10% of women justify male domestic violence, and 44% are willing to give back


Domestic violence is a problem that has not disappeared for decades. The number of women who have been beaten is increasing annually. The risk of running into a bandit's fists in a dark alley is an order of magnitude lower than finding it in the walls of your home. That is why the portal “Women's Opinion” conducted a survey on the topic “If you were hit by a husband, what would you do?” To find out what the Russians would have done if their lover had rude to them.

The survey found that 39.1% of women, faced with violence, would immediately leave the missus and filed for divorce immediately. They claim that no one has the right to beat another person. Some girls consider the slap as an “type of physical impact” an exception to the rule that a man can use in relation to the girl who provoked him. Others, on the contrary, claim that a slap in the face is a prelude to a punch.

Nearly 44% of Russians are not so simple, they would easily have arranged a "dark" for their beloved hubby - they would have returned change with a heavy object, they would have written a statement to the prosecutor’s office, they would have expelled them from the house "to exile". Among this category there are also women who would simply give back without subsequently filing for divorce. In addition, respondents distinguish between one hit and beatings with bruises and abrasions. Another 2.6% of the girls would ask relatives or friends to intercede and punish the offender.

But there are some Russian women who are accustomed to consider themselves guilty of all troubles, including beating their loved ones. About 11% of the ladies surveyed would have endured a rude attitude towards themselves. They do not see anything terrible if the husband periodically battles his wife. Surely, it was these unfortunate women who came up with the proverb “Beats - then loves” in order to console themselves and not fall into the eyes of loved ones. Or maybe they just want to keep the marriage?

But 4.4% of young ladies are used to benefiting from all situations. And the fact that the husband rushed with his fists - they only "on hand". They will demand as an apology and compensation for moral damage an expensive gift. Although this can continue for the time being, for the time being.

Thus, the percentage of women who for some reason are ready to put up with violence and rude attitude in the family remains high. The survey involved 4310 women aged 20 - 45 years old, who live in 144 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Going Inside a Man's Mind With Steve Harvey (July 2024).