Exercise bike: the use of the body, slim figure, strength of character. Use of an exercise bike for health, possible harm


Cardiac loads are considered effective for health and beauty.

Strengthening the body and increasing endurance, cardiovascular machines provide the necessary load for the body.

Among the cardiovascular equipment, bike trainers are popular: ease and convenience of use combined with affordability.

Exercise Bike: what it is, how to use, types

The exercise bike is the analog of the bicycle placed indoors and fixed on one place. While working on the exercise bike, the same muscles are used as when riding a bicycle, but the differences in construction are as follows: the bike does not have wheels, the steering wheel does not turn, and the legs in the pedals are fixed with special straps.

Training on a stationary bike replaces other cardio loads for people who should not run or jump.

Using the exercise bike does not require additional costs for sports equipment (helmet, knee pads, etc.) due to the low injury risk.

If the use of a bicycle makes it dependent on weather conditions, the quality of the road and the time of year, then the exercise bike is available both in warm and cold weather 24 hours a day.

The popularity of this simulator is partly due to the minimum list of contraindications, so people with overweight, old age or with restrictions on movement, can safely use it.

The exercise bike is a representative of cyclic simulators that use the majority of the muscles of the body in the direction of work to repeat the same actions many times.

In the sports market there are two types of exercise bikes:

1. Magnetic;

2. Mechanical.

They differ in the type of loading, while each species has its advantages and disadvantages.

Mechanical exercise bikes differ in the way of load control and are divided into shoe and belt.

Drum Bikes belong to a low price category, but when working they emit a lot of noise, exclude precise load regulation and require regular replacement of pads due to frequent wear and tear.

The load in the simulator is regulated through the pads, pressed against the flywheel.

Belt Trainers adjust the tension of the belt tensioned from the pedals to the flywheel. The adjusting belt should be replaced periodically due to stretching.

Magnetic simulators are characterized by noiseless and smooth operation. The load depends on the change in distance from the permanent magnets to the flywheel. The simulator is equipped with a display that reflects the performance of the training.

Electromagnetic exercise bikes change the load depending on the influence of the electromagnetic field on the flywheel, this is a kind of magnetic simulators, but they must be connected to the outlet.

This type of simulator allows you to adjust the load with maximum accuracy, is notable for the absence of noise, smoothness and long service life.

The design of exercise bikes meets two types:

1. Vertical;

2. Horizontal.

Vertical exercise bikes look like a bicycle: with a vertical landing during a workout, the body leans towards the steering wheel, and the steering wheel and the seat serve as points of support.

Horizontal trainers differ in design.

The pedals and the seat are almost on the same level: the pedals are brought forward and the support is placed on the back of the seat. This design takes the load off the lumbar.

Exercise bike: what is the benefit for the body?

The benefit of the exercise bike for the body is manifested from several sides:

1. Classes on the exercise bike strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, increase joint mobility and strengthen the ligaments, ensuring reliable protection from injury.

2. Cardio exercise bike strengthens the heart, serves as disease prevention. Regular training reduces the risk of heart attack and hypertension.

3. Training develops the lungs and respiratory system of the body.

4. Training burns up to 500 kcal per hour, enhances the metabolic processes in the body, and therefore helps to get rid of extra pounds. Exercise bike strengthens the abdomen and hips.

5. Psychological stress relieves stress.

Exercise bike: what is the harm to health?

Exercise bike exposes the body to heavy loads and because of this has a number of contraindications:

1. Heart problems: heart failure, heart disease, angina, tachycardia.

2. Diabetes mellitus in severe form.

3. Infectious diseases.

4. SARS and flu.

5. The period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

When there are no obvious contraindications, whether to train on a stationary bike, decide on the basis of the state of the body and well-being.

If during exercise on the exercise bike appeared shortness of breath, shortness of breath or chest pain, nausea, weakness or dizziness, the classes stop.

In the first place, harm from exercising on a stationary bike occurs with insufficient attention to the body and the symptoms that it demonstrates, and in the second place, the wrong training regimen. Choosing a program of inappropriate complexity or overloading health benefits will not bring.

The consequences for these cases necessarily affect the body:

1. Training contrary to contraindications, leads to aggravation of the disease and the appearance of additional complications.

2. Overtraining leads to physical and mental exhaustion, which causes depression, loss of strength, or injuries associated with sprains and joint problems.

The disadvantage of the exercise bike is one advantage: since the exercise bike is located indoors, the time spent in the fresh air is reduced, which has a negative effect on health. Replace the exercise bike with a run or bike ride, under suitable weather conditions.

The exercise bike does not harm the body, problems begin when non-compliance with the rules of use.

Exercise Bike for Kids: helpful or harmful

The exercise bike is extremely useful for children: it strengthens the body and keeps it in good shape thanks to developed muscles. Exercise bikes received in medicine for the treatment of cerebral palsy.

The child is taught to exercise from an early age, so the first exercise bike is intended for children from the age of three.

Children who are accustomed to playing sports since childhood are less likely to get sick, develop properly and learn better.

Children's exercise bike develops endurance, trains the heart and respiratory system, strengthens muscles.

For children in sports, an element of the game is important, it will avoid psychological problems that cause a lot of harm. From this point of view, the exercise bike is convenient: the children pedal and present the competition with themselves or their parents, which supports their interest in the exercises.

Exercise Bike and its benefits for losing weight

During classes on the exercise bike calorie consumption per hour ranges from 450 to 500 kcal. These figures help to lose weight in combination with proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Some people lose weight with an exercise bikeThis is due to several reasons:

1. Insufficient load.

2. Short duration of employment.

3. Ignoring the rules of nutrition.

4. Refusal of other types of physical activity.

Occupations on the exercise bike begin with a consultation with a coach for general recommendations, choosing the appropriate level of load and the selection of additional exercises.

Exercise bike helps to lose weight, but if the goal of training is not to strengthen the body, but solely to lose weight, simulator alone is not enough.

If you can not diversify cardio with other types of cardiac exercise, the duration of training on the exercise bike is 45 minutes.

Slimming in a short time is achieved by increasing the load in the simulator and breaking up exercises into twenty-minute intervals with five-minute intervals. Such workouts are performed. three times a week.

During cardio, a heart rate meter is used, and it helps to adhere to the range of heartbeats needed for weight loss.

Load pulse - pulse during exercise, calculated as a percentage of the maximum age pulse (for a specific age, check with the trainer or look on the Internet). For beginners, the frequency of strokes is 65-70% of the maximum pulse. With prolonged training and a sufficient level of training, the pulse is allowed to rise to 80%.

Every lesson warming up preceded at least five minutes, and after training - stretching. If desired, strength exercises are added to cardio training on the groups of muscles of interest: abdominal or dorsal muscles. It is important to pay attention to mice shoulders and back, so as not to slouch when training on a stationary bike.

Popular training scheme on the bike "two in one". Training time is divided into ten-minute segments for alternating classes on a stationary bike with a treadmill or step platform. If you use the step platform, the ten-minute sessions are divided into two five-minute parts. The first five minutes of the exercise begins with the right leg, the second five minutes - with the left.

When alternating exercises exercise bike is placed on a manual adjustment.

The rules for conducting training depend on the amount of excess weight. If you need to lose ten kilograms or more, you should start training gradually, increasing the load from training to training, so that the body gradually gets used to the loads.


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