processed cheeses can not only decorate the diet, but also have a positive effect on health.

The composition of the product is very rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids.

The benefits of cheese are explained by its chemical composition, which includes:

• B vitamins;

• retonol (vitamin A);

• tocopherol (vitamin E);

• nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);

• ascorbic acid (vitamin C);

• beneficial amino acids that the body does not independently produce: methionine, lysine, tryptophan;

• calcium;

• potassium;

• phosphorus;

• magnesium;

• iron;

• zinc.

Cheese is very well absorbed by the body, including children. That is why the product must be included in the diet of children and adults, because the beneficial properties of cheese are very high. Say, just one hundred grams of cheese contains a daily dose of calcium. Another thing is that there is cheese in such portions, and even daily, is not recommended.

There is a lot of fat in the milk delicacy (up to thirty percent). The calorie content of cheese can vary quite significantly, depending on the variety and the degree of fat content. Low-fat varieties of the Adyghe cheese type in one hundred grams contain 240 kilocalories, fat (Gouda, Dutch, Maasdam, Russian) 350-360 kilocalories. It is permissible to consume no more than 50 grams of high-fat cheese per day. Low-calorie cheeses can be eaten in slightly larger quantities, seventy grams.

The nutritional value of cheese is higher than that of some meats. That is why cheese can saturate for a long time. It is important to know with what and how to use the product. The usual morning sandwiches are good, but boring. But a cheese plate, collected from various varieties and served with liquid transparent honey, raspberry jam can give an exquisite pleasure.

It goes well with fruits and vegetables. Canapes made from cheese cubes and grapes or a slice of pear can be an excellent idea for a festive table. Good cheese to red or white wine. Low-fat varieties are traditionally added to light vegetable salads like Greek.

Cheese: what are the benefits for the body?

The health benefits of cheese are directly related to its composition.

  • Due to the presence of B vitamins, cheese treats make the nervous system more resistant to stress.

  • Due to vitamin D, minerals and trace elements are perfectly absorbed.

  • If cheese is regularly present in the diet, a person feels great. And all because the product normalizes metabolic processes, restores digestion. That is why cheese is not contraindicated for people with gastritis and ulcers, but recommended.

  • Milk calcium, which is very high in cheese, strengthens tooth enamel and bone tissue.

Which cheese with health benefits to choose? For daily use, it is best to focus on low-fat, low-salted, low-calorie varieties. They normalize digestion, do not affect weight and positively affect the immune system.

Mozzarella is perfect, but real Italian young cheese can be considered it for only three days. Adyghe cheese will be an excellent Russian alternative to expensive mozzarella, the benefit for the body of overweight or weakened people in this variety is very significant.

If there are complaints about the work of the intestines, it is worth introducing into the diet cheeses with mold Camembert, Brie. It is the noble mold that enhances the rate of digestive processes in the digestive tract, thereby facilitating the predicament.

The benefits of cheese to the body are not limited to this. With calcium deficiency, it is worth paying attention to the common variety of gouda. It can be offered to small gourmets, and elderly people must be consumed regularly.

Even a serious illness such as tuberculosis gives way to the obvious benefits of cheese. Using the product, it should be combined not with pasta, but with herbs, rye varieties of bread, a variety of vegetables. In this combination, the best aspects of a cheese character will appear, which can be used with a diet for weight loss. Naturally, the calorie content of cheese must be taken into account.

Cheese: what is the harm to health?

Can cheese hurt? can. Like any food, it does not forgive excesses. Say, the presence of tryptophan indispensable for the body is a definite plus. It is this amino acid that saves from irritability, depression, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and helps control weight.

By the content of tryptophan, cheese (for example, Dutch) is in second place after the delicious red and black caviar. However, if the delicacy is constantly and in large quantities consumed, then due to an excess of amino acids, insomnia, headache, and pressure may increase. The damage to cheese is substantial in this case.

Fatty grades are a source of a huge amount of unnecessary calories and animal fat. With a tendency to atherosclerosis, you will have to abandon such a delicacy, since the harm of cheese with fat content of more than 50 percent for people with high cholesterol is serious. If you really want to indulge in a piece of the forbidden delicacy, you can occasionally eat low-fat light cheeses with a fat content of less than twenty percent.

Fatty varieties should be discarded during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. At this point, cheese will not bring health benefits.

Excessively salty cheese can provoke the appearance of edema, so people with sick kidneys should definitely get recommendations on the admissibility of this product in the diet. For the same reason, hypertension should be limited to a woman in the late stages of pregnancy.

Adygea cheese: benefits and harms

Adyghe cheese is more healthy than all other varieties, due to its absolutely natural composition, low salinity and low calorie content. This is a valuable dietary product recommended for nutrition with almost no restrictions.

The calorie content of cheese of this variety is very low compared to other varieties: total 240 kilocalories. For girls on a weight loss diet, this is a real gift. A slice of such a product can satisfy hunger and not gain extra calories and fat.

Due to the high content of B vitamins, as well as tocopherol and calcium, Adyghe cheese can be an excellent prevention of cardiovascular, nervous and oncological diseases, osteoporosis. It is no coincidence that such cheese is also considered an antidepressant. Try to include a piece of this delicacy in the diet during the week, and notice how stress, spleen, and insomnia go away.

The regular use of this gentle product will strengthen teeth, nails and bones, and due to the enzyme composition it normalizes the intestinal microflora and prevents constipation. Cheese with a low content of salt and fat will bring undoubted health benefits even to hypertensive patients. It is completely absorbed by the body, and therefore it is very good for feeding lactating and pregnant women, the elderly and weakened people, athletes and rapidly growing children.

Adyghe cheese is recommended as a component of the therapeutic nutrition of patients with low acidity of the stomach, with osteoporosis, anemia, tuberculosis.

Cheese of this kind can only cause harm to those who suffer from intolerance to milk protein or consume a product without any measure. And one more nuance: Adyghe cheese has a short shelf life, which must be strictly monitored. Food poisoning with an expired product can cause serious trouble.

Blue cheese: benefits and harms

How useful is blue cheese - is it a temptation for connoisseurs and a shudder for the uninitiated? The same as widespread varieties. It has a lot of calcium, vitamins and amino acids. By the way, it is the presence of mold that explains the best assimilation of a noble product, and, therefore, the great benefit of cheese to the human body.

In terms of protein, blue cheese is superior to fish and eggs. Thanks to amino acids, such varieties can affect the strengthening of muscle tissue, and due to the high calcium content - to improve the structure of bone tissue.

People who regularly eat mold cheese produce more special protective cells - melanocytes, which means that the damage from exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation is reduced.

However, there are pitfalls. First of all, you need to understand that no matter how useful the noble mold, you can not eat more than fifty grams of the product per day. The stomach may simply not cope with the bacterial flora, which means that the functioning of the intestinal system is disrupted.

Mold fungus produces a substance similar in action to antibiotics, and in large quantities adversely affects the intestinal microflora. The beneficial properties of blue cheese for abuse of the product are reduced to zero. The disorder may well result in dysbiosis, which will have to be treated seriously and for a long time.

Future mothers need to avoid such brie and camembert, and also because of the bacterial nature. Mold in cheese of such varieties can provoke the development of listeriosis - an infectious disease that is dangerous not only for the mother, but for the fetus.

Cheese for children: healthy or bad

Due to calcium, cheese delicacies are certainly beneficial for the child. After a year, the baby's diet should gradually include cheese, whose beneficial properties will help the baby grow strong, healthy, balanced.

The active growth of muscles, bones, and the brain requires constant replenishment of protein, calcium, and vitamins. Many parents are aware of the benefits of milk, kefir, sour cream, and completely forget that the benefits of cheese for the child's body are no less great.

Cheese delicacies are not allowed for up to a year. An abundance of protein can adversely affect the condition of the kidneys and liver, and increased fat content and salinity can upset digestion and disrupt the pancreas. The damage to cheese for a child’s body is huge in this case.

But after one and a half years, the use of cheese can be made regular. The child’s stomach begins to produce enzymes necessary for cleavage, therefore it is able to digest sandwiches with cheese and individual pieces of goodies served with fruit. Still, preference should be given to low-fat, unsalted varieties, but fried and wrinkled delicacies should definitely be abandoned. High cheese value should be considered by mothers of children prone to excess weight.

A small child can be given no more than five grams of the product per day without harm, after three - up to ten grams, preferably in the morning. Cheeses with mold should not appear in the diet of a baby until seven to eight years old.

The beneficial properties of cheese are surprisingly combined with a wonderful taste and pungent aroma. It rarely happens that healthy food is also very tasty. Cheese in this sense is a happy exception.


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