Croup and false croup in children


Croup is a disease in which the larynx and trachea are inflamed, as a result of which the airways narrow. It is most common among young children, most often the age of patients ranges from three months to three years.

The croup can be true and false. True croup is characteristic only for diphtheria, it is characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process only in the region of the vocal cords. False croup can be observed in all other acute respiratory infections (flu, parainfluenza, etc.).

It is characterized by the spread of the inflammatory process both in the region of the vocal cords and in the laryngeal mucosa, which is located below, including the trachea and bronchi. As a result, the mucous membrane of the larynx swells. Since little children have a very narrow lumen of the larynx, even because of its minimal (1 mm) decrease due to edema, the baby’s breathing is difficult.

It must be said that the disease is most severe in very young children. In infants of the first year of life, it is one of the main causes of infant mortality.

Croup in children - causes

The croup may appear under the influence of any inflammatory disease of the larynx, which may be catarrhal, lobar, or diphtheritic.

Croup in children - symptoms

In order to accurately diagnose croup, a pediatrician must ensure that other possible causes of shortness of breath are excluded, for example, a foreign body is stuck in the airways.

The croup can be recognized by its characteristic rough barking cough, nausea, and increased body temperature; in more serious cases, difficulty breathing may appear.

If the barking cough is the main and very clear sign of the disease, the wheezing when breathing the child in a calm state is not heard; its presence indicates the approach of a critical narrowing of the airways.

The conclusion about the deterioration of the condition can also be made from the continuing salivation in the child; bluish color of skin, including blue lips; rapid breathing (about 80 breaths per 1 minute).

Croup in children - methods of treatment

First of all, the treatment of croup is determined by the severity of the symptoms. For soft croup, which is not accompanied by wheezing, the child simply needs medical supervision.

With a severe croup attack in a child, the first thing parents should do is immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the doctors, it is necessary to alleviate the baby’s condition. The oldest, proven and affordable way to do this is steam inhalation. If there is no time or opportunity for them, you can use an air humidifier, hang wet towels, sheets, etc. on batteries or over other sources of heat.

It should be watered baby warm drink, such as tea. Drinking plenty with croup is essential. Since under the influence of a warm liquid, the mucus in the airways liquefies more easily. If the child has no temperature, you can make him warm foot and hand baths.

Severe development of the disease may require treatment with antibiotics. Children with severe croup should be hospitalized, but, as a rule, they are observed no more than a day.


Watch the video: Croup: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. St. Louis Children's Hospital (June 2024).