Mushrooms why dream


Mushrooms are often called the gift of nature, and rightly so. This meat replacement product has excellent taste properties. If he dreams, then only to material wealth, well-being, everything good in life.

Dreamed mushrooms in a dream what does it mean

It is believed that the collection of mushrooms indicates the money and income. Collect them in the forest - increase your wealth.

According to Miller's dream book the fascination with collecting mushrooms means that there are harmful or harmful habits in the life of a sleeping person;

Dream Vanga heralds to the sleeping person good luck in collecting, but if the toadstools were in the basket, this is due to the betrayal of a close friend.

Pick mushrooms in your sleep

Many dream books give the interpretation that if you went to the forest pick mushrooms in your sleep - this is to increase wealth.

Finding them and collecting in a dream for a woman means:

  1. caring and attentive husband, obedient children;
  2. wealth in the house;
  3. calm and confidence in the future;
  4. family well-being;
  5. respect for work colleagues;
  6. small flirt or office romance.

Find in a dream a big white mushroom - to the groom, lover.

If a woman dreams of mushrooms

When dreaming mushrooms in a dream to a woman - good sign. It means profit in material terms and "on the love front."

If dream is dreamingpregnant woman, then the pregnancy will proceed without pathologies and deviations, and a healthy child will be born to her.

For married girls - This is a sure sign of getting pregnant.

When dreamed a lot of forest fungithen the choice of suitors will be great. These "gifts of nature" in a dream can give a young woman in reality the only man with whom you can link forever your destiny.

Why do white mushrooms dream of

Collect white mushrooms - great luck. Such a dream leads to:

  1. increase the career ladder;
  2. establishing family relationships;
  3. addition to the family;
  4. arrival of long-awaited guests.

To the sleeping person to see white mushrooms - one pleasure, both in a dream, and in reality. All doors open before him, he is accompanied by good health, a happy life.

When unmarried girl dream that she found a white fungus - to be a wedding!

If you dream of picking mushrooms in the forest

AT most dreaming collect mushrooms - to profit, a positive decision of long-planned plans.

When dreams of a woman that she collects honey agaric or boletus - she is waiting for a cash reward in the form of a bonus or other rewards.

When she found a big white mushroom - there will be a new fan.

Gathering mushrooms in the forest according to the dream book for a woman means:

  • pleasant meeting;
  • friendship, love, marriage;
  • obtaining significant incomes;
  • positive decision of affairs;
  • longevity;
  • career advancement.

But in some dreams there is a warning about possible betrayal, danger, deceit. In such dreams, the mushrooms were inedible, poisonous.

What dreams of mushrooms in a dream to a man

The interpretation of the dream book for men and women are different. If a businessman man visions come about collecting fungi in the forest, it means:

  • making a good profit from the project;
  • income transaction;
  • the embodiment of ideas;
  • the arrival of profitable investors.

For men edible fungusand mean that he has many true friends.

A man who has a pregnant wife, the dream of picking mushrooms promises the birth of a son.

Mushrooms mushrooms why dream

  • Honey agaric - associated in a dream with cohesion, as they grow in clusters. They indicate a strong team, understanding, good relations. Their collection in a dream is a good sign.
  • Collect milk - fulfillment of desires.
  • Mushroom picking promises an unexpected, casual encounter on the street.
  • If you had to walk in the woods and find chanterelles - to well-being, additional income.
  • A woman Such dreams of nature can be dreamed of when a daughter is born.
  • Not always pleasant events accompanied by a dream with the collection of mushrooms. Some kind of cunning, mystery, deception is hidden here.

Gather mushrooms in the forest edible

Dreams where people gather in the forest edible forest gifts, in the dream book means:

  • long life and health;
  • good luck, well-being;
  • material income;
  • deliverance from failures;
  • happy marriage.

If a lot of mushrooms dream - to faithful friends, good deals, cash flow.

When the gifts of nature in the forest are big and many, you expect a pleasant event that will make significant changes in life.

For woman or girl mushroom picking in a dream - a new man who can be loved.

Wormy mushrooms dream about what

To see in dreams unsuitable for food mushrooms filled with worms, does not carry anything good.

Dream Miller connects such a dream with fraud or with your fatal mistake.

Other dream books interpret this as:

  • wait for meanness from the old enemy;
  • you are feeling ill, feeling sick;
  • Be careful, you may be faced with lies, misfortune, evil intentions, failures.


Watch the video: Mushrooms : Dream Interpretation and Dream Meaning by (June 2024).