Shawarma at home - how to cook? The best recipes for shawarma at home with different fillings


For some reason, shawarma (shawarma) received the title of fast food. But actually this is a full meal, useful, nutritious, which came to us from the East.

Initially, meat was used for shawarma, which was cooked on a vertical grill, finely chopped and mixed with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Later, sauces joined it, the assortment of fillings has grown significantly.

At home, you can make shawarma and without a vertical grill, while it will be just as tasty and juicy.

Will we cook?

Shawarma at home - general principles of cooking

Shawarma - a package of pita bread with filling. Any products can be used as filling, but the most popular is the combination of meat and vegetables. You can use beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb. But if the meat is tough, then it needs to be slightly beaten off and only then cooked. You can boil, bake, fry in a pan or grill. Also for shawarma you can use the remains of barbecue.

Fresh and boiled vegetables, mushrooms, eggs, cheese are added to the main ingredient. A special place is occupied by sauces that add a dish of taste and juiciness. For cooking, use mayonnaise, sour cream, ketchup, mustard. Various spices and herbs are added.

How to turn shawarma

A sheet of pita bread is spread on the table. If you make several pieces, then it is advisable to also decompose them to evenly distribute the filling. The shawarma filling is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the nearest edge in the form of a rectangle. Then, the filling is covered with the same end, the sides are folded inwards and the roll is twisted. It turns out closed. If you need to make an open shawarma, then the filling is laid out closer to the side edge and this side is not tucked.

Recipe 1: Shawarma at home with chicken and suluguni

Chicken is the simplest and most affordable shawarma filling at home. It is quick and easy to prepare. You can use any part - the breast or trim from the legs. You can also take ordinary ham, but use only meat, without fat and skin. The number of ingredients for 4 shawarma.


• 500 grams of chicken;

• 4 pita bread;

• 150 grams of carrots;

• 200 grams of cabbage;

• some greens;

• 100 grams of mayonnaise and sour cream;

• 2 tomatoes;

• a little garlic (amount to taste);

• 150 grams of suluguni;

• black pepper;

• spices for chicken;

• Korean spices.


1. Cut the chicken into small cubes or straws, sprinkle with spices and leave to marinate for half an hour. Then fry in a pan until golden brown. Since the pieces are small, you don’t need to cover, they are well cooked.

2. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, add chopped herbs and chopped garlic. Mix well.

3. Shred the carrots with straws, add Korean spices, salt and grind with your hands.

4. Chop cabbage at random, pepper and mix with chopped suluguni cheese.

5. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.

6. We spread the sheets of pita bread on the table. Lubricate with sauce. About four tablespoons of the mixture should remain.

7. Spread a strip of cabbage with cheese.

8. Put a layer of carrots and tomatoes on top.

9. At the end we lay out the fried chicken. Lubricate the top with the remaining sauce.

10. Turn off the shawarma. How this is done is described above and fry on both sides in a pan.

Recipe 2: Pork Shawarma at Home

Of course, the use of pork for an Asian dish is not typical, but why not? Unlike beef, meat is juicier, tender and wonderful for folding into pita bread. A spicy sauce will give the dish a special taste and aroma.


• 300 grams of pork without fat;

• 2 pita bread;

• spices;

• one cucumber;

• greenery;

• 200 grams of Beijing cabbage;

• 10 cherry tomatoes;

• 100 grams of any cheese.

For the sauce:

• 100 grams of mayonnaise;

• 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

• a spoon of paprika;

• clove of garlic;

• half a lemon.


1. Cooking the sauce. To do this, just mix all the ingredients, add lemon juice.

2. Cut the pork into cubes, fry in a pan or grill until cooked. Then transfer to a bowl and mix with half a mayonnaise sauce.

3. Cut the Beijing cabbage arbitrarily, cucumber with straws. Add the greens and mix the resulting salad.

4. Cherry tomatoes are cut into 4 parts, just three cheese.

5. Lay out pita breads, grease with sauce, put a strip of cabbage salad with cucumber. Add a little salt and pepper.

6. Top the pork in the sauce.

7. Sprinkle with cheese and put the cherry tomatoes.

8. Turn off pita bread. Shawarma can be consumed this way or fried in a pan.

Recipe 3: Shawarma at home with fish

For fish shawarma we will use ordinary sardine in oil. But if you wish, you can take any other canned food to your taste. Eggs and cheese will give a special meal to the dish.


• a can of sardines;

• 2 eggs;

• 80 grams of cheese;

• 2 pickles (small);

• 150 grams of fresh cabbage;

• one carrot;

• a small onion;

• spices;

• a spoon of mustard;

• 6 spoons of sour cream;

• greenery;

• butter;

• 3 pita bread.


1. Shred the cabbage finely, salt and pepper.

2. Open canned food, drain the oil and knead the fish with a fork. Mix with the cabbage mixture.

3. Fry the onion and carrots in a pan with any oil. As soon as the vegetables are browned, add the drained liquid from the canned food, mix and turn it off.

4. Boil the eggs, cut finely and send to the fish mass with cabbage.

5. Cut the cucumbers, leave in a bowl.

6. For the sauce, mix sour cream with mustard, chopped herbs, season with any spices.

7. Lubricate pita bread with sauce, spread the mass of fish and cabbage.

8. On top we put the vegetables previously fried in a pan.

9. Sprinkle with pickles and grated cheese.

10. Wrap, can be consumed without frying.

Recipe 4: Shawarma at home with sausage

The option of shawarma at home for the most lazy or busy people. Instead of sausage, you can use ham, sausages, sausages. We choose the filling to your taste and the contents of the refrigerator.


• 350 grams of boiled sausage;

• 2 cucumbers;

• 2 pita bread;

• butter;

• 2 tomatoes;

• dill greens;

• 200 grams of Beijing cabbage.

For the sauce:

• 50 grams of mayonnaise;

• 30 grams of ketchup;

• pepper;

• optional garlic.


1. Sausage is cut into strips or cubes, sent to a pan with butter and fry until rosy.

2. Shred cabbage with cucumber, add chopped dill, salt and mix.

3. Tomatoes cut into 4 parts, then shred thin slices across.

4. For the sauce, you need to mix the ketchup with mayonnaise, add black pepper to the mass and, if desired, a clove of garlic.

5. We spread pita bread. Put the cabbage salad, then the sauce, sausage, tomatoes and pour the remaining sauce. Turn off in any way, fry.

Recipe 5: Home-made Shawarma with Egg Sauce

A feature of this shawarma is an unusual sauce, which will change the whole idea of ​​a semi-finished product. This dressing is especially good with meat, but can also be used with chicken. We take any meat: pork, beef, lamb.


• 300 grams of meat;

• onion;

• bell pepper;

• 2 cucumbers;

• 2 pita bread;

• 150 grams of hard cheese;

• a bunch of green lettuce.

For the sauce:

• yolk;

• 200 ml of kefir (fatty);

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• 2 tablespoons of curry;

• 150 ml of oil;

• black pepper;

• cilantro.


1. For the sauce finely chop the garlic, add the raw yolk and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes. Add kefir, all spices, chopped cilantro. Mix and pour in a thin stream of vegetable oil, interrupt. The sauce will turn out liquid, so it should be. This amount is enough for 6-8 pieces of shawarma.

2. We wash the meat, remove the films and cut into strips. Fry in a pan, add finely chopped onion at the end, cook until transparent. Cooling down.

3. Cucumbers cut into strips. Finely chop the bell pepper. Add the grated cheese and season the salad with the sauce.

4. We spread pita bread on the table, grease with sauce and spread lettuce under the future filling, 2-3 layers are possible, it will not be worse. On top of the salad, put half the cheese mixture with vegetables.

5. Spread the meat.

6. Cover with a layer of vegetable mixture.

7. Wrap the shawarma, put another spoonful of sauce in the open edge. No need to fry.

Recipe 6: Shawarma at home with chicken and mushrooms

An unusual version of the amazing shawarma, which can be easily done at home. We take pickled mushrooms, the species does not matter.


• 100 grams of mushrooms;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• 250 grams of chicken;

• one boiled potato;

• one bell pepper;

• 2 pita bread;

• ketchup;

• 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• clove of garlic;

• a bunch of green onions.


1. Boil the fillet, fry or bake. We do it to your taste. Then cut the finished chicken into cubes.

2. We cut finely the mushrooms, having previously drained them from the brine.

3. Three cheese, garlic, mix with mushrooms and add mayonnaise, mix.

4. Cut a bunch of green onions, combine with grated potatoes and chicken, salt, pepper.

5. Lavash is greased with a thin layer of ketchup, put the mushroom mass, then chicken with onions. Squeeze mayonnaise on top, for spiciness you can add a little mustard.

6. Turn, fry and enjoy!

Recipe 7: Shawarma at home with a liver

This dish is a real unity of taste and benefit. It can be used for diet food if you replace sour cream in a dressing with low-fat yogurt. We use any liver: chicken, beef, pork.


• 120 grams of liver;

• clove of garlic;

• 50 grams of sour cream;

• 20 grams of suluguni;

• a spoonful of soy sauce;

• 100 grams of cabbage;

• one cucumber;

• one tomato;

• greenery;

• pita bread.


1. For the sauce, mix soy sauce with sour cream and minced garlic.

2. Boil the liver or fry until cooked, cut finely and mix with half the sauce.

3. Shred the cabbage, add chopped cucumber and tomato, chopped greens, season the salad with the rest of the sauce.

4. Expand the pita bread, put the salad, the liver on top and wrap. We heat it in a pan, you can grill.

Recipe 8: Homemade Vegetarian Shawarma with Spinach

It turns out that at home you can cook shawarma not only for meat eaters, but also for vegetarians. A wonderful lean option based on a filling of spinach and other vegetables. Vegetarian shawarma is also prepared from Armenian pita bread.


• 250 grams of spinach;

• a bunch of cilantro;

• cucumber;

• 50 grams of sour cream;

• a tomato;

• pepper;

• garlic;

• 100 grams of cheese or cottage cheese;

• 2 pita bread.


1. Grind the spinach, add salt, pepper and send to the microwave. Cook for 5-7 minutes at medium power.

2. Cucumber and tomato cut arbitrarily, finely chop the cilantro, three cheese. If cottage cheese is used, then just knead the lumps.

3. Sour cream mixed with chopped garlic, salt and pepper.

4. Lubricate pita bread with sour cream sauce, put spinach filling, sprinkle with half the cheese. Then spread the vegetables, herbs and sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Wrap and fry until golden brown in a dry frying pan. The vegetarian shawarma is ready!

Shawarma at home - useful tips and tricks

• No ketchup? Use tomato paste as a sauce. Add a little purified water, garlic, spices, herbs and mix well. You can also add the fried onions and beat the resulting sauce with a blender.

• Instead of lavash shawarma can be laid in a cake. To do this, cut it in half and gently push the edges. In the resulting niche, products are laid, but not in layers, it is better to mix and make a kind of salad. You can also use a loaf, but the pulp in this case is removed, leaving the walls of 0.5 centimeters.

• To prevent the shawarma from turning, when frying the parcel, put the seam down on the pan, and after browning, turn it on the opposite side.

• It is most convenient to wrap Armenian square pita bread. The roll is obtained equal and the same thickness. But if there is no square pita bread, you can take an oval sheet and just trim the edges on both sides.


Watch the video: Homemade chicken shawarma full recipe easy to make (June 2024).