Chicken breast chops - all tenderness in the taste! Secrets of chicken breast chops: in batter, with sauce and fillings


It is no secret that chicken breast is cooked very quickly, but even faster you can make chops from it.

Juicy, tender, with a crispy crust or in a tender batter.

The cooking process does not take much time, and the result is always amazing.

Chicken Breast Chops - General Cooking Principles

Since the breast itself is sufficiently dry, its undesirable freeze and you need to make chops from chilled meat. The pieces are cut across the fibers, 1.5-2 cm thick and beat off with a hammer. Since the meat is quite tender, you need to do it carefully, otherwise holes may form. For the same reason, do not need to slice thinner than a centimeter. The diameter of the chop is greatly increased.

Prepared breasts can be marinated in various foods, spices, or fried at once. To preserve juiciness use batter or just an egg. From above, you can make breading of crackers, flour, semolina and other products. It will also prevent moisture and promote the formation of a crust.

Chicken breast chops can be cooked on the stove or in the oven. For roasting in a pan, use vegetable oil or a mixture of fats. After the piece has browned on one side, it is turned over and covered with a lid, then allowed to sweat. In the oven, chicken breast chops are most often prepared with various fillings: vegetables, mushrooms, dried fruits, cheese. Readiness check puncture, the knife should gently enter.

Recipe 1: Chicken breast chops in batter without flour

Juicy chicken breast chops that require a minimum set of products and do not contain flour. A crust is formed very quickly, so you need to fry the meat pieces over medium heat so that the breast has time to cook inside.


• single chicken breast;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 spoons of mayonnaise;

• black pepper, salt and oil.


1. We split the breast into portions, about 2 cm thick.

2. Beat off with a hammer.

3. We salt, we pepper, we stack against each other and we leave for an hour, it is possible more.

4. Beat eggs, add mayonnaise, spices. Stir until dissolved.

5. Put the pan on the stove, pour the oil.

6. Cling a chop with a fork, dip in beaten eggs and fry in hot oil until cooked. Check by puncture the same plug, it should easily enter.

Recipe 2: Chicken breast chops with basil, tomato and cheese

The recipe of cooking interesting chops from chicken breast, with juicy filling. The dish is simple, but very beautiful and tasty. Instead of circles of ordinary tomatoes, you can use cherry by cutting the fruit in half. Anyone who does not like basil, can exclude it or replace it with other herbs, including dried or frozen.


• 0.6 kg breast;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 0.1 kg of cheese;

• 3 basil sprigs;

• 3 spoons of milk;

• crackers for breading;

• spices, fat for frying.


1. Cut the breast into portions, beat each one, sprinkle with spices and set aside.

2. Eggs need to beat with milk and spices.

3. Slice the tomato into circles, grate the cheese, and simply cut the basil.

4. Dip the chop in the egg, then roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan in oil. When it is reddened on one side, we turn it over.

5. Put the tomato mugs on the ruddy side, sprinkle basil and cheese on top. Cook under the lid for a couple of minutes until the cheese is melted and the bottom is browned.

Recipe 3: Chicken Breast "Mushroom" Chops

These chicken breast chops are cooked with mushroom filling, they are quite large and juicy. Common champignons are used. Preparing a dish in the oven on the baking sheet for about 40 minutes, with an average temperature of about 190 degrees.


• one big breast (0,7-0,8 kg);

• 0.25 kg of champignons;

• one onion;

• 2 eggs;

• 50 gr. mayonnaise;

• 0.15 kg of hard cheese;

• flour;

• oil, spices.


1. Cut the breast in large enough pieces. Carefully repel, sprinkle with spices and remove.

2. Mushrooms need to be washed, remove defects and cut into small slices. Onions clean and chop diced. Together, we fry in a frying pan, in a small amount of butter. You can just put out on low heat, at the end we salt and pepper.

3. Salt the eggs, beat with a fork or with a whisk.

4. We take a broken off piece of meat, dip it in an egg, then roll it in flour and put it on a baking sheet.

5. Put a spoonful of the filling, sprinkle with a thin layer of grated cheese. This must be done in order to seal the mushrooms with meat and between themselves.

6. Take another chop, dip it in the egg again and roll it down in flour. Put on the mushrooms.

7. Sprinkle gently with cheese, press the chips to the chop with your hands, grease with mayonnaise on top and send to baking until done.

Recipe 4: Chicken breast chops in milk bechamel sauce

A great recipe for chicken breast chops for those planning to serve meat with a side dish. For the sauce, you can use both milk and liquid cream with a low percentage of fat. And in order to make it beautiful and bright, you must cook in butter and add turmeric to the color.


• 0.6 kg breast;

• flour;

• spices;

• 30 gr. butter;

• 0.4 liters of milk (or cream);

• butter, turmeric.


1. Cut the pieces of meat, beat, salt.

2. Pour oil into the pan, set on fire.

3. Dip the breast in flour and lightly fry in the hot oil until the crust. Put the cooked pieces in a small saucepan.

4. In another pan, melt the butter and fry a spoonful of wheat flour without a slide.

5. Pour in milk, stir continuously. Cook for 2-3 minutes, until the sauce begins to thicken. Salt and put any spices.

6. Fill the fried chops with milk sauce, simmer for 10 minutes on low heat. At the end add a pinch of turmeric to give the sauce a beautiful color.

Recipe 5: Chicken breast chops in First Love wine

There are several variations of cooking chicken breast chops according to this recipe. They can be made with white or red wine. In the first case, the taste is tender, in the second more saturated and bright. For comparison, you can try both options and choose the one that will appeal.


• 0.5 kg breast;

• 120 ml of wine;

• large onion or 2 small;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• butter;

• 2 tomatoes;

• spices;

• Dill fresh or dried.


1. Prepare the meat as in previous recipes, cut, beat and salt.

2. Chop onion into half rings, simply chop the garlic cloves into several pieces.

3. Pour oil into the pan, fry the onion. As soon as he starts to get gold, throw garlic pieces. Cook a couple more minutes.

4. Spread the onion mass with a spoon, spread out the chops.

5. Pour in wine, cover with lid and stew for 10 minutes.

6. At this time, remove the skin from the tomatoes, pouring boiling water over the fruit, cut into arbitrary slices, but not finely.

7. Send the tomatoes to the chicken, cover with the lid and stew for another 15 minutes.

8. At the end sprinkle with herbs.

Recipe 6: Chicken Breast Pineapple Chops

Chicken and pineapples - this is almost a classic duet, in which the products are perfectly combined. Chicken breast chops are prepared first in the pan, then in the oven, on average 40 minutes is enough. The peculiarity is that meat is fried on the stove on one side only.


• brisket from one carcass;

• 3 rings pineapples;

• 0.15 kg of cheese;

• spices;

• flour;

• some oil.


1. Cut the breast into chops and prepare as usual.

2. Dunk the pieces into one piece with flour and fry it, do not touch the top. This side will take the oven, and we will not waste time.

3. We put the pieces on the greased sheet raw side down.

4. Put on each diced pineapple. Exotic guest lovers can put a whole ring on each chop.

5. Sprinkle with cheese and send in the oven until cooked. Pineapple juice soak fillets, it will be soft and tender.

Recipe 7: Chicken breast chops in kefir marinade

A special feature of these chicken breast chops is the marinade. For him it is better to use fatty kefir, you can replace it with liquid sour cream. It is better to use products at room temperature, so the process will go faster. Marinated meat must be at least 2 hours.


• breast;

• 0.2 l kefir;

• butter;

• salt, black pepper;

• 1 teaspoon condiment for chicken;

• 2 cloves of garlic.


1. Cooking the sauce. To do this, we run garlic cloves through a press, put it in kefir, salt, pepper, sprinkle seasoning for chicken.

2. Breast cut portions, beat and immerse in kefir sauce. Give stand.

3. Remove the slices from the marinade, fry in hot oil on both sides to a golden color. Additionally, no need to panic.

Recipe 8: Chicken breast chops with oriental soy sauce

If you do everything correctly, the chicken turns out very soft, melts in your mouth. According to this recipe you can cook chops from chicken breast, pork, beef, turkey. With any meat it turns out delicious.


• 0.7 kg of breast;

• 0.09 kg of flour;

• 0.1 kg of soy sauce;

• butter;

• spoon hop-suneli;

• egg;

• spoon of sugar.


1. Cooking marinade. To do this, mix soy sauce with sugar, hops-suneli, a couple of spoons of vegetable oil.

2. Cut the breast into thin layers, slightly beat off, dip in the sauce and stack each other. The remains of the marinade just pour out the top. Reserve for an hour.

3. Beat the egg, add a couple of tablespoons of chicken marinade, mix.

4. We dip the pieces of chops into the egg mixture, then we pan the slices in wheat flour and fry in oil until ready.

Recipe 9: Teriyaki Chicken Breast Chops

Teriyaki sauce is known worldwide, and its homeland is Japan. Prepared on the basis of soy sauce, has several variations. It is great for meat, but especially delicious with it are chops made from chicken breast. The recipe uses starch, you can take potato or corn.


• 2 fillets;

• 100 ml of soy sauce;

• one spoon of honey, balsamic vinegar and starch;

• ½ teaspoon ginger;

• 10 gr. sesame;

• oil in marinade and for frying.


1. Cooking marinade. To do this, mix honey, soy sauce, ginger, vinegar and add 2 tablespoons of oil.

2. Prepare the fillet on chops, grease with sauce. We set aside to pickle.

3. Then we take the meat and fry in oil on both sides until the crust.

4. Pour the rest of the sauce in the same pan, add starch and stirring continuously, bring to a boil.

5. Pour half a cup of boiling water.

6. Put the fried chops and simmer under the lid for 10 minutes. They completely absorb the entire sauce. Sprinkle the finished dish with sesame.

Chicken Breast Chops - Tips and Tricks

• For slicing chicken breasts, do not use wooden planks, as they will absorb the juice and will become a repository of germs. It is better to give preference to plastic and glass. They are much more hygienic and do not require special treatments, it is enough just to wash them with detergent and dry them.

• For breading breasts, instead of flour and crackers, you can use semolina. It is also very tasty with crushed crackers, but the biscuits should be salty.

• For extra juiciness, before roasting, pieces of white meat can be stuffed with butter or bacon and then breaded.

• To keep meat juice from leaving pieces of meat and not sprinkling in all directions, you need to beat the breast with a hammer through a plastic bag. You can simply cover the top or put a piece inside.

• Regardless of the way chops are cooked, it is important not to cook white meat for a long time. Otherwise, it will become dry, hard, the piece will shrink. In a pan for frying the average chop is enough for 5 minutes on each side. In the oven, time depends on the presence or absence of filling, but on average no more than 30 minutes.


Watch the video: Crunchy Korean fried chicken recipe Dakgangjeong: 닭강정 (June 2024).