Breast with zucchini - healthy and tasty. 7 of the best recipes of breast with zucchini: under cheese, sour cream, cream, with mushrooms


Chicken breast and zucchini in tandem are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Tender meat, deliciously delicious vegetables - you can make many delicious and healthy dishes from these two ingredients.

Zucchini Breast - General Cooking Principles

Before cooking, the breast is thoroughly washed, freed from pits and skin, dried and cut or beaten according to the instructions. So that the breast does not get dryish, as it often happens, her pre pickled, or use various sauces for cooking.

To breast well and quickly soaked with spices and marinades, it should be cut across the fibers. If the recipe involves the preparation of a whole breast, not cut into pieces, you can make several small punctures with a sharp knife in the meat before rubbing it.

Zucchini can take any: young fruit or already mature. In the first case, the vegetable rinse thoroughly and cut off the tips, in the second - it is necessary to remove the thick skin and remove the seeds.

Also in the preparation of breasts with zucchini use additional ingredients: vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, sour cream, cream, spices and spices.

1. Breast with zucchini under a cheese hat

Juicy and tender casserole of breasts, zucchini, tomatoes and cheese. Optionally, you can add potatoes, eggplants, green beans in the dish. The breast does not require pre-marinating, the juice of vegetables is enough to keep the meat dry.


• 650 grams of breast;

• 210 grams of cheese;

• three young zucchini;

• three tomatoes;

• at the request and taste of garlic;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• vegetable oil, salt, herbs, spices.

Cooking method:

1. Wash squash, trim the tips.

2. Cut the fruit into long strips no thicker than half a centimeter.

3. Pour some oil into the pan, fry the prepared courgettes on both sides until a light blush. Fry the fruit to readiness is not necessary.

4. Cut the washed and dried breast across the fibers with plates one centimeter thick, beat off each piece a little, rub the meat thoroughly with salt and spices.

5. In a special form for baking, lay an even layer of half fried zucchini, lay the chicken on top, again a layer of zucchini.

6. Slice the washed tomatoes into thin circles, place them on top of the zucchini.

7. Sprinkle all the ingredients with a small amount of fresh herbs, complete the composition with a thick layer of grated cheese.

8. Bake at 180 gr. about 30 minutes.

2. Breast with courgettes stewed in sour cream

Chicken breast and zucchini in sour cream sauce are surprisingly tender with a delicate pleasant aroma and delicious taste. The dish is great for both lunch and dinner. It is permissible to replace sour cream with thick cream.


• two chicken breasts;

• kilogram of zucchini;

• 260 grams of sour cream;

• vegetable oil;

• two medium sized bulbs;

• salt, dill (dried or fresh), ground paprika.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the bulbs, cut into small cubes. Fry to a blush on vegetable oil.

2. Cut the washed and dried chicken breast into cubes with sides of no more than three centimeters, put it on the onion.

3. Tomit both ingredients on a slow fire under a closed lid.

4. Wash squash, clean if necessary, cut into small, free-size slices.

5. Put the zucchini to the chicken with onions, simmer for about five minutes.

6. Mix sour cream with salt and ground paprika (one teaspoon is enough for such amount of meat and vegetables).

7. Pour sour cream into the prepared ingredients, mix thoroughly.

8. Stew for 10-12 minutes, add dry or fresh chopped dill at the very end.

9. Turn off the gas, before serving, give breasts with zucchini a little time to brew and soak in the scent of herbs.

3. Breast with zucchini and vegetables in pots

Cooking poached breast with zucchini is very simple. You can make the dish more satisfying by adding cabbage, eggplant, potatoes or any other product at your discretion.


• 350 grams of breast;

• two small zucchini;

• sweet pepper;

• 5 grams of curry;

• bow;

• 120 grams of sour cream;

• butter;

• salt;

• two tomatoes;

• carrot.

Cooking method:

1. Wash, peel and peel everything included in the dish: chop onions into small squares, diced tomatoes, zucchini and pepper, carrots into thin straws.

2. Cut the chicken in longitudinal not very long strips.

3. Pass the onions and carrots in butter until soft, add pepper, fry all together for another two or three minutes.

4. In another pan, fry the chopped breast over high heat.

5. Sour cream mixed with salt and curry.

6. Put the layers in pots: chicken, zucchini, roasted vegetables, tomatoes, pour all the ingredients with sour cream sauce.

7. Cover each pot with a lid, cook the breast with zucchini in the oven at 170 degrees.

4. Breast with zucchini and potatoes

Very hearty dish that does not need extra side dishes. The dish is rich in various tastes, so it is better not to use spices, black pepper will be quite enough.


• three chicken breasts;

• 230 grams of red beans;

• five or six potatoes;

• carrot;

• 500 ml of water;

• onion;

• vegetable oil;

• two cloves of garlic;

• half a lemon;

• salt, black pepper;

• A pair of mustard spoons.

Cooking method:

1. Beans for this dish is best soak overnight, or at least 5-6 hours before cooking. Beforehand it will need to be sorted and rinsed thoroughly.

2. Cut the breast into small pieces and pour the marinade made from chopped garlic, lemon juice, mustard, pepper, vegetable oil and salt for a couple of hours.

3. Boil the beans for a few hours in water until ready, drain the water.

4. Slice peeled onions into quarters, carrot and potatoes into slices.

5. Put the pickled chicken in a deep form, carefully place the potatoes and carrots on top, put onion with slightly hands crumpled hands, sprinkle all the beans with the next layer. Pepper and salt to taste.

6. Pour some warm water, simmer in the oven for forty-five minutes. To make the dish juicy, not dry, from time to time, if necessary, add water.

5. Breast with courgettes in a creamy-peanut sauce

Breast blends perfectly with walnuts, zucchini gives the dish piquancy, and cream sauce special tenderness. If you like spicy dishes, you can add a little chopped chili pepper.


• 600-700 grams of breast;

• two sweet peppers (preferably of different colors to give the dish a bright summer color);

• small zucchini;

• salt;

• butter;

• one third cup of peeled nuts;

• a large spoonful of flour;

• a glass of cream.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the breast into small pieces, fry a little.

2. Peel zucchini, cut lengthwise into two parts, then chop into half rings.

3. Cut the peeled pepper into thin straws.

4. In a small heat-resistant saucepan, heat the cream, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add flour, stir quickly, so that no lumps form. Put crushed nuts into thick creamy sauce.

5. Add vegetables, salt to the meat, fry everything together for a couple of minutes, then pour the creamy-peanut sauce.

6. Tomit on medium heat, stirring the dish gently from time to time, for about half an hour.

6. Breast with zucchini, celery, beans and canned tomatoes

Despite the fact that the composition of this dish includes many different ingredients, preparing breast with zucchini easy and simple. The dish turns out incredibly tasty and very satisfying.


• two breasts;

• large onion;

• two celery stalks;

• carrot;

• zucchini;

• salt;

• 350 ml of chicken saturated broth;

• 30 ml of olive oil;

• laurel leaf;

• 400 grams of spicy tomatoes in their own juice;

• a few sprigs of fresh basil;

• 150 grams of canned beans;

• pinch of thyme.

Cooking method:

1. Peel celery, onion, zucchini and carrots, cut into small cubes.

2. Fry the prepared vegetables on a spoon of olive oil for 6-7 minutes.

3. Add salt and tomato, dried thyme and bay leaf, as well as chopped basil.

4. Pour all ingredients with hot broth, mix well.

5. Prepare the breast: wash, remove the skin, remove the bones. Put the meat, without cutting, to the vegetables cooked in the broth.

6. Cover the container with a lid, simmer it all together for forty minutes, two or three times during cooking, turn the meat from side to side.

7. Take out the chicken, cool it, cut it into large portions.

8. Put the pieces of meat back to the vegetables, add the beans, stew for another 8-12 minutes.

9. Do not forget to remove the laurel from the finished dish so that during infusion it does not add a specific bitterness to the aromatic broth and ingredients.

7. Breast with zucchini and mushrooms

The dish is ideal for those who want to eat tasty and satisfying, spending at least a little time to prepare.


• one breast;

• 380 grams of champignons;

• six potatoes;

• one zucchini (only young);

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• two medium bulbs;

• two carrots;

• 160 grams of cheese;

• two or three rosemary branches;

• salt pepper;

• vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and boil in a uniform, cool, peel and cut into thin ringlets.

2. Rinse the squash and cut into medium-sized slices, chop the onion into half rings, and carrot through a large grater.

3. Pass carrot chips and onions in butter until soft.

4. Cut the mushrooms into slices, breast cubes.

5. Boil the mushrooms and chicken for ten minutes in a small amount of slightly salted water.

6. Place half of the potatoes, chicken with mushrooms, zucchini, sauteed vegetables, and the second half of the potatoes in a deep pan.

7. Pour all the rest after cooking meat and mushrooms with broth mixed with spices and sour cream.

8. Sprinkle with grated cheese.

9. Cook in heated to 180 gr. oven fifteen minutes.

Zucchini Breast - Tricks and Tips

• It is best to cook a dish of chilled breast, but if you have only frozen meat, it should be completely thawed, laid out overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

• You should not fry or bake chicken meat for a long time, it will turn out dryish and harsh. 20-40 minutes, depending on the type of heat treatment, is quite enough.

• If the breast before cooking quickly fry on both sides to a blush, the meat will be softer and juicier.

• Salt the dish best at the end of cooking.

• Breast with zucchini - a delicate dish, and if you decide to add herbs - dill, basil, parsley, rosemary - use only the leaves, but not the branches.

• Oregano, curry, marjoram, various types of ground peppers - all this fits perfectly, both with breast and zucchini.

• Chicken breast with zucchini perfectly complement the fresh herbs and pickled vegetables.


Watch the video: How to Make Easy Chicken with Mushrooms & Zucchini in Cream Sauce. Dinner Recipes. (June 2024).