Air humidifiers: health benefits or harm. Characteristics, beneficial and harmful properties of humidifiers, how to choose


Air humidifiers are designed to maintain the level of humidity in rooms where the air is over-dried by central heating or the ventilation system is disturbed.

Air humidity is a factor affecting the quality of life, performance, disease resistance and human well-being, so it is important to maintain and regulate the humidity level of residential and work premises.

Air humidifiers: purpose, types

Air humidifiers differ in the principle of action and, depending on it, are divided into four types, of which three are used in everyday life:

1. Cold humidifiers.

2. Steam humidifiers.

3. Ultrasonic humidifiers.

4. Spray humidifiers (used in industry).

Cold humidifiers

Cold steam humidifiers are considered traditional, the principle of action of which is to evaporate water without heating in a natural way.

Water is poured into special tanks, from which it is supplied to the sump, from which it passes to the evaporating elements.

In such humidifiers, the air is driven through a fan through a special cartridge, which accumulates dust in itself, additionally cleaning the air.

Humidifiers cold steam independently regulate the level of humidity in the room: if the air is dry, the performance of the humidifier up to five times higher than with humidified air.

Cold humidifiers are filled with distilled water to prevent contamination of the moisturizing cartridge with salts present in hard water.

Steam humidifiers

The second type of humidifier used in apartments is steam humidifiers.

The work is based on the principle of boiling water - evaporation of a liquid through heating. The process resembles an electric kettle: the voltage applied to the electrodes heats the water. Water, heated to the desired temperature, boils and evaporates. When the water has boiled to the end, the circuit is opened and the humidifier is turned off automatically.

This principle of operation ensures the safety of the use of humidifiers.

Steam humidifiers are equipped with a humidity sensor that turns off the device when room humidity reaches a set value. Automatic humidity sensors do not allow waterlogging of premises, therefore they are common in children's rooms, where there is an increased demand for moisture levels.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

The third type of home humidifier is ultrasonic.

The water in them is poured into a special tank, from which it falls on a plate that vibrates with an ultrasonic frequency.

The plate turns water into a fine suspension, which is sprayed by the fan around the room, turning into a vapor state.

Ultrasonic humidifiers create a mild mist, cold and humid, not dangerous to people, animals and plants.

Ultrasonic humidifiers ensure precise humidity control and minimal noise.

They are equipped not only with hydrostats, but with special displays that allow the device to be controlled using the control panel.

Distilled water is recommended for an ultrasonic humidifier.

Air humidifiers: what is the benefit for the body?

In everyday life, humidifiers are designed to saturate the air with moisture, helping to avoid the problems caused by insufficiently humidified air.

1. Eye relief.

Irritating, adverse effect on the mucous membrane of the eyes has a dry indoor air. As a result, dry eye syndrome occurs, forcing you to contact an ophthalmologist. Eye inflammation is caused by microbes and viruses that comfortably develop in dry air.

Insufficient air humidity increases the load on the eyes, due to which they quickly become overworked.

The humidifier creates a favorable environment that prevents dryness and inflammation of the eyes and reduces eye strain.

2. Infection Control.

Part of the viral diseases that cause the common cold are spread by airborne droplets. The human body protects itself against infection through the functions of the skin and mucous membranes. Dry air leads to their desiccation and, as a result, to a decrease in protective functions.

Useful properties of a humidifier will increase the body's resistance to viral diseases and enhance immunity.

3. Additional energy.

Dry cold room air does not saturate the blood with a sufficient amount of oxygen, which leads to depletion of the body and causes a feeling of fatigue.

A humidifier will allow the body to work at full strength, providing suitable conditions.

4. Plant benefits.

Plants develop better in rooms with high humidity, as dry air dries the foliage. In turn, healthy plants saturate the air with oxygen, and some absorb harmful substances. A healthy indoor climate is created by the interaction of oxygen content and humidity.

5. Healthy skin.

Proper hydration of the skin, prolonging youth and giving beauty and health, is provided not only from the inside but also from the outside.

The humidifier will not allow the skin to dry out and give a healthy look.

Humidifiers: what is the harm to health?

Harm humidifier will bring only if abused.

Monitor the level of humidity in the room and do not overmoisten.

Excessive humidity of the room in combination with high temperature creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of microorganisms. Maintain room humidity up to 60% and then the humidifier will not bring any harm to the body.

At high humidity indoors mold can spread, which is extremely harmful for people with allergies and asthma.

Use caution with moisturizers that vaporize hot steam, because of the risk of getting burned. Another dangerous moment will be a rise in temperature in the room where a steam humidifier is used: it is the high temperature of the room with high humidity that leads to the spread of pathogens.

Moisturizers cause harm to the body, using untreated water. Salts and harmful compounds, being sprayed in the air, enter the body, to a greater extent this problem concerns ultrasonic humidifiers.

It is important to change the cleaning cartridge in time, as the accumulated pollution in it over time becomes a source of pathogenic bacteria.

A pressing issue is the effect of ultrasonic waves on the human body. The harm of the effects of ultrasonic waves on people is not scientifically proven, the basis of the opinion that ultrasonic humidifiers negatively affect health is a myth.

For pregnant and lactating mothers: the harm of a humidifier

For pregnant women and nursing mothers humidifier is harmful only if excessive use.

If you do not allow the overwetted air, in which active reproduction of microorganisms occurs, the humidifier will not bring any harm.

Ultrasonic humidifiers do not adversely affect the body, therefore they are harmless to pregnant women.

A humidifier can even help create a microclimate in which pregnancy proceeds easily. Humid air does not deplete the body, improves health and gives energy, which is especially important for young mothers.

Humidifier for children: useful or harmful

Pediatricians confirm that the humid air in the nursery prevents health problems for the child, so the use of a humidifier in the nursery is undeniable.

Useful properties of humidifiers will improve the life of the baby from the first days of his life.

The main reasons for the need for a humidifier for children:

1. The susceptibility of children to environmental conditions is higher than that of adults. The high temperature of the room with humidity less than 20% creates a large thermal load on the child’s body, causing disturbances in his work.

2. Insufficient humidity, provoking the development of microbes, causes bronchopulmonary diseases in infants.

3. The respiratory system of the child develops up to the age of ten, therefore it is important to maintain the conditions that ensure its proper development. To ensure normal oxygen metabolism, good ventilation of the lungs is needed, provided by breathing movements that reduce and increase the volume of the lungs.

4. Breathing a child is more frequent than breathing an adult, which increases the risk of harmful microbes entering the body.

5. Dry air leads to drying out of the baby’s mucous membrane: the mucous membrane in the nose becomes covered with a thin crust, making the infant’s breathing more difficult, rhinitis and otitis appear.

6. Babies have difficulty feeding in the dry air.

7. Children under the year partially breathe through the skin, so it is very important not to allow it to dry out.

8. On the dry skin of the baby, irritation appears that causes discomfort to the baby.

9. Children sleeping in a room with an air humidifier sleep stronger and longer, have less respiratory problems and are less naughty in the daytime.

10. The metabolism of young children is more intense than in adults, so the children's body produces more heat. In children, the lungs are responsible for heat transfer, not the skin. With dry air, children lose a lot of fluid, which can lead to thickening of the blood and disruption of the children's body.

11. The low humidity of the climate causes kidney disorders in children and provokes dysbacteriosis.

The benefits of a humidifier for children's health in the process of development of the body - is undeniable.


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