Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - and no meat! A selection of the most tempting recipes of dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms


Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - it is delicious!

So simply and quickly you can characterize this dish.

And what else can you say about him?

Only that it can be prepared according to a variety of recipes.

Dough for dumplings options a huge amount, as well as toppings. And here are the most interesting recipes.

Tempting? Rather, the kitchen!

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - the general principles of cooking

Dough for dumplings always mixed with wheat flour. It adds water, milk or kefir, whey. You can add eggs, butter, sour cream. From spices put only salt. The dough is kneaded very cool. Then they put it in a bag or just cover it, let it lie down for 15-30 minutes, it can take longer. During this time, the gluten contained in the flour swells, and the dough becomes softer and more elastic.

For filling use raw potatoes or mashed potatoes. It adds marinated, boiled or fried mushrooms. If raw champignons are used, they do not require pre-boiling and are fried immediately. Forest mushrooms before cooking need to boil for 15 minutes and only then cook according to the recipe.

What else to put in mince:

• salt, pepper and other spices;

• garlic, onions;

• greens dry or fresh;

• oil, fat, fat.

Molded crescent dumplings by hand or with a special form. To prevent the dough from sticking, sprinkle flour on the table. Then the product is dipped in salted boiling water and boiled. If the potatoes are raw, then from 7 to 10 minutes. If the filling is made from boiled puree, then 2-3 minutes is enough.

Recipe 1: Simple dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms

The easiest and most common version of the dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. Prepare from fresh test on water. This recipe will help out, if the mushrooms just a little bit and not enough for other dishes.


• 1 glass of water;

• salt;

• egg;

• flour.

For filling:

• 200 grams of mushrooms;

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• oil, salt.

For filing will need another onion.


1. Prepare the usual dough, as for ravioli. To do this, mix the egg with a pinch of salt, water and flour. Make a cool and elastic com, remove the package, leave for 20 minutes.

2. Cooking mashed potatoes, salt.

3. Fry the finely chopped mushrooms, add the chopped onion, cook together.

4. Mix the mushrooms with potatoes, the filling is ready!

5. We get our dough, sculpt dumplings medium size.

6. Boil 2 minutes in boiling and salted water. You can add a bay leaf, greens, peppercorns in it.

7. Peel another onion, cut into neat cubes, fry with oil in a pan.

8. Combine dumplings and fried onions, mix and ready! If someone does not like him, then you can simply grease the finished products with butter and eat with sour cream, mayonnaise and any other sauces.

Recipe 2: Dumplings with Potatoes and Salted Mushrooms

Very interesting option dumplings with potatoes and pickled mushrooms. Especially to those who do not really like fresh food. The dough is prepared with butter on milk, it turns out very gentle, soft.


• 250 grams of milk;

• 0.5 tsp. salts;

• 450 grams of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 2 spoons of butter.


• 600 grams of mashed potatoes;

• 250 grams of salted mushrooms;

• 1 clove garlic;

• 30 grams of oil;

• 1 onion.


1. Dissolve the salt in the milk, add the egg, whip it with a whisk, add half of the flour, stir, add the rest. When kneading pour in 2 spoons of oil. Cover and give rest.

2. Fry the diced onion until golden brown, add a clove of garlic into the pan, stir and turn it off.

3. Salty mushrooms finely cut, mix with onions and mashed potatoes. When cooking potatoes, salt is best not to add. It is better to fill up the spices afterwards, after combining with pickles.

4. We make dumplings from dough and cooked minced meat.

5. Boil. They prepare quickly, it is enough to simmer for 1-2 minutes. Served with sour cream, but you can add fried onion, as in the previous recipe.

Recipe 3: Dumplings with Raw Potatoes and Mushrooms

A special feature of the dish is the use of raw potatoes in the filling. The dough will cook the brew. It turns out stronger and is ideal for products with raw vegetables that need to be cooked longer. Mushrooms can be taken both fresh and marinated or salted.


• 2 eggs;

• 300 grams of water;

• 1 tsp. salts;

• flour will leave about 6 glasses.


• 300 grams of mushrooms;

• 600 grams of potatoes;

• 40 grams of oil;

• spices;

• Onions optional.


1. Take 2 cups of flour, add about 100 grams of boiling water, the exact amount of hot water does not matter. Quickly mix and cool. Add the rest of the ingredients, make a stiff dough, send “relax” into the package.

2. Cut the potatoes into small cubes or coarsely three. Squeeze the juice.

3. Cut the mushrooms into cubes, fry in oil. If you want, you can add onions or garlic in the filling.

4. Combine the potatoes with mushrooms, add spices and the filling is ready!

5. We take out the dough from the package, make the products with the raw filling.

6. Since the potato gives juice, boil them should be in small batches and can not be left long on the table. After boiling, dumplings are boiled for 7-10 minutes.

7. The finished dish is oiled, sprinkled with greens.

Recipe 4: Dumplings with Potatoes, Mushrooms and Lard

The recipe is very juicy dumplings, for the preparation of which will require fresh lard. You can take the peritoneum with meat layers, get more tasty. Dough for a change we will make on kefir.


• 300 grams of kefir;

• flour, salt.


• 300 grams of champignons;

• 150 grams of fat;

• 400 grams of potatoes;

• spices, onion.


1. To knead the dough, you just need to combine the salted kefir with flour and knead a cool lump. Leave a cup on the table.

2. From the fat we remove the skin, we do not need it. Cut a piece of long plates, fry in a pan and remove.

3. Potatoes are passed through a meat grinder with fried lard, put in a sieve.

4. On the remaining fat in the pan fry the chopped mushrooms and onion.

5. Combine all the ingredients of the filling, add spices.

6. We make dumplings from kefir dough and cooked minced meat.

7. Boil in the usual way 7-8 minutes after boiling water. Also kefir products are tasty and tender for a couple, in which case they can be molded larger.

8. Served with fried onions, butter, greens.

Recipe 5: Dumplings baked with cheese, potatoes and mushrooms

Very interesting dish of dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms. Need a pound of finished products. They can be made according to any of the recipes.


• 500 grams of dumplings;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• spices;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• 30 grams of oil.


1. Boil dumplings. If they are with mashed potatoes, one minute is enough. If the products are filled with raw tubers, then cook for 5 minutes.

2. Remove from the water, add 30 grams of any oil, cool to a warm state.

3. Put crushed garlic in sour cream, salt and pepper. You can add paprika, curry, dried herbs. Stir the sauce.

4. In the form lay out the smeared dumplings, pour sour cream sauce.

5. Three cheese coarse chips, sprinkle the dish on top.

6. Fry 10-15 minutes until golden brown. Before serving, cool slightly, serve with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Recipe 6: Dumplings with Potatoes and Potato Mushrooms

Another option cooking vareniki in the oven. For this dish, it is better to make small items so that they fit more in the pot. Broth for pouring is better to use mushroom, can be diluted from pellets or cubes. The number of ingredients for 3 pots.


• 27 dumplings;

• 1 onion;

• 60 grams of oil;

• 150 grams of broth;

• 70 grams of sour cream;

• 70 grams of cheese;

• seasonings.


1. Melt the butter, fry the dumplings on both sides until brownish crust. Pre-boil products do not need.

2. Remove from the pan, add until in a bowl, and on this oil fry the finely chopped onion.

3. Add sour cream to the pan, melt, then pour the broth. Salt sauce, pepper, you can put garlic, greens to taste.

4. Add the fried dumplings to the pots, 9 pieces per serving.

5. Fill with cooked sauce, sprinkle with cheese.

6. We put on the tray and send in the oven. Cover with pots is not necessary, the cheese should be roasted. Cook for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: Wind Dumplings with Potatoes, Mushrooms and Tomatoes

Another recipe for unusual dumplings, which are prepared with potatoes, but baked with mushrooms and tomatoes with garlic sauce. It is better to use the usual products with the filling of the finished mashed potatoes.


• 400 grams of dumplings with potatoes;

• 300 grams of champignons;

• 3-4 tomatoes;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 300 grams of cream;

• 120 grams of cheese;

• oil, spices.


1. Dumplings or boil for a moment in boiling water, or fry on both sides in a pan with butter, as was done in the previous recipe for pots.

2. Shred mushrooms with plates, onion in half rings and fry for 5 minutes in a frying pan. We do not cover the lid, otherwise there will be a lot of water. We evaporate all the liquid.

3. Peel and chop the chives, cut the tomatoes into slices.

4. Lubricate the baking dish, lay out the dumplings, you can not close.

5. We take mushrooms, lay out the second layer, try as evenly as possible, fill the voids.

6. Top scatter tomatoes in a single layer.

7. Mix cream with grated cheese, garlic, taste, add salt, pepper.

8. Fill the prepared products with the resulting sauce, try to lubricate each piece of tomato.

9. We send to bake until a beautiful crust on the surface of the dish.

Dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms - tips and tricks

• Marinated and salted mushrooms for cooking meat is also desirable to fry. This will relieve the product of excess juice, give softness to the pieces, improve the taste of the filling.

• Dumplings with uncooked fillings are often boiled soft in water, so they need to be sculpted very carefully and firmly to glue the edges together.

• Hard dough very quickly dries in the air, and then poorly glued. To prevent this from happening, cut it in small pieces and keep the unused pieces in a bag or under an inverted bowl.

• If the dough is still dried, then for gluing it is possible to moisten the edges of the cakes with water or an egg. The easiest way to wet a piece of sponge and just hold on the workpiece.

• To ensure that the dumplings do not burst during cooking and retain their shape, you need to let them boil quickly, then cook over a small fire so that the water does not actively boil.

• Not enough filling for dumplings? Roll out thin cakes from the unleavened dough and just fry in a dry frying pan. Get tasty homemade pita. If fry in butter, then ruddy and crispy cakes.


Watch the video: Recipe: Alternatives to Potato and Pasta (June 2024).