What dreams of a deceased person?


Sometimes in dreams, people see their friends, acquaintances or relatives, whose souls have left the mortal earth and left for another, unknown world.

Meetings with the departed in nighttime phantasmagorias often frighten dreamers, for guided by the direct association, the sleepers see in such visions an unkind sign that predicts a quick death or a severe, intractable disease.

No wonder the people have a steady opinion that the dead person comes to the living to call him to his grave. However, such an interpretation of a dream in which the dead person is present is too primitive and unequivocal.

To give a true explanation of this dream, one should take into account all the details of his plot.

Dreamed of a dead person what does it mean

Esoteric and scientists dreams are interpreted differently, in which, one way or another, the dead person appears.

Psychologists claimthat for some time after the funeral, the deceased close relative is dreaming because of the strong emotional turmoil and therefore such a seemingly meaningful dream cannot mean anything important.

Soothsayers However, it is believed that a deceased person in a dream carries news of future radical changes, according to another version, such a vision could mean a warning from higher powers about impending danger that would jeopardize the dreamer's life.

Dying dreamed alive what's the dream

When dreaming in a dream that relative died, which the really healthy and therefore it is not going to leave this world, it means that fate will have long years of life and prosperity.

If long ago dead relative in a dream, as alive silently embraces the sleeper, such a vision means that the person to whom the dead man appeared in dreams will soon get rid of the emotions tormenting the heart, for all the fears that have overpowered those who overwhelm him in recent months will become empty and groundless.

In the case when the dream is like "alive" the deceased calls the sleeper for himself and he will follow him, such a dream is certainly a bad one, for it foreshadows a serious illness.

To see a dead person in a dream

  • According to the interpretation of lofa, a deceased person who appeared in a dream is an important signal that the situation at work is getting out of control, and therefore the dreamer should be prepared for conflict with his co-workers.
  • By national omenm long deceased friend or relative dreams of an abrupt change in the weather, usually to heavy rain. But this interpretation of the dream extends only to those cases where dead man in a dream, does not try to talk to the sleeping, he does not ask for anything from him, and he looks pious and peaceful.
  • Dream great lots of dead men - a bad sign, promising disasters, great sorrows and epidemics.
  • If you dreamed of a man who died a few decades ago, the dreamer and all his households will soon overtake great changes, for such a plot promises a move to a new home or an addition to the family.

Great importance for the interpretation of dreams, in which there are dead, has clothes of the dead.

  • Dead person can be in torn and dirty savana - in this case, the dream foreshadows conflicts at work, material difficulties and health problems.
  • If clothes clean and tidy - It promises success in business and good luck in your personal life.
  • See deceased lying in a coffin - a warning from above about the threat to life. A person who is repeatedly visited by such a nightmare must urgently attend to ensuring security for himself and his loved ones.

Dying in a dream as alive what does it mean

See in the dreams of reviving and the rising dead - for the arrival of guests.

If the dead man just opened his eyesLying in a coffin, such a vision portends unexpected large profits, it is possible to receive an inheritance or win the lottery.

In the case when in dreaming deceased relative statesthat some kind of confusion occurred and he was mistakenly regarded as dead, but in fact he is alive and well, soon the sleeper will receive important news that will make him change all his plans.

Deceased speaks

To dream of a long dead man alive, to talk with him and listen to his stories about what he says is all well and good - this is evidence that the soul of the deceased has found peace in heaven.

Talk to the dead a man in a dream on high tones, arguing with him and listening to him reproaches - a sign that the time has come to reconsider his attitude to life as soon as possible, change his behavior and become more sympathetic to those around him.

What dreams of the deceased grandfather

All soothsayers agree that a dream in which the deceased is present is a warning from above, and the meaning of this message from otherworldly forces depends on the “status” of the messenger. Based on this message, the “virtual visits” of blood relatives are of particular importance.

The person who died, as a rule, is to warn the descendant from the accomplishment of unreasonable acts.

So deceased father protects her child from wrong actions, frauds and other adventures, the mother, as the keeper of the hearth, warns of adultery and neglect in his personal life.

But if parents look after their children every day even from the next world, grandfather or grandmother they come to dreams only at the most crucial, crucial moments in the life of their grandchildren.

Therefore, their visit signals about future fateful trials, requiring a responsible, sometimes very unpleasant decision.

Why does a deceased person dream?

Sometimes the dead come to people’s dreams not for the purpose of warning, but asking them not to grieve over them and let them go in peace or, on the contrary, ask them to remember and return to the grave.

In this case, it is necessary to listen to their speeches and respect the will of the departed - to put a requiem candle, go to the cemetery and distribute commemorative sweets.


Watch the video: in the dream of dead person,Dream of the Dead,what does it mean when you dream about death (June 2024).