Bananas - benefit or harm, what will outweigh? Are bananas high in calories, are they useful for adults, children, pregnant women and those who want to lose weight


Bananas are exotic plants of warm countries, with giant leaves and a huge trunk, known from antiquity.

Their fruits are eaten as part of various dishes - mashed potatoes, smoothies, pastries, wine, tinctures, syrups, etc., and fresh.

Banana is the most popular cultivated fruit in the world and has millions of fans.

The use of banana, its calorie content and composition

There is an opinion that these oblong fruits are very high in calories and are forbidden to be used by overweight people. But is it? The calorie content of a banana depends on its degree of maturity. 95 kcal per 100 grams - such is the calorie content of the fruit ripened to an edible state, unripe or green individuals have a high calorie content (140 kcal), in dried fruit - more than 300 kcal / 100 grams.

It contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats, minerals and vitamins necessary for the life of the human body.

Useful properties of macronutrients that make up a banana:

Calcium and fluorine participate in the formation of muscle tissue, increase bone strength;

Potassium necessary for the body with power loads to restore muscle. It normalizes blood pressure, is a prophylactic component against atherosclerosis, maintains an optimal water balance in the body;

Magnesium necessary for the proper functioning of the heart, it is part of laxatives and drugs to help the gastrointestinal tract;

Sodium bananas are found in much smaller quantities than potassium, but still have a beneficial effect on the body. It is part of the digestive juice, lymph and blood, participates in metabolic processes, helps in the transfer of glucose to organs and tissues;

Phosphorus affects the growth of tooth tissue and bones.

Vitamins, which are part of a banana - thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamins of groups A, C, K. Bananas are able to provide the body with energy due to the high content of carbohydrates, perfectly satisfy the hunger, help in the fight against depression, improve mood.

The use of bananas in food is very useful for patients with atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension. They have the ability to remove toxins from the body, relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and soothe nerves.

The benefits that a banana brings to the body

Tasty and sweet, with a delicate pleasant aroma, banana is good for health. Its indisputable advantages include a lot of points:

• A popular tropical fruit is one of the best remedies when you need a snack without additional processing and preparation. Washed, cleaned, ate. This is a good way to quickly satisfy your hunger, which is important in the absence of time for a full meal with working people, travelers, schoolchildren, students, etc .;

• The content of tryptophan, which turns into the substance serotonin in the body, has a mild sedative effect on the nervous system, helps fight depression and spleen, and improves mood;

• Bananas - fruits that are not only possible, but also need to be eaten by people with a diagnosed stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. Due to its composition, they have a positive effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract, gently enveloping the mucous membrane and reducing acidity;

• Urologists advise the male population of the planet to regularly include bananas in their diet. They have a positive effect on the genitourinary sphere, support potency;

• Eating 1-2 fetuses daily, you can lower the tonometer reading at elevated pressure. It is especially worth paying attention to this fact to people who have reached the age of forty and are at risk of developing hypertension;

• Potassium and vitamins in ripe fruits help overcome cravings for nicotine addiction. For those who decide to quit smoking, bananas will also help to cope with the nervousness that often accompanies such a difficult process;

• The content of vitamin C (per 100 grams of the product - approximately 35 mg) is an additional barrier against the penetration of viruses into the body during periods of seasonal illness.

This is not a complete list of evidence that the use of ripe tropical fruits is beneficial for the body for everyone who cares about their health, as well as children and loved ones. Moderate inclusion in the diet - this is the golden mean when a nutritious and tasty ripe fruit becomes a pleasant and healthy treat.

Banana Harm

Yellow fruits can be harmful overweight people - bananas are high in calories and contain starch. But then again, only with excessive use of them, overeating and snacking before bedtime.

Hypotonic It is not recommended to get involved in bananas - they are characteristic in that they lower blood pressure. If desired, you can taste 1-2 pieces, no more. The same recommendations are given to patients with diabetes mellitus - not to get involved in ripe fruits. Although they do not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar, caution will not hurt. It is better to eat slightly immature specimens.

With thrombophlebitis, varicose veins bananas will have less benefit than harm. Blood viscosity increases and there is a risk of blood clots.

The high starch content of unripe fruits when consumed contributes to increased gas formation and malfunctions in the digestive system. They can ripen after removing them from the tree during transportation and storage. Do not eat these fruits before bedtime - the process of their digestion is quite lengthy, such loads on the digestive organs certainly will not bring benefits.

Bananas for pregnant women and nursing mothers - can they do harm or do good?

With reasonable moderate use, these fruits will not cause particular harm. The main thing is to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions to the components of the fruit.

• Pregnant women often have edema. To cope with this trouble will help potassium contained in a banana.

• In the second and third trimester of future mothers, another nuisance overtakes - constipation. And here yellow helpers come to the rescue - the fiber they contain has a slight laxative effect.

• Iron - the source from which the hemoglobin necessary in the blood is produced.

• The chemical composition of banana in small amounts includes folic acid, necessary for pregnant women.

• When breastfeeding, you should resort to eating bananas - it is known that they can increase lactation.

With caution, bananas should be enjoyed by expectant mothers, who are rapidly gaining weight. Bananas are high in calories and can help. The same applies to the use of a pregnant immature fetus, leading to flatulence, bloating, discomfort in the intestines, gas formation.

The harm and benefits of bananas in children's diets

A child can add a banana to the lure at 6-8 months, after consulting with a pediatrician. It is important that the fruit is ripe, unripe can lead to digestion.

You can feed your baby with chopped fruit in a blender, or scraping the flesh with a spoon. The first banana meals should be limited to 0.5 teaspoon. At the beginning of feeding, you should pay attention to a possible allergic reaction.

For children of preschool and school age, a banana is a source of vitamins and nutrients necessary for the full development of all organs and systems of the body. Given how energetic and restless the children are, these fruits benefit the body in replenishing energy and in the ability to quickly relieve fatigue.

A banana snack at school will satisfy the student’s hunger, improve cerebral circulation and help concentrate on solving school problems. Feel free to put this fruit in a child’s portfolio!

Diet for weight loss and bananas - enemies or friends?

Oddly enough, bananas are successfully included in various diets, despite the fact that they are not a low-calorie product. By the way, such diets are very "tasty" - many agree to eat bananas for a while, and not unleavened rice, buckwheat or low-fat kefir, approaching the cherished figure on the scales.

Especially popular and positive feedback on the results enjoys three day diet. During all days, only bananas (3-4 pieces) and milk, low-fat or low-fat kefir (about 1 liter per day) are consumed. Accepted according to this scheme - a banana, after an hour and a half a glass of kefir and so on, continuing to alternate. The last meal should occur no later than 18 pm.

Adhering to such a scheme, you can lose from 1 to 3 kg. This diet is an ambulance when you need to lose weight a little and in a short time, for example, before the holiday or with errors in nutrition after it.

Such a diet will bring greater results if you stick to it for seven days. But then in the diet you must definitely include in one of the meals boiled unsalted fish or chicken and a boiled egg. Be sure to drink water or tea. You can not deny yourself a cup of coffee (without sugar).

Seven day banana diet will lead to weight loss of up to 5 kg, in some cases, weight loss may be greater. Much depends on the initial data.

The banana diet is sure to appeal to the sweet tooth. Contraindications to this type of weight loss are gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, liver or kidney failure, thrombophlebitis.

Allergy for compound banana or individual intolerance are contraindications for this diet.


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