Does the girl have weight problems? Blame mom.


In adolescence, modern girls tend to experience a crisis associated with a critical perception of their appearance. First of all, adolescents are influenced by the standards of beauty suggested on TV screens and magazine covers, which led to a sharp increase in the number of eating disorders among adolescent children.

How a teenage girl perceives herself to a great extent depends on her mother. Dr. Sarah Odoherty, a psychologist who specializes in adolescence, is confident that mothers give their daughters to their daughters, associated with negative self-perception, and are not even aware of this.

If a mother is dissatisfied with her appearance and weight, then her daughter will also experience a certain inferiority complex in relation to herself. Some women can not forget about their youthful suffering about being overweight and go to great lengths to save their children from it. They inspire horror in front of every extra calorie. Ends, as a rule, anorexia.

On the other hand, the obesity epidemic is gaining momentum in the world. So, in Europe, the most common disorder in children is overweight. Mom or perekormlivayut their children displaying the "generosity of the soul" where it is not required, or simply do not follow their diet. In other words, most mothers rush from one extreme to another, leaving no chance for their daughters to define a middle ground.

The correct approach is to teach your children to be responsible for their behavior. If you overeat, you will have excess weight. If you eat sensibly, you will maintain a normal body weight. Competently suited to this problem, Michelle Obama, a staunch supporter of healthy eating and exercise. Discussing such questions with her daughters, she stresses that you need to eat in such a way as to be healthy and not thin.


Watch the video: Mother Fat Shames Daughter. What Would You Do? WWYD (June 2024).