"Miss Russia" Anna Litvinova died of a passion for tanning


Anna Litvinova, a participant in the Miss Russia and Miss Universe contests, died today in a German clinic of skin cancer. The 31-year-old beauty was not able to defeat the terrible disease, which developed due to the girl's addiction to tanning. Doctors tend to believe that ultraviolet rays provoked melanoma.

Relatives and friends of the model blame Anna for her misfortune for traveling to exotic countries. The white-skinned beauty loved the sun and the golden tan very much. The girl regularly visited numerous beauty salons with tanning salons. Doctors discovered oncology by chance at a routine examination. Unfortunately, in an already neglected stage. The disease developed rapidly and did not give Anna a chance at life.

Relatives did everything possible to save the girl. However, expensive treatment in the best clinics in the world did not bring results. Recently, Anna lived only on potent drugs.

Melanoma is the most dangerous and rare type of skin cancer, an extremely aggressive disease. The so-called "queen of tumors." Today in the world there is no medicine that can cure a person of melanoma. Even chemotherapy is powerless. Farewell to the Russian beauty will take place tomorrow in one of the Moscow churches.

The editors of the portal Women's Opinion expresses condolences to the relatives and friends of Anna Litvinova.


Vadim 09/19/2016
Male opinion: Anna Litvinova, Eden Fitousi, Eva Ekval and their relatives in vain ignored the 2006 Ferromagnetic Theory of Carcinogenesis (clinical and molecular biological aspects)

Vadim 09.16.2016
Beauty does not save from death. Eden Fitousi, a participant in the Miss Jerusalem beauty pageant, died of cancer in July 2013 at a clinic in the Israeli capital. A similar fate befell the Russian model Anna Litvinova. In January 2013, the winner of the Miss Universe 2006 contest died of melanoma in a German clinic at the age of 29. In December 2011, the former Miss Venezuela Eva Equal died in a clinic in the American city of Houston from cancer in her 29th year of life. Eden Fitousi, Anna Litvinova, Eva Ekval and their relatives in vain ignored the 2006 Ferromagnetic Theory of Carcinogenesis (clinical and molecular biological aspects). 2013-2006 = 7. Oncologists are planning not to defeat cancer until 2030. Cancer - MONEY. Cancer cannot be defeated (trillions of dollars). You can produce deliberate false research. Oncologists are required to clearly comply with job descriptions created by the Scientific Oncology and Pharmaceutical Business. This Business deftly fooled Russia, Israel, Germany, the USA. Vainly dying cancer patients! Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hare Krishnas and atheists! Begin the Ferromagnetic Cancer Theory (Theory from The OLD TESTAMENT; Iron Conception / Medical News Today / TIME) and the 1994 Wangi prediction (cancer will be defeated; cancer will be chained to iron chains) to read and understand. All human beings are made of cells. Any human cell is a society of dia-, para-, superpara-, ferri- and ferromagnetic nanoparticles. Ceramic needles can create harmless infiltrations (harmless necroses; deposits of cells that die; benign capsules). Ceramic needles can enter solution sulfur (2%) + olive oil (98%); 36.6C - 39.0C to tumors and large metastases. Slow blood loss (even 75%) hemoglobin control, goat's milk diet Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk; Do not boil a kid in his mother's milk; Deuteronomy 14:21 and drinking water containing hydrogen sulfide can neutralize any micrometastases or isolated tumor cells. //www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/103745/; //www.medicalnewstoday.com/opinions/122203/; //healthland.time.com/2011/07/13/almost-every-type-of-cancer-kills-more-men-than-women-study-shows/; //healthland.time.com/2013/05/15/the-angelina-effect-times-new-cover-image-revealed/; //zhenskoe-mnenie.ru/themes/bomond/miss-rossija-anna-litvinova-umerla-iz-za-strasti-k-zagaru/; Together We (Female Opinion, TIME, Medical News Today, LiveInternet, Facebook and Vadim Shapoval) Will Beat CANCER


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