If you follow a special diet for arthrosis, will there be any effect? Yes, successful treatment with a sparing diet for arthrosis is possible!


The terrible disease, which will be discussed in this article, has long been withdrawn from the status of "the disease of the elderly" - now not only people of old age, but also young people suffer from arthrosis.

Recently, they are increasingly talking about the huge role of nutrition in the development of arthrosis, they associate it with metabolic disorders.

With the help of a diet for arthrosis, it is possible to achieve noticeable improvements in the condition of the joint and reduce inflammation.

Massages, medications, exercise therapy, and other conservative methods of treatment are often powerless if the patients are not kept on a diet. A significant role in the progression of the disease is played by "extra" kilograms - in obese people the load on the joints significantly exceeds the allowable, often leading to disability. Diet also helps to get rid of excess weight, and, therefore, from the disease.

The principle of nutrition in degenerative changes of the joint

Immediately you need to make a reservation: a diet for arthrosis should be chosen exclusively by a doctor. It should be a complete diet with a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and with an increased amount of essential vitamins and minerals to relieve inflammation and speed up regeneration.

Having learned that arthrosis contributes to excess weight, patients begin to lose weight in all available ways. This is strictly prohibited! Full or partial fasting, calorie deficiency, elimination of proteins, fats or carbohydrates is unacceptable in the diet with arthrosis.

The principle of treatment is one: restore the supply of cartilage with full synovial fluid in a certain amount. The liquid must include a certain percentage of chondroitin and glucosamine, without them the cartilage will not be able to fully function.

Increase the amount of synovial fluid capable of food with a certain set of vitamins and minerals. And products with ready-made glycoproteins supply the cartilage with the necessary amount of glucosamine and chondroitin.

Only a balanced diet for arthritis

Doctors believe that large amounts of protein or specific vitamins are not needed to reduce pain and restore nutrition to cartilage. A complex diet for arthritis is rich in proteins, fats, and carbohydrates from certain foods that are properly prepared.


Cartilage tissue contains a large amount of protein, which is partly why protein foods for people with arthrosis need to be consumed in sufficient quantity. Proteins of both animal and plant origin are involved in the construction of new tissues, including the regeneration of cartilage.

In various publications, they write about the benefits of brawn for patients with arthrosis. The authors believe that the gelatin contained in the limbs of animals from which the jelly is welded, will fill in the damaged tissue of the affected joint. But if everything was so simple, no joint replacement operations were done for a long time. Scientists have conducted many studies on the benefits of brawn, but none of them confirmed the therapeutic effect on the joints. Therefore, WHO cannot recommend brawn for inclusion in the diet for osteoarthritis.

However, animal protein is still necessary. Boiled, steamed, steamed protein foods must be present in the diet of patients.

The main protein-rich food of animal and vegetable origin for patients with arthrosis:

• fish (salmon, tuna);

• lean meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken);

• fermented milk products (cheese, kefir, sour cream);

• legumes (beans or lentils);

• buckwheat.

Pay attention: it is not necessary to take low-fat products, or lean fish. Only fatty fish and natural dairy products will have a healing effect. And do not be afraid of such products do not get better!


The essential substances for the functioning of the human body are also carbohydrates. It is they who do not allow muscle collapse during physical exertion and provide energy reserves. But it is not about sugar and other "simple" carbohydrates contained, for example, in rich products. They are very quickly absorbed, deposited in the form of subcutaneous or internal fat.

Benefit are only "complex" carbohydrates that can be taken from cereals, fruits and vegetables. They are absorbed more slowly, contribute to weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes.


The minds of the masses firmly included the view that the fat from the foods eaten is completely deposited in the body, and people began to use "fat-free" foods. This is wrong and is fraught with serious metabolic disorders.

Only fat can protect internal organs with severe injuries, and, due to its low thermal porosity, it maintains a constant optimal body temperature. In the diet for osteoarthritis, various vegetable fats are used, as well as animals - butter and fish oil in moderate quantities.

It is fish oil, like no other, that is able to improve the condition of the tissues of all organs and reduce inflammation. In addition, fish dishes are rich in phosphorus, iron and selenium, which are very necessary for joints.

Vitamins and minerals for arthrosis

The production of collagen, the main protein compound in the joints, is impossible without vitamins and trace elements. The creation of collagen "work" vitamin C in combination with iron under the influence of enzymes. This should stimulate patients to consume foods with these substances.

The main sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, dog rose, sea buckthorn, black currant and sweet pepper.

Iron is found in red meat, liver, yolks, clams, cereals, fatty fish, apples and beets.

To restore the optimal saturation of the synovial fluid with glycosaminoglycans, other vitamins are also needed:

Vitamins of group B:

• Riboflavin (B2) regulates metabolism. Under its influence the formation of the energetic substance for the vital activity of the organism occurs Without riboflavin, tissue regeneration and growth are impossible. Riboflavin is contained in eggs, almonds and pine nuts, as well as mushrooms.

• folic acid (B9) - promotes the production of new cells. Most B9 in greens, baked potatoes, beans, eggs, chicken and bananas.

The above products usually form the basis of a diet for arthrosis. Moreover, the frequency of reception and the number of meals should be recommended by a doctor.

Only in the case when there is not enough vitamins with food, vitamin-mineral complexes are taken.

Healthy foods

Diet for arthritis is not strict. The basic principle: do no harm or spread! The following describes the foods that doctors usually recommend for degenerative conditions of the joints. They are very useful, but only if they are properly prepared and not abused.

So with arthrosis need to eat:

• fatty fish (salmon, tuna) nourishes the body with essential omega-3 fatty acids, reduces cholesterol and improves metabolism;

• Fresh fruits, berries and vegetables - contain vitamin C for collagen synthesis by the body;

• soybeans and their derivatives (soy milk, tofu), grapes (peel) - a source of phytoestrogen, promotes the production of hyaluronic acid;

• potatoes and other starchy root vegetables;

• cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli);

• spinach is an iron containing product;

• Red pepper;

• chicken eggs to make "good cholesterol";

• dairy and dairy products - a source of calcium;

• red meat, chicken fillet - the best source of protein and selenium;

• walnuts, pine nuts, almonds and hazelnuts - all nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins A, B, E in large quantities, and other trace elements;

• legumes (lentils and beans);

• mushrooms - rich in vitamin D, for calcium absorption;

• garlic - for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect (with prolonged regular use).

Particular attention is paid to vegetable juices for their antioxidant effect. It is more about freshly squeezed carrot and beet juices that prevent aging of tissues. After spinning should take no more than half an hour. Frequently recommended cabbage juice should be tried very carefully - it is not for every digestive system, it can lead to indigestion, colic, and other unpleasant sensations.

Fruit juices are no less important, especially citrus juice. The risk of developing arthrosis is reduced by 16 percent, it is only necessary to drink orange juice in a single glass each day.

Pomegranate juice has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect - about five tablespoons of pure pomegranate juice every day prevents the wear of cartilage and reduces inflammation in the joint.

Many sources write about the powerful anti-inflammatory effect of pineapple due to bromelain. But there is one nuance: the fruit should be eaten immediately after cutting, paying attention to the top and the stalk, and canned pineapple has no beneficial properties, except for the pleasure of its sweet taste.

Although jelly and meat aspic are recommended for patients with arthrosis, they cannot provide the joints with collagen. The fact is that gelatin is really collagen, but it has undergone a process of denaturation and has completely changed its structure. Therefore jelly is present in the diet with arthrosis, but only as a dietary dish.

Exception - fish aspic based on saturated broth. It contains chondroitin sulfate, which actually enters the synovial fluid.

Arthrosis and water imbalance

The main thing that a person suffering from arthrosis of the extremities should remember is about enough fluid intake. Teach yourself to drink. Now you can not only set a timer to remind you about time to drink - many applications for your phone or smartphone will remind you every day in automatic mode.

It is water that accelerates metabolic processes and the renewal of the body. Dehydration leads to a lack of synovial fluid and aggravation of deformities. The first glass of water should be drunk immediately after waking up, and continued throughout the day. In general, the body should receive at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Sample menu for osteoarthritis


1. Porridge on the water with the addition of butter - oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, millet or barley.

2. Cottage cheese with honey, cheese cakes, ryazhenka or kefir with cookies.

3. Green unsweetened tea with a sandwich with butter or cheese.

4. Boiled eggs or scrambled eggs, vegetable salad.


1. Dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dates).

2. Sour-milk drink - kefir, sour milk, yogurt, acidophilus, ryazhenka.

3. Orange.

4. Pomegranate.


1. Soup with vegetables or cereals, vegetable stew.

2. Fish jelly or jelly, croup.

3. Boiled or steam meatballs or patties, vegetable salad.

4. Boiled or baked fish, steamed vegetables.

Bread is better than wholegrain, rye, or wholemeal flour.

Afternoon tea

1. Compote from dried fruits.

2. Kissel.

3. Tea with biscuits.

4. Mousse.


1. Stewed vegetables.

2. Porridge (any whole grains, but not in the form of flakes or bleached rice).

3. Curd dishes.

4. Mashed potatoes or baked potatoes.

Half an hour after dinner, you can drink a little karkade or light green tea.

How to eat, not to overeat

Portions should be small, only to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Small plates will help not to overdo it with the quantity, and small pauses during the meal - to control the degree of saturation. After the meal, it is advisable to walk a little.

What is impossible with arthrosis

Exclude from the diet sweet and flour dishes, fast food, alcohol, canned food, breakfast cereals and mayonnaise.

amount salt should be kept to a minimum. Spices and herbs will help replace it. Unlike salt, they do not trap body fluids and are deposited in unwanted places.

The effect of such a diet will be noticeable no earlier than six months.

If there is excess weight, then the first result is possible only after losing weight.

And remember: any treatment should be discussed with your doctor.


Watch the video: Diet Doctor Podcast #24 Robb Wolf (July 2024).