Orgasm during pregnancy: it is believed that it is useful. Can an orgasm provoke childbirth or miscarriage: the opinion of the doctor


Argued that sex during pregnancy is prohibited. But is it?

As it turned out, a woman's orgasm during the period of carrying a child is useful, not only to her, but also to the baby. How does an orgasm affect a woman's body?

Does female libido increase or decrease during pregnancy?

Can an orgasm harm the fetus?

How to reach peak of pleasure at pregnancy?

We will talk about this.

Pregnancy Orgasm - Both Sides

The first step is to say that excitability increased in pregnant womenbut that’s why she wants sex more often than usual, and orgasms are more vivid. The fact is that the uterus during this period is enlarged, as well as the clitoris, the blood in the uterus circulates faster, and therefore the sexual desire of the fair sex is in a position much higher.

Answering to herself the question - is the orgasm dangerous, think about the sensations he brings. That's right - satisfaction! With orgasm, the body of both men and women in large quantities produces endorphins Those same hormones of joy, which we often hear in different sports programs, because sports also lead to the release of endorphins. But is it possible to compare sweating in the gym with the rhythmic movements in bed? It seems the answer is unequivocal.

So the first thing to learn is orgasm during pregnancy is actually necessaryThe only exceptions are special cases, which we will discuss later. Also, it is not recommended to engage in sex for two or three weeks before the approximate date of birth, as this may provoke preterm birth. But if the baby does not want to appear after the indicative date, the orgasm can push him and thus the birth will be successful. In all these aspects, a gynecologist can consult you in more detail, and for the time being we will consider other nuances when reaching orgasm during pregnancy.

As already mentioned, the orgasm can still be dangerous.

Having sex during pregnancy is not worth it in such cases:

• there is a threat of miscarriage;

• a woman has already had miscarriages or premature births;

• a woman has more than one child in the womb, in this case there is a high risk of premature birth due to active contractions of the uterus (however, some experts say that sex is allowed or not allowed in this situation is determined separately for each patient);

• Ultrasound showed that the placenta was lowered too low, so the child will strongly feel the shocks during intercourse;

• the emergence of cracks in the membranes of the fetus, as this is fraught with infecting the child with various infections;

• genital infections, which in principle goes without saying.

Try to identify - why exactly do you think that an orgasm can harm a child? Most likely, a certain image of this process has formed in your head, it seems to you that the child will feel strong shocks. But in fact, the baby in the womb is reliably protected by the placenta and the only thing that he feels after your orgasm is a pleasant relaxation of the mother's body.

It happens that after an orgasm, the child begins to move actively. This does not mean that he has become a "witness" of your sexual intercourse, it is just that after the orgasm he receives a lot of useful substances and more than usual oxygen, this causes his heightened movements. During this period, the child is not yet able to recognize what is happening in the mother's body, so there is no need to worry about it.

Orgasm without sex, or clitoral orgasm during pregnancy

Clitoral orgasm any woman feels much stronger than the vaginal, and even more so a pregnant woman. If, under certain circumstances, sex is undesirable or impossible, clitoral orgasm is an acceptable option.

At the same time endorphins are still allocated, and in sufficient quantities to make the woman satisfied. After all, sexual energy in a fairly large number is present in all pregnant women, it must be used.

Since, in the absence of sex, a pregnant woman can have erotic dreams, which are likely to end in a clitoral orgasm, because the genitals are especially excited. There are many cases when pregnant women reached orgasm in a dream, and it was not only the pleasure that usually ends in sexual intercourse, it was the release of endorphins, mixed with severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Among other things, the complete lack of sexual satisfaction can lead to painful sensations in the pelvic region and petrification of the abdomen, the uterus becomes tense, and this, in turn, may further complicate childbirth.

Barriers to pregnancy orgasm

Often, women continue to worry that sex during pregnancy can somehow harm the fetus. Because of these concerns, they have concerns about every single change in the body. But here it should be remembered that pregnancy is in itself a process of continuous changes, daily, hourly, and if we talk about mood, then in general every minute. Now we will talk about cases that sometimes frighten pregnant women and become the cause of their refusal of sex and, accordingly, orgasm.

• Nausea and vomiting

Lovely ladies in position. These phenomena are absolutely normal for this period. Someone they worry less, someone more. But one way or another, every pregnant woman has nausea and emetic urge. If you are worried about these symptoms, just wait them out, wait until the nausea subsides and the walls of the stomach stop contracting, after which you can safely go with your loved one to the bedroom to get your dose of pleasure.

Shape change

When the woman begins to strongly resemble a bun, closer to the second half of the pregnancy period, she looks at herself in the mirror, cautiously touches the rapidly growing tummy and admits with grief - now there can be no talk of orgasm. But we will surprise you - very much may! If you adapt with your partner and adopt a position that is comfortable for both, the orgasm will be no less bright than before. By the way, a man from such intercourse will also enjoy, do not hesitate.

Breast tenderness and colostrum leakage

When a sexual partner caresses your breasts, you may experience quite strong pain. But this does not mean that you need to stop having sex and abandon orgasm. Just warn your partner to pay more attention to other parts of the body and, if possible, do not touch your chest. Also during intercourse, colostrum, ie, the first milk of a woman, may leak out. This in itself does not pose any threat, the main thing is not to be distracted, so as not to disrupt the concentration during the sexual game. In addition, such cases are quite rare.

Change vaginal discharge

During pregnancy, the woman's body is greatly rearranged, there are many changes in the genitals. The volume, color, smell of vaginal discharge changes. They may appear in very small quantities, because of which it will be too dry there and it will be necessary to use additional moisturizing agents for sex, and the situation may be reversed, that is, the liquid will appear in an excessively large volume, the vagina will become slippery, through which sexual partner may be problems with erection. Also, the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the vagina can lead to the fact that the man will have to give up oral services, as he clearly will not like this process - in every sense of the word.

• Bleeding in the female genitals

If you have sex in the last months of pregnancy, too deep introduction of the penis can damage additional vessels that complement the nutrition of the uterus. In such cases, as a rule, doctors do not recommend sexual intercourse. If you have a strong arousal, then in this case it is better to reach orgasm by exciting the clitoris. Some women try to explain the situation to the husband and say that he is less persistent and introduces the penis less deeply. But, as a rule, it does not lead to anything good. Most likely, your sexual partner will not endure such mockery and you still will not get an orgasm.

Fear of infection

If a man does not have any sexually transmitted infections, the likelihood that a child after the 7th month of development will become infected due to your sexual intercourse is very low. The fact is that the baby is securely protected by an amniotic sac. Doctors claim that such protection is valid until the ninth month of gestation. However, for the last 4-6 weeks, condoms should still be used to ensure that the baby does not develop an infection.

• The appearance of difficulties in obtaining orgasm

As already mentioned, a large number of changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy. They can both contribute to the emergence of brighter sensations during orgasm, and the emergence of some difficulties in reaching the peak of pleasure. This should be taken for granted, it is quite possible to adapt to such hormonal changes in the female body by choosing the most favorable time for sexual intercourse, and also if the partner spends more time to caress.

• Fear of premature birth

Despite the fact that an orgasm is accompanied by contractions of the uterus, it cannot provoke childbirth. Such a phenomenon is just the opposite; it trains a woman's vaginal muscles and prepares her for pregnancy.

How to achieve a bright and safe orgasm during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, the woman begins to distinguish between sex and orgasm. Not always the second is a consequence of the first. There are certain conventions that should be followed in order to get a saturated and non-dangerous orgasm during pregnancy.

• Do not overdo it with the number of sexual acts. This is the case when quality is important, that is, how much you give yourself to passion and concentrate on exactly what is happening at that moment.

• If just sex in both partners does not cause proper satisfaction, it is worth looking for other methods. And you need to look for them not in the "Kama Sutra". Strong embraces, hot kisses, massage (especially foot massage is sensual), a joint shower or bath, even a simple romantic dinner can bring much more pleasure than sex.

• To remove any worries from your head, we advise you to consult a gynecologist. And not only regarding the general state of your health, but about sex during pregnancy.

In any case, you should not refuse to orgasm during pregnancy. If you are too worried about the health of the baby, choose the most favorable time and posture for this.

So pleasant emotions, as you get from sex with a loved one, it is still difficult to replace something.


Watch the video: Can you have sex during pregnancy? (June 2024).