Diet to improve metabolism: recommendations nutritionists. Get rid of excess weight with a diet to improve metabolism


Metabolism (metabolism) - This is the conversion of nutrients derived from food into calories necessary for the life of the body.

Metabolic disease - the inability of cells to process or absorb certain nutrients. Violation is called slow and accelerated metabolism.

With accelerated metabolism all life processes are accelerated, a person is older faster, respectively, and life expectancy is reduced.

Slow metabolism causes slagging of the intestines. There is a violation of fat metabolism, there is a problem of excess weight, which entails cardiovascular disease.

General principles of nutrition in metabolic disorders

1. Protein-containing foods are incompatible with starch-rich foods. If you combine protein foods with vegetables, metabolism is faster. It can be cabbage, cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers or tomatoes.

2. Meat, fish and dairy products can be consumed for breakfast or lunch. These foods are heavy foods that require at least four hours to digest. To make the process faster, you can walk a bit after lunch.

3. Refueling of products containing protein with mayonnaise or sour cream is not allowed. For refueling, it is better to use vegetable oil.

4. Fruits and berries go well with root vegetables, nuts or vegetables.

5. Chew food containing starch. It is best to use it for lunch.

6. Fruits should not be consumed with proteins and fats. They can be eaten for breakfast and dinner, or used for a bite to eat.

7. Diet to improve metabolism must be strictly followed. Do not skip meals, increase or decrease the specified amount of food. Sugar and salt should be completely excluded from the diet.

Metabolism Improving Products

1. Slow carbohydrates - all kinds of cereals. Buckwheat, oat, millet, wheat or corn.

2. Greens and citrus fruits - contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. They accelerate the process of losing weight and normalize the metabolism. Citrus fruits are a natural metabolic stimulator.

3. Water. It is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of water per day, not counting coffee, tea or stewed fruit.

4. Sweets. Dried fruits and natural honey.

5. Bread to use only rye or wholemeal. In this case, the daily rate should not exceed 150 g.

6. Coffee and tea. Green tea is a source of antioxidants. In addition, green tea drunk in the morning triggers metabolic processes in the body. This drink has a positive effect on glucose and cholesterol. Black tea and coffee contain caffeine, which breaks down adipose tissue and releases fatty acids, which helps improve metabolism. It is better to drink natural coffee.

7. Dairy products. Calcium deficiency can cause metabolic disorders. A complete rejection of dairy products leads to the production of a hormone - calcitriol, which inhibits the removal and processing of fats. Eat low-fat dairy products.

8. Almond. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, normalizes metabolic processes, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

9. Turkey meat. It is a source of high quality natural protein and vitamins of group B.

10. Apples. Promote fat burning and speeding up the metabolism. It is advisable to eat at least a couple of apples a day.

11. Spinach. It contains a lot of manganese - a trace element necessary for the normalization of metabolism.

12. Broccoli. Rich in vitamin C and calcium - important components of a full metabolism.

13. Curry. Stimulates the burning of calories and speeds up metabolism.

14. Soy milk. Accelerates metabolism due to high calcium content. When used, do not overdo it with sweeteners.

15. Cinnamon. It contributes to the burning of sugar, which helps normalize blood sugar levels. Lowers cholesterol.

Diet for metabolic disorders

Meals that must be present in the diet

- fresh, boiled or baked vegetables. Dishes from white cabbage, beets, rutabaga and zucchini. Salads of radishes, cucumbers, green lettuce and tomatoes. No more than 200 g per day;

- soups based on vegetable or mushroom broth. A couple of times a week you can use soups on a weak fish or meat broth;

- cereals and pasta are allowed, however, the use of bread is excluded;

- non-greasy baked, steamed or boiled meat. Dishes from lean pork, poultry, rabbit and low-fat mutton (150 g per day);

- sea fish and seafood. Use low-fat varieties of fish, such as carp, pike perch, saffron cod or cod. In a jellied form, boiled or steamed, and no more than 150 g per day;

- one or two boiled eggs. Can be used as an omelet;

- dairy and dairy products with a low percentage of fat content (200 ml per day).

They are eaten both in-kind and in the form of puddings, cottage cheese, casseroles or cheesecakes;

- Freshly squeezed juices and compotes from acidic varieties of fruits and berries without sugar, coffee and tea;

- unsweetened fruit and berries in the raw;

- From seasonings you can use tomato sauce, vanillin, cinnamon and fresh herbs. Sauces based on vegetable or mushroom broth;

- citrus fruits. Green apples and pineapple - enzymes and acids accelerate metabolism. Lemon and grapefruit stimulate fat burning and improve digestion.

Foods to Avoid by Dieting for Metabolism Disorders

- white bread and pastries;

- soups in fatty broth, with potatoes or legumes;

- fat sour cream, mayonnaise, spices and sauces, mustard and horseradish;

- sausages, smoked meats, fatty meat and fish, offal, canned food and pickles;

- butter, fat cottage cheese, cheeses, feta cheese and cream;

- sweet juices and alcohol;

- any animal fat and fat;

- sweets;

- limit the use of rice, semolina and pasta;

- grapes, bananas;

- absolutely exclude artificially synthesized products and with flavoring additives.

Products - Metabolic Substitutes

- white bread can be replaced with rye, or whole-wheat bread, bran bread is also suitable. Muffin can be replaced with biscuit biscuits;

- for soups, use vegetable or fish broths;

- sour cream and mayonnaise can be replaced with natural yogurt;

- from sausages you can occasionally use a doctor's sausage;

- instead of butter, enter into the diet of olive;

- sweets can be replaced with dried fruits and natural honey.

Sample diet menu to improve metabolism for the week

The basis of the diet is the body-mutually acceptable products that cleanse the body of toxins, burn fat and normalize metabolism.

Before starting a diet to improve metabolism, you must adhere to a strict low-calorie diet. The body will take it as normal.

Switching from a low-calorie diet to improving metabolism is necessary gradually, increasing the number of calories by two hundred a week.

Day 1

Breakfast: we drink unsweetened coffee with crackers.

Lunch: hard boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Cabbage stewed in a small amount of oil, 200 ml of tomato juice.

Dinner: vegetable salad of celery and carrots. As a dressing, you can use olive oil or kefir. 200 g of boiled or steamed lean meat.

Day 2

Breakfast: drink unsweetened green tea.

Lunch: steamed or boiled meat with a salad of vegetables.

Dinner: 200 g of lean ham, a glass of 1% kefir.

Day 3

Breakfast: natural unsweetened coffee with a cracker.

Lunch: grilled zucchini, or caviar, a salad of fresh vegetables. You can use kefir or olive oil as a dressing.

Dinner: one hundred grams of lean ham, 250 ml of kefir.

Day 4

Breakfast: natural coffee with breadcrumbs.

Lunch: grated raw carrots with apple, 15 g of cheese, hard-boiled egg.

Dinner: fruit salad, natural yogurt - 100 ml.

Day 5

Breakfast: grated carrots with lemon juice.

Lunch: steamed or boiled fish - 150 g, 250 ml of tomato juice.

Dinner: a salad of cucumbers and cabbage, with herbs, seasoned with natural yogurt or vegetable oil.

Day 6

Breakfast: natural unsweetened coffee.

Lunch: boiled poultry meat without skin - 200 g, carrot and cabbage salad.

Dinner: two sour apples.

Day 7

Breakfast: black, unsweetened tea with lemon.

Lunch: boiled lean meat - 150 g, two hundred grams of fruit.

Dinner: fruit salad seasoned with natural yogurt.

There is a basic menu for the day, which you can take as a basis when creating your own menu for every day, replacing products with similar ones in calorie content and composition.

The basis of the menu for the day, containing 2000 calories:

- 150 grams of rye bread or cereals;

- 300 g of fresh white cabbage;

- 100 g of cottage cheese 1% fat;

- 30 g low-fat sour cream;

- egg;

- 150 g of poultry meat;

- 35 g of olive oil;

- 100 g of fish or seafood;

- 200 g of fruit.

Replacing products with equivalent ones in it, you can create and diversify your menu for many months to come. Such a diet to improve metabolism can be followed for a long time, it is balanced and helps to normalize metabolism. You can have small snacks between main meals.

Important points of nutrition for people with impaired metabolism

1. Adhering to a diet to improve metabolism, you need to eat, five times a day, every three hours. The volume of a single meal should be no more than two hundred grams. The last meal should be three hours before bedtime, this helps to activate metabolic processes in the body. The norm of calories should be: calories needed for the body to work per day, minus 300.

2. At each meal, it is necessary to eat foods containing protein and fiber.

3. Absolutely exclude sugar, convenience foods and fast food from the diet. Nutrition should be extremely complete.

4. Eliminate foods that stimulate appetite from the diet.

5. Fruits can be eaten no later than 14.00.

6. In the morning you need to drink two glasses of hot water so that metabolic processes start in the body. After about ten minutes, eat a tablespoon of olive oil - the minimum amount of fat necessary for the body to work. After half an hour you can have breakfast.

7. Foods containing carbohydrates, eat until 16.00.

8. Do not drink water with food. After eating, it is advisable not to drink another forty minutes.

9. After 16.00 use only foods containing proteins.

10. Once a week, arrange a fasting day. On this day, you can eat only low-fat cottage cheese.

Benefits of a Diet to Improve Metabolism

  • Diet does not mean fasting, and the body gets all the necessary trace elements, minerals and vitamins.
  • The metabolism improves, the feeling of heaviness and swelling disappears.
  • If the stomach is stretched, a diet to improve metabolism will allow it to return to its previous form.
  • The result lasts long enough. In addition, sleep is normalized.

Before going on a diet, consult a nutritionist. It is this specialist who will be able to determine what metabolic problems specifically you have, and will be able to create a diet that is ideal for you.


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