Child development up to 1 month


So the long-awaited event happened - your baby was born. The first year of life is a very crucial period for all his later life. You have a lot of joyful and disturbing minutes ahead. But at no other time will the child change so quickly and learn new skills, and no other time will give you so many happy emotions. The first smile, the first word, the first tooth, the first step - all this will fit into the interval of the first 12 months of the baby’s life. Therefore, you should enjoy this happy time and do not forget to tell your child how often you love him and how you are pleased with his progress.

Child development 1st month of life

In the first weeks, the baby already has instincts and reflexes, he can feel, but his thinking is not yet ready to build a link between events and phenomena that occur around him. However, gradually he begins to feel safe, being close to a loved one, and this trust is growing day by day. It is in the first weeks of life between parents and a baby that love arises that will support him and lead him through life for all the following years.

Understanding between parents and child in the 1st month of life

When the baby is not sleeping, he carefully examines the objects around him, people's faces, absorbing information. Parents at this time can talk with him and do exercises. However, you need to carefully ensure that the little man is not overtired, and competently alternate periods of activity and rest.

The child at that age talks about what he likes and what doesn’t, with the help of a smile and crying, that best express his inner state and well-being.

Motor skills and reactions of the child in the 1st month of life

Contrary to popular belief, newborns do not begin their development from the same starting point, they have different motor activity and different levels of muscle tone. In addition, the kids differ in the degree of development of the sensory-motor apparatus.

To adapt to the world around the child helps a certain set of reactions with which he was born. He watches the moving object with a look, distinguishes sounds well. In addition, the newborn smells and touches. Especially the kid likes to feel the touch of human skin (of course, most of all - my mother's).

Classes to improve the development of the child in the 1st month of life

In the 1st month of life, the main pastime of a baby is sleep, and the duration of periods of perception of new information is very short. Therefore, during this period, it is inappropriate to plan activities with the baby.

However, when the baby is awake, you should not miss the opportunity to work with him: try to diversify his postures (on his back, on his stomach, on his side) so that he learns to move his arms and legs, have fun with him. And try to take the baby into your hands more often, without fear of pampering it, otherwise it will grow sluggish and inactive.


Child development 2nd month of life

At this age, you can already notice the baby's individual character traits and his manner of communication. His need for the presence of his mother, which is for him the main source of emotional power, is growing.

Understanding between parents and child 2nd month of life

Parents already know the nature of their baby, his habits and characteristics. He stays awake longer before and after feeding, however, he is still annoyed by the effects with a sharp character: loud noises, bright light, etc. To all this he responds with crying, which parents should already learn to understand. The best way to calm him down at this time is to take him in his arms so that he feels mom's warm and speaks with him. If you communicate with your baby regularly, then by the end of the second month he begins to “roar”.

Motor skills and reactions of the child 2nd month of life

At this age, the baby already knows how to control his body, the movements of his legs and arms are ordered, he begins to move his head from side to side, lying on his stomach, and can even lift it. And, while the baby does not have the skills of independent movement, it is impossible to leave him on a high place without control.

When the baby is not sleeping, he studies the objects around him, carefully examining them. No less interesting for him are the sounds, of which he likes most to listen to the human voice. It is during this period that he learns to associate what he saw with what he heard.

Classes to improve the development of the child 2nd month of life

At this age it is very useful for the baby to keep an eye on the approaching and receding object, this is necessary for the formation of eye concentration and the development of eye coordination. To do this, move the object along different paths at a distance of 25-30 cm from the child's face.

To develop the hearing of a baby, you can tie bells to baby booties so that he can hear them ringing, moving his legs. You can already acquaint the child with a poetic rhythm and size, telling him simple nursery rhymes.

Poetry exercises are very well combined with physical ones. Putting the child on the back, you need to gently raise his arms above his head and lower it down, then move his legs, like when riding a bicycle. Such exercises are well accompanied by rhymes or the most simple children's songs.


Child development 3rd month of life

The 3rd month is the daily news in the development of the baby. His behavior, his reactions are changing. If he is not sleeping, then he is actively interested in the outside world. He smiles more often in response to the emergence of new objects or persons in his environment.

Understanding between parents and child 3rd month of life

The child will need this increase not only in sleep and food, he wants to communicate. The kid loves to make sounds and rejoices when his parents "sing along". So he talks to them. He needs games and attention, and those parents who do not spare time for classes with a crumb, make an invaluable contribution to the development of his social skills.

Motor skills and reactions of the child 3rd month of life

At this age, the baby already owns his own hands, squeezes and unclenches his fingers and looks at them all the time. His grasping skill is already well developed, the sucking reflex also changes, which now manifests itself between feedings, when the baby sucks everything that is within the reach of his mouth, especially his thumb.

By the end of the 3rd month, the child is already well in control of head movements, can hold it and take turns to the right and left. Also, the baby already knows how to roll from side to side. Hearing a sound, he turns around in search of his source.

Classes to improve the development of the child 3rd month of life

It is necessary to create the conditions for his attempts to touch everything, because in this way he not only satisfies his cognitive interest, but also trains tactile sensations and strengthens the small muscles of the fingers. Parents can fasten a suspension with moving toys between the bars of the crib, and then the child will constantly touch them.

You should also develop tactile sensations, putting in the child's handles pieces of tissue with different texture.

In terms of physical development at this age, it is important to strengthen his legs, for example, with the help of exercises such as "cyclist". You can also attach above the crib at different heights of the toy so that the baby touches them with its feet.


Child development 4th month of life

This is the age of the baby's self-knowledge. He touches his face, plays with his hands. His emotions are developing intensively, the need for communication and a study of the surrounding world is growing.

Understanding between parents and child in the 4th month of life

At this age, the child establishes contact with others, smiles at everyone. He understands from intonations what he is being told about. His relationship with his parents is very close. His speech skills are developing, in addition, he actively communicates with adults with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

A three-month baby should learn to fall asleep on his own, and not in the arms of his mother. It will not cause great difficulties if the baby, laid in a bed, will see her mother's smile and feel her peace of mind.

Motor skills and reactions of the child in the 4th month of life

A child in the 4th month of life is trying to grab everything with his hands. Moreover, all the items that fall into his hands, he carefully examines, realizing their functions.

The overall level of development of motor skills in children of this age is different. It must be remembered that each child is an individuality, and it is not necessary to rush things by force, it is better to engage in the development of skills that the child has already acquired independently.

Classes to improve the development of the child in the 4th month of life

It is necessary to try to talk more with the child, using different intonations and giving him the opportunity to take part in the "conversation". The kid already loves music, so you can let him listen to different tunes, clapping his hands to the beat.

At this period of time, the little ones already know how to roll over, but they need help developing these skills. Putting a hand under the shoulders of the baby, you should gently swing it from side to side.


Child development 5th month of life

The kid is no longer a passive observer of the surrounding world, he actively participates in his events and continues to study him. In communication, the child is already able to take the initiative, to attract the attention of babble, which, of course, leaves no one indifferent.

Understanding between parents and child in the 5th month of life

With all his love for communication, the child already knows that among others there are "his own" and "strangers". By this time, he can already pronounce almost all vowel sounds and several consonants, therefore, he is increasingly trying to "speak."

Four-month baby loves physical games. However, throwing him up or making other actions, you need to remember that his fun can easily turn into fear and end with a loud cry, therefore moderation should be observed in games.

Motor skills and reactions of the child in the 5th month of life

The motor sphere of the development of a baby at this age is rich in new achievements. In the movement of his muscles appears coherence, which is so necessary for its independent movement in space.

The crumb can make turns from a stomach on a back and back, and also to be in a semi-sitting position. In addition, he is already trying to move in position on the stomach. Also, the baby is actively playing toys, and still tries to explore each with the help of the mouth.

Classes to improve the development of the child in the 5th month of life

At this time, the child not only works on his grasping skills, he also learns to reach out to toys. For such exercises you need to have rattles of different sizes. If you touch the baby’s arms with a toy, then bring it close to it and lift it high, allowing you to grab it, you will not only contribute to improving the grasping reflex, but also help you develop eye and hand coordination.


Child development 6th month of life

The child learns the world around, begins to realize that every object has a taste, shape and texture. He is friendly with new people, but prefers to communicate with loved ones. His reactions and feelings become more diverse, this entails the emergence of new intonations in his babble.

Understanding between parents and child 6th month of life

By 6 months, the child, having mastered many consonant sounds, often repeats “yes-yes”, “ma-ma”, “pa-pa”, enthralling his parents. With the help of their support, he does the speech exercises he needs to master the speech.

At this age, the child can already express both dissatisfaction and joy, he becomes irritated without getting what he wants, and knows how to express it.

Motor skills and reactions of the child 6th month of life

By the end of the fifth month, the baby is already well turned from the back to the stomach. This is important, since this action requires the work of not only the motor sphere, but also the brain. Also, he is already free to move all the fingers and can take even a small object, and is able to distinguish voices by ear.

Classes to improve the development of the child 6th month of life

Parents should give the child as many new items as possible to familiarize themselves with the world around him. The five-month baby loves sound exercises very much, so mom and dad should repeat them together with the baby as often as possible.

For the physical development of the baby, you can attach plastic rings to the back of the crib and help the baby pull forward on them.


Child development 7th month of life

The child is already able to analyze, and this can be traced to his relationship with others. He can be affectionate with his close and wary - with strangers. The need for affection and understanding at this age is very great for him, and one should not be afraid to spoil the crumb, but give him all our attention and give all our love.

Understanding between parents and child in the 7th month of life

In games with adults, the baby dictates its own rules of the game. He also loves playing with toys, talking to them. At this age, the baby is already "gullet" in the adverb, which his parents speak, and imitates parents in everything: in facial expressions, gestures, etc.

Motor skills and reactions of the child in the 7th month of life

At this age, the baby is able to sit and move independently, crawling on his stomach or resting his knees. He can take the object with both handles, and pick up small objects from the floor. This indicates the strengthening of finger skills and the development of the eye muscles of the crumbs.

Classes to improve the development of the child in the 7th month of life

During this period, the child likes to use rustling tissue paper, cellophane and foil for playing games. Parents should closely monitor such games so that the baby does not drag paper or foil into his mouth.

Dad can roll the crumbs on his shoulders, it will help him learn to maintain balance. You can also roll it on your ankle, putting your legs on the leg, singing a song while changing its pace and speed of the child’s skating.


Child development 8th month of life

At this age, the baby is a researcher. He already distinguishes a large number of objects and is able to concentrate attention. Scarce already understands that he can simultaneously use several toys to play.

Understanding between parents and child in the 8th month of life

Every day, the child can make more and more sounds. He likes to listen to the conversation of mom and dad, distinguishes his name. He enjoys playing with adults, but treats strangers incredulously and is very shy. He distinguishes the intonations of the parents, and if the father or mother strictly says “no”, he understands that the action must be stopped.

Motor skills and reactions of the child in the 8th month of life

At 8 months, the baby is already able to sit independently. It is noteworthy that now he uses both right and left hands with equal success, however, the time for their motor preference will come a little later. During this period, the baby is already able to crawl well. Especially active children try to get up on their feet.

Classes to improve the development of the child in the 8th month of life

Let the kid use objects with simple names for games: a cup, a doll, a cube, etc. Call them during the game, let him remember their name. Familiarize him with household items, cooking utensils. All this will greatly expand his understanding of the world and will give him great pleasure.

Swing your baby on your leg or on your arms, this will help him develop a sense of balance.


Child development 9th month of life

The baby is already well aware of the world and themselves in it.At home, he feels confident, in an unfamiliar environment - restless, and only the presence of his mother can instill confidence in him and relieve him of fear.

Understanding between parents and child in the 9th month of life

At this age, the child reacts to his name and individual words. He actively copies adults, which confirms his beautiful visual and auditory memory.

Motor skills and reactions of the child in the 9th month of life

Now the kid's hobby is walking. However, he still can not keep a good balance, so parents should always be close. At home, the kid observes a lot of parents, and worries when they are not around. But from the characteristic sounds, he is already able to understand that mom and dad are somewhere nearby.

Classes to improve the development of the child in the 9th month of life

Parents should talk to the baby as much as possible, trying to use short and familiar phrases. Whatever you do, you should comment on what is happening. When you walk, try and use this time for the development of the child, telling him about everything that is happening around.


Child development 10th month of life

At this time, the baby is extremely energetic. At the same time, he can understand the mood in which others are.

Understanding between parents and child 10th month of life

The kid already perfectly understands the meaning of words and can carry out simple commands and requests. Every child at this time has its own “dictionary”. For him it is very important approval of his verbal exercises by parents.

Motor skills and reactions of the child 10th month of life

The child is able to pull up and climb on legs, holding on to the support. However, he is not able to sit down on his own. But the baby can crawl perfectly.

At this age, it often happens that, against the background of the physical activity of some children, parents are very concerned about the passivity of others. We should not worry about this, as we have said, all children are very different, and each baby develops along its own path.

A child at this age is already able to become attached to a toy, he remembers how it looks, even being separated from it.

Classes to improve the development of the child 10th month of life

Having laid the toys upside down in front of the kid, you can see if he will notice their wrong position.

Play with the ball more often, rolling it to the child and waiting for the ball to pass to you. Kids love teams, so give them a command when your little one jumps or does other exercises. So he will develop both physically and learn to listen.


Child development 11th month of life

Some babies make their first step at this time. If this does not happen - do not rush things, let everything go on as usual.

The relevance of the safe organization of the space where the child lives is growing. At this time, he is everywhere and wants to take everything, so parents should be alert.

Understanding between parents and child 11th month of life

Attachment to parents at this age remains very strong. They are still for him - a source of security and peace, so he does not like when mom and dad leave him. However, the baby should be gradually accustomed to the fact that they can temporarily leave the house.

Motor skills and reactions of the child 11th month of life

At this age, some kids are already walking, others are crawling. But pediatricians do not recommend using a walker, as this can lead to weakening of the back muscles and the formation of incorrect posture.

At this age in the child the creator wakes up. He builds cubes "towers", and each time its construction is getting higher. He also gets the initial ability to take into account the distance when sizing, and it should be developed for a more correct perception of objects.

Lesson with a child of 11 months

Putting a small toy in a box, offer your child to get it, so that he becomes acquainted with the concept of "inside."

If a pussy only learns the skills of walking, let it roll a little stroller to learn to keep balance. As you walk, invite your kid to collect a pile of pebbles and leaves. This is necessary both for physical development and for stimulating the development of touch.


Child development 12th month of life

At this age, the play of the imagination of the baby is imitative in nature, he tries to perform any action as mom and dad do. For now he can say few words, but he understands the meaning of so many concepts.

Understanding between parents and child 12th month of life

The increasing interest in crumbs cause the names of objects. He feels a great need for communication and meeting new people.

During this period, your baby may have trouble falling asleep. In rare cases, it is allowed to take him to his bed, but this should not be his habit. It is better to try to put a crumb in his bed, gently singing a song to him.

Motor skills and reactions of the child 12th month of life

The kid can not only walk, but he can carry toys, pull a car, etc. He knows how to throw objects and often trains in this.

At this age, the crumb already confidently holds a spoon with food and a cup, knows how to untie the laces and do many other actions. He likes to climb to a height, but he is not able to get down from it, so gradually he has a feeling of fear of heights.

The child seeks to learn as much as possible new, he happily meets new images, sounds.

Classes to improve the development of the child 12th month of life

Once in the store with your baby, show him new products and say their name.

The end of the first year of life is a time when you can already read with a baby. Choosing books, stop on editions with game elements, beautiful pictures and simple, understandable crumbs text.

We told only about the main points of the child’s development in the first year of his life. Remember that each baby has its own individual characteristics, and something he turns out earlier and better than other kids, and something is more difficult for him. Anyway, the main driving force of his development is the love of parents, their attention, patience and confidence in the strength of the little ones, which will surely be transferred to him and inspire new achievements and successes.


Watch the video: Child Development: Your Baby at 2 Months (July 2024).