Beef in the oven in foil - whole, chopped, beaten off. Bake beef in the oven in foil - delicious, nice and "with a twist"


Roasting meat in the oven is a favorite holiday recipe of our grandmothers.

In order to make the dishes more juicy, they used both foil and dough coating, and thick parchment.

A relatively slow process of high-temperature processing allows even very large pieces to bake, which preserves the typical taste of this meat and allows you to get very tasty large chunks for serving.

Beef in the oven in foil - the general principles of cooking

• Beef is cooked in the oven in the form of rolls, chops and minced cutlets, baked in large pieces, like a baked ham.

• To make the meat juiciness, it is stuffed with lard, boiled or fresh vegetables, fruits, even berries. You can wrap pieces of beef in thin layers of fat.

• Cooks when choosing beef more often prefer calf meat - young animals. It is distinguished by the following features: color from pale pink to light reddish, tender, juicy, with dense white fat.

Good beef never sticks to fingers when feeling on a cut, and pits left after pressure disappear immediately.

• When choosing meat for a specific recipe, it is highly desirable to take part of the carcass, as specified in the recipe.

Beef in the oven in foil


• beef pulp - 500 grams;

• 300 grams of pork;

• two white onions;

• two raw eggs;

• 150 grams of white bread;

• 2/3 cup of milk;

• 250 grams of spicy fatty cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Put the bread in a small dish and fill it with milk.

2. Cut onions into pieces, and prepare the meat into small pieces.

3. Grind the meat with onion and bread soaked in milk. Before adding bread, squeeze it well with your hands.

4. Pepper, season to taste, add eggs and knead the minced meat well.

5. Cover the bottom and sides of the deep pan with foil so that there is a small margin on each side and oil it.

6. With wet hands, form the minced cue ball and place them on a sheet of foil. Cover with a second sheet and carefully tuck the edges on all sides.

7. Put the baking tray in a warm oven, bring to 200 degrees and bake for forty minutes, keeping the temperature.

8. Remove the baking sheet, remove the top sheet of foil and rub the cheese on each bit. Return the dish back to the oven, continue to bake, slightly reducing the heat, a quarter of an hour.

Chop the beef in the oven in a foil with mushrooms and cheese


• Beef pulp - 800 grams;

• 300 gr. fresh or frozen champignons;

• a quarter cup of sour cream;

• three small bulbs;

• 300 grams of hard, sharp cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Cross-cutting the fibers, cut the meat into portions not thicker than a centimeter, beat on both sides with a hammer. Rub each piece with salt, slightly pepper and fry in the roasted vegetable oil before browning. Oil does not need to be poured a lot, it should only slightly cover the bottom of the pan.

2. Slice the onions finely, and the mushrooms - lengthwise, into slices.

3. Put the onion in a clean pan, add a little oil and pass until transparent. Add the mushrooms and cook on medium heat.

4. When all the juice secreted by the mushrooms when frying is evaporated from the pan, add sour cream, salt and simmer until tender.

5. Pour a baking dish, a roasting pan, or a baking sheet with high sides with foil so that it covers not only the bottom, but also the sides, and a small margin remains on each side.

6. Put the fried pieces of meat into the prepared container, slightly receding from each other, and put a few mushrooms on top of each.

7. Cover with foil, fasten well the edges and send to the oven for half an hour. Roasting temperature does not exceed 180 degrees.

8. Remove the dish from the oven, open the foil and rub the cheese on each chop coarsely.

9. Put the brazier back, soak it until the cheese melts, it dries a little and reddens.

Beef in the oven in foil, roll "Assorted"


• 400 grams of steamed beef;

• one chilled chicken fillet;

• 250 grams of fat fresh;

• two onions;

• mayonnaise 40%;

• small lemon;

• teaspoon curry.

Cooking method:

1. Use a thin, thin knife to cut the chicken fillet lengthwise into eight pieces, and beef as chops.

2. Lard a little frost and cut into as thin as possible, wide strips or large rectangles.

3. In deep dishes mix mayonnaise, salt, freshly squeezed lemon juice, you can add a bit to taste not sharp, unsharp spices. Put chopped beef in marinade, carefully smear from all sides and leave for an hour and a half.

4. In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise, curry, finely chopped onion, spices and salt. Put the chicken fillet in a mayonnaise mixture and leave to marinate.

5. After the meat is marinated, begin to form a roll.

6. To do this, take a piece of chicken fillet, wrap it with a roll, wrap a plate of bacon, then beef, again lard, chicken fillet, again lard, etc.

7. Line the foil on a baking sheet, lay out the roll and grease it with mayonnaise.

8. Cut the skin that remains from the fat, cut into strips and lay on top of the roll.

9. Form the foil in a boat so that the upper part of the roll remains open, pour in some water and put it in the preheated oven for 90 minutes.

10. Baking temperature 220 degrees.

Beef in the oven in foil, "Accordion"


• 600 grams of beef;

• 250 grams of spicy hard cheese;

• four cloves of garlic;

• three ripe tomatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Thin slices of garlic, and tomatoes in circles slightly thinner than half a centimeter.

2. Cut the cheese into plates the same thickness as the tomatoes.

3. In the meat, stepping back a centimeter from each other, make cuts, almost reaching the back side.

4. Well rub the whole piece of meat and in cuts with salt, spices and in each cut attach one piece of cheese, tomato and garlic.

5. Wrap the stuffed meat in foil and place in a warm oven. Bake 90 minutes at 180 degrees.

Beef in the oven in foil, whole piece with cherries


• 700 grams of beef;

• half a glass of pitted cherries;

• 130 ml of cherries juice;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 2 tbsp. l white flour;

• Cinnamon - 1.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Pierce the meat with the knife’s edge along the fibers and stuff it with cherries.

2. Put on the foil, laid in a deep form, pour on top with creamy, melted butter, sprinkle with cinnamon powder.

3. Wrap the edges of the foil so that the top of the meat remains slightly open, and put the form in the oven at 200 degrees.

4. After half an hour, remove the form with the meat, carefully open the foil. Pour the meat with cherry juice, sprinkle with a little flour, close the foil again and return to the oven.

5. Cook for forty minutes.

6. Finished meat is slightly cooled, cut into chunks and served, watering with sauce, in which it was stewed.

Beef in the oven in foil, with vegetables


• kilogram of fresh, "steamy" beef;

• two medium bulbs;

• one small carrot;

• pepper peppercorns;

• one and a half teaspoons of honey, liquid;

• a tablespoon of mustard;

• 150 ml of white wine, dry varieties;

• eight bacon pieces;

• three leaves of lavrushka.

Cooking method:

1. Mix mustard with salt and spices, rub the mixture with a piece of meat, put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

2. Onion cut into half rings, and carrot chop thinly into strips. From the bell pepper, remove the seeds and cut into rings.

3. Take the meat out of the refrigerator, wipe it with a napkin and wrap it in bacon pieces.

4. In a deep container for baking, spread the sliced ​​onions and carrots in an even layer, place the bacon-wrapped meat on the vegetables, and spread the bell pepper rings on top of it.

5. In a cup, mix honey and wine, until honey is completely dissolved and pour beef sauce with vegetables.

6. Cover the container with foil and wrap its edges so that it fits snugly to the pot.

7. Place the container on a baking sheet and place it in a warm oven.

8. First bake for an hour and a half at 180 degrees.

9. Remove the roaster, remove the foil and put the dish back. Now cook until golden brown.

Baked ham "Classic", beef in the oven in foil


• steam veal - 800 grams;

• four cloves of garlic, peeled;

• half tsp. peppercorns;

• 1/2 tsp. thyme;

• tablespoon of mustard spicy;

• a mixture of red paprika and dry ground basil.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully cut the garlic into thin slices.

2. Grind or pound black pepper in a mortar, add thyme, one teaspoonful of dried basil and red paprika, add half tsp. salt and mix evenly.

3. Drain beef well from all sides with a napkin or disposable towel and wipe with plastics of garlic, boned in a mixture of spices. Chop the meat in the following way: pierce the meat with the edge of the knife and, without removing it, stick in the garlic, squeeze the fibers, remove the knife and push the garlic inwards with your finger, so the garlic will not fall out of the meat when cooking.

4. Rub the beef with the remaining mixture of spices and carefully coat with mustard on all sides.

5. Put the meat in a bag or bowl under the lid. Put in the refrigerator overnight.

6. Remove the dishes with the prepared meat must be a couple of hours before cooking, allowing the meat to warm to room temperature.

7. Wrap the meat in foil, fasten the seams so that the juice does not run out during the frying process.

8. Put the resulting envelope on a roasting pan of a suitable size, and put it in the oven. Baking temperature about 200 degrees. After forty minutes, reduce the heat to 180 and bake another twenty minutes.

9. Remove the finished meat from the oven, cool and then remove the foil.

Beef in the oven in foil, minced meat roll


• 600 grams of veal;

• 300 grams of pork with bacon;

• one raw egg;

• 50 grams of wheat flour;

• "Seasoning for minced meat."

For the sauce:

• four tablespoons of any sweet and sour jam;

• 25 grams of tomato puree;

• a tablespoon of 9% vinegar;

• 50 ml of sunflower oil.

For filling:

• eight dried prunes;

• one sweet pepper perchina;

• 150 grams of any spicy cheese;

• two boiled chicken eggs.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the meat into small pieces and twist in a meat grinder. Shake the eggs in a separate bowl with salt and pour into the mince, gradually adding the seasoning, knead thoroughly.

2. For the filling: cut the prunes finely soaked in water, add the peppers, chopped into small straws, coarsely chopped boiled eggs and mix.

3. For the sauce: mix well in a small bowl all its ingredients.

4. Spread cling film over the working surface of the table, moisten it with water and place a layer of minced meat. Form it into a rectangle, not exceeding the thickness of a centimeter.

5. Rub the cheese on the minced meat on top, spread out the filling evenly and roll it up neatly.

6. Place the roll on the foil in the roaster, downwards with a seam, pierce it evenly several times over the surface, with a fork. Close the foil, leaving a little free space between it and the roll.

7. Cook in the oven at 220 degrees fifty minutes.

8. Ten minutes before the end, remove the baking sheet with the roll, open the foil, pour plenty of roll with sauce and bake until ready.

9. Serve the roll cooled, cut into portions.

Beef in the oven in foil - tricks and tips

• Sometimes you should not remove all the fat from the meat, the dish will be more juicy if you leave a thin layer, as it prevents the meat juice from evaporating.

• If you put a couple of thin sticks of raw carrots in the heated butter, the meat will not stick to the pan during frying until golden brown.

• Beef in foil in the oven will be softer if you smear it with a thin layer of spicy homemade mustard and cook for a couple of hours before cooking. Clean the mustard with a knife and wipe off the flesh with a damp cloth.

• When wrapping in a foil, it is necessary to avoid gusts, if they are still formed, carefully unfold the damaged area and put a “patch” of the same foil underneath.

• The readiness of the dish is checked by the light juice released from the meat when the knife is punctured.


Watch the video: Tin Foil Steak Packet On Campfire. Campfire Dinner (July 2024).