Fried mushrooms with carrots - the best recipes. Secrets of cooking fried mushrooms with carrots: in sour cream, with vegetables and cereals


Mushrooms, despite their plant origin, are a very useful product that is a valuable source of protein.

It contains no fats and carbohydrates, but there are vitamins B, E, PP, as well as many different trace elements, so mushrooms should certainly be present in the diet of every person.

Mushrooms are perfectly combined with all products, except perhaps for seafood, they are especially good with vegetables.

Mushrooms fried with carrots - it’s not only tasty, but also healthy, bright and fragrant.

Fried mushrooms with carrots - general principles of preparation

The main thing is to prepare mushrooms before cooking. To do this, the mushrooms are carefully sorted, saving them from sand, leaves and other possible forest debris. Then either boil or soak. Then cut and fry. This applies to forest mushrooms. Mushrooms grown in greenhouses, it is enough to rinse, it is not necessary to boil them.

Carrot is a simple product; there are no difficulties in preparing this vegetable. Vegetables are peeled and chopped or grated.

1. Mushrooms with carrots fried in sour cream


• a kilogram of fresh mushrooms (mushrooms, mushrooms);

• two large carrots;

• two onions;

• 500 g sour cream;

• vegetable oil;

• salt pepper;

• leaves of dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Thoroughly rinse the mushrooms, clean them of possible forest debris, put them in cold, slightly salted water, cook for ten minutes.

2. Put the boiled mushrooms in a colander when they cool, and the excess water drains, cut them into not too large cubes.

3. Peel the onions and carrots, cut the onion in a quarter rings, rub the carrots on the middle segment of the grater.

4. Pour oil into a deep frying pan, quickly fry the onion until golden, add carrots, and pass the vegetables for five minutes.

5. Spread the prepared mushrooms, stirring, fry for about ten minutes.

6. Pour sour cream, mix well, simmer another ten minutes.

7. Sprinkle the prepared fried mushrooms with carrots with fresh chopped leaves of parsley and dill, insist before serving for about five minutes.

2. Fried mushrooms with carrots with potatoes


• a pound of ceps;

• two carrots;

• 700-800 grams of potatoes;

• large onion;

• to taste garlic;

• frying oil;

• parsley dill;

• salt pepper;

• 100 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Grind peeled and washed vegetables: onion with quarter rings, garlic in small cubes, carrots with a short thin straw.

2. First, fry the onion with carrots in hot oil, then add the garlic, hold for another two minutes, put the sautéed vegetables on a plate.

3. We wash the white mushrooms, cut into small cubes no thicker than one centimeter wide and two in length. Fry the mushrooms in hot oil first until a pleasant blush, then slightly reduce the gas, pour a third of a glass of boiling water, salt, pepper, simmer for five minutes.

4. Cut the potatoes into small cubes no more than mushrooms, put them to the mushrooms themselves, stirring, fry until cooked.

5. Add the passivated vegetables, sour cream, finely chopped greens, mix everything thoroughly. We stand on the stove for another five minutes, serve hot.

3. Fried mushrooms with carrots with tomatoes and eggplant


• kilogram of champignons;

• two eggplants;

• carrot;

• two tomatoes;

• onion;

• 80 g sour cream;

• to taste greens and salt;

• vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. We thoroughly wash both mushrooms and vegetables. Peel the carrots and onions, cut off the tips of the eggplant.

2. Cut eggplant into small cubes, slightly add salt and set aside for ten minutes to the side, then rinse and gently dry.

3. Cut the champignons into large strips, fry in a moderate amount of vegetable oil for several minutes.

4. Add onions, carrots, fry for a couple of minutes and immediately lay out the eggplant and chopped tomatoes. Add two more tablespoons of oil, salt, mix thoroughly.

5. Fry mushrooms and vegetables, stirring, until vegetables are fully cooked.

6. Ready mushrooms, fried with carrots and eggplant, served with fresh herbs and sour cream.

4. Mushrooms with carrots fried with cauliflower


• 250 g of champignons;

• 120 g of cherry tomatoes;

• carrot;

• a pound of cauliflower;

• red onion;

• eggplant;

• two sweet peppers;

• two cloves of garlic;

• two small zucchini;

• 40 ml of balsamic vinegar;

• 50 ml of olive oil;

• salt pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Pepper, zucchini, onions, carrots, cherry and eggplant, we cut and cut: zucchini with eggplant thin rings, a quarter onion rings, cherry slices, and peppers large straws.

2. We divide the cauliflower into inflorescences, chop the garlic.

3. Rinse the mushrooms and cut into plates.

4. Combine all the ingredients in one large bowl, salt, pour in the oil and vinegar, mix well.

5. We spread vegetables and mushrooms on a baking sheet, covering it with pre-baking paper.

6. We fry at 160 degrees for forty minutes.

5. Mushrooms with carrots fried with buckwheat


• 400 grams of buckwheat;

• 400 grams of porcini mushrooms;

• half a pack of butter;

• vegetable oil - a couple of spoons;

• dill;

• carrot;

• salt, ground pepper;

• onion.

Cooking method:

1. Fry finely chopped onion in a hot vegetable oil until transparent. Add the grated carrots, fry until it is ready.

2. We spread the washed mushrooms, washed and cut into large cubes, fry until the liquid has completely evaporated and a pleasant golden color.

3. While the mushrooms are fried, on another dry frying pan, calcine the buckwheat sorted and rinsed for five minutes.

4. Combine the mushrooms and carrots with onions and buckwheat, pour boiling water so that the water covers all the ingredients by about two centimeters.

5. Salt the dish, pepper to taste and place it in a preheated oven for 30 minutes.

6. Serve the finished dish, after mixing it with butter and decorating with a lot of greens.

6. Salad of fried mushrooms with carrots


• 380 g of small mushrooms;

• two onions;

• vegetable oil;

• carrot;

• 120 g of walnuts;

• chilli;

• sour cream, dill, salt.

Cooking method:

1. Fry diced onion and grated carrots. Cool down.

2. Fry the washed and dried mushrooms until golden. Cool down.

3. Nuts lightly fry in a dry frying pan.

4. Chilli to taste and chop, combine with sour cream, crushed nuts, finely chopped dill and salt.

5. Put onions and carrots, mushrooms in a salad bowl, fill everything with an unusual dressing, mix.

Fried mushrooms with carrots - useful tips, tricks

• If you cook fried greenhouse mushrooms, add a little dry chopped porcini mushrooms to the dishes during cooking - the mushroom aroma will be brighter and more saturated.

• If you are going to fry dry mushrooms, soak them overnight in milk, and in the morning squeeze and rinse - they will turn out tastier and more aromatic.

• To fry a dish, use a large diameter pan so that all the ingredients in the composition are fried evenly and simultaneously.

• Mushrooms go well with basil, white pepper, Provencal herbs - use these seasonings for cooking, but do not be too zealous - add a little, just for a delicate smell.

• The dish will be more interesting in terms of taste, if you use not one type of mushroom, but several.

• Mushrooms usually do not fry in butter so that they do not burn. Use any vegetable, and to give a delicate taste at the end of cooking, add cream.

• If you had time to rinse and chop the mushrooms, but something distracted you from cooking, put the mushrooms in cold salted water so that they will not darken, retaining their color.

• Do not buy mushrooms in the markets from strangers. And with self-collection, all those mushrooms that are in doubt should be thrown out.

• All mushrooms are perfectly combined with sour cream and cream, use these ingredients for sauce when frying.

• Mushrooms fried with carrots and other ingredients are tasty, both cold and hot. But do not procure food for the future, after some time, the mushrooms not only lose in their taste, but also begin to secrete harmful substances.

• Mushrooms are also perfectly combined with any kind of nuts: add almonds, walnuts or pine nuts to the dish, thereby giving the dish more sophisticated and refined tastes.

• For frying, it is best to use only hats (especially for "forest dwellers"), but the legs are good for making soups and broths, as well as various sauces.

• If you fry a dish while frying, do not be discouraged. Add some water and sour cream.

• To make the mushrooms fried rather than stewed, various sauces are added at the very end of the preparation.

• The same applies to vegetables, cereals and other products - it is best to first fry the mushrooms separately, and then combine them with other ingredients.


Watch the video: Stuffed Mushrooms with Sun-dried Tomato Paté (June 2024).