Lentil salad - what else is needed for happiness? The most delicious, original and healthy lentil salad recipes


Lentils - the oldest food culture. From it they cook soups, mashed potatoes, cereals, salads, bake bread and cakes.

Lentil lovers have a fun and easy-going nature. Why? It's simple: lentil contains amazing amino acid tryptophan. It produces serotonin - the hormone of joy. Thanks to this substance, mood improves, depression disappears, stress is better tolerated.

There are a lot of varieties of this legume plant: there is brown, red, green and even black lentils resembling beluga caviar! The most fragrant variety is French puy. Usually it is used to make salads, as the puy keeps its shape, does not boil soft and has an amazing pepper flavor.

Not all housewives use lentils, but in vain. This plant has a high nutritional value, is a complete substitute for animal protein and allows you to cook an amazing variety of dishes.

The whole secret of lentils - in its proper preparation, since different varieties have different cooking times.

Lentil Salad - General Cooking Principles

To fall in love with this plant, you can start with a simple: prepare a salad with lentils. It goes well with dairy and meat products, vegetables and fruits, as well as various sauces and dressings.

To cook lentils correctly, you need to fill the seeds with cold water, taking two parts of water to one part of the lentils. After boiling pour in olive oil. Just one tablespoon will be enough to soften the wayward character of the beans. Then everything is simple, but strictly: the brown lentils popular in America should be boiled for a quarter of an hour, red for half an hour, green for forty minutes.

With boiled lentils can be combined with chopped goat or sheep cheese, feta, mozzarella. An excellent company of legumes will be fresh or baked vegetables: tomatoes, onions, carrots, pumpkins, beets, bell peppers. Very tasty salad with lentils and meat, fish, chicken.

Chopped ingredients can be filled with lemon juice sauce, balsamic or red wine vinegar, olive oil, honey. The aroma of lentil salad is diversified by fennel, cinnamon, mint, cumin, basil, garlic, onion, curry, mustard.

Lentil Salad with Goat Cheese

The original salad with black lentils, pumpkin squash and goat cheese will fall in love with gourmets. Pumpkin squash does not have a specific sweet taste and melon flavor, and during heat treatment it breaks up into fibers. Pumpkin seeds, fragrant goat cheese, mint and cumin turn the dish into something absolutely fantastic and incredibly beautiful.


• one squash fruit squash;

• ten tablespoons of black lentils;

• 150 grams of goat cheese;

• a glass of peeled pumpkin seeds;

• a few leaves of arugula;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• spoon red wine vinegar;

• five leaves of fresh mint;

• a large tablespoon of zira and paprika;

• large sea salt.

Cooking method:

Lentil pour warm water and leave for ten minutes.

Cook soaked lentils in the same water. Cooking will take ten to twenty minutes.

Pour the lentils in a colander, leave to completely get rid of moisture.

Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes, sprinkle with olive oil, cover with paprika and cumin and mix well with oil and spices.

Bake the pumpkin in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees until golden brown. Cool completely.

Fry the peeled pumpkin seeds in a dry skillet until they are golden.

Arugula tear hands and put together with mint in a large salad bowl.

Dice goat cheese and send to greens.

Put the pumpkin into the salad bowl, then the dried lentils.

Prepare dressing: mix a spoonful of olive oil with a spoonful of wine vinegar.

Season the ingredients with the sauce, mix gently so as not to turn the contents of the salad bowl into porridge.

Decorate with pumpkin seeds.

Salad with lentils "Mediterranean"

Red onions and bell peppers give this lentil salad a fresh Mediterranean flavor. Tomatoes and feta in a company with basil, balsamic vinegar and green salad turn the dish into an original self-contained snack. To make it not so sharp, you can remove vinegar from the recipe. Green salad can be replaced with arugula - it will not affect a great balanced taste.


• a glass of lentils;

• medium bulb;

• large tomato;

• 150 grams of feta;

• two cloves of garlic;

• two red bell peppers;

• one hundred grams of fresh basil;

• a tablespoon of lemon juice;

• two spoons of olive oil;

• a tablespoon of balsamic vinegar;

• ground pepper to taste;

• a bunch of leaf lettuce (or arugula).

Cooking method

Boil lentils, rinse with cold water, leave in a colander.

Chop the onions, chop the garlic (it is better to just chop with a knife), fry in a pan with hot olive oil until ready for about three minutes.

Put the lentils in a deep container, add butter with onion and garlic.

Cut into thin slices of Bulgarian pepper, send to lentils.

Pour all the vinegar and remaining olive oil, salt and sprinkle with pepper and chopped basil. All ingredients mix well leave to marinate for an hour.

Put the salad in a serving dish or a wide salad bowl, garnish with chopped lettuce and feta pieces.

Beetroot Fantasy Lentil Salad

The simplest, but very tasty original lentil salad can be made from ordinary beets, tomatoes and red onions. Natural apple cider vinegar, honey, ground hot pepper and curry will be required for the dressing. Constant feta will give the dish spicy sourness.


• two medium beets;

• 150 grams of greenish-brown lentils (puis);

• two tomatoes;

• a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar;

• one hundred grams of feta;

• two red onions;

• tablespoon of sugar;

• as much honey;

• half a spoon of ground red pepper;

• tablespoon of curry;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the beets into four parts and bake in foil for an hour with butter, vinegar, honey, salt, sugar, pepper and chopped garlic. The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees.

Boil lentils in salted water.

Fry finely chopped onion in olive oil.

Put the sliced ​​tomatoes in a frying pan and fry with onions, salt and sprinkle with pepper.

In a separate container, mix lentils and tomatoes. Put on a dish or in a salad bowl.

Put the diced beetroot on top of the lentils, then garnish with chopped or crumbled cheese.

Salad with lentils and grilled peppers

Tricolor grilled peppers look very festive in a salad with lentils, olives and tomatoes. Their spicy languid aroma is perfectly combined with fragrant fennel, cilantro, green onions and lime juice. Gourmet treats!


one bell pepper red, green and yellow;

• medium bulb;

• one and a half glasses of lentil puy;

• medium tomato;

• half a cup of green onions;

• ground black pepper, salt, vegetable oil to taste;

• one bay leaf;

• bunch of cilantro;

• one third cup of fresh lime juice;

• a quarter cup of pitted olives;

• a teaspoon of ground fennel.

Cooking method:

Sprinkle the peeled peppers with oil and bake them on the grill with the skin down. As soon as it starts to burn (about ten minutes later), remove the vegetables from the grill.

Salt the pepper, sprinkle with pepper, put in a plastic bag.

Fifteen minutes later, remove and easily peel.

Cut the pepper into small slices and fold into a deep container.

Boil lentils with bay leaf and half onion.

Strain the water, bay leaf and onion to throw, and put the lentils to the peppers.

Stir, salt, sprinkle with pepper.

Cut the tomato, cilantro and green onions, send to lentils and peppers.

Season with lime juice, butter, add fennel and olives cut into ringlets or halves.

Mix gently and place in a salad bowl.

Lentils, Chicken and Broccoli Salad

Spicy smoked chicken meat goes well in a salad with lentils, broccoli and red onions. Garlic, balsamic vinegar and mustard add spicy flavor and spiciness to the dish.


• 125 grams of lentils;

• 350 grams of smoked chicken;

• 250 grams of broccoli;

• medium red onion;

• a clove of garlic;

• a quarter cup of olive oil;

• two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar;

• mustard spoon.

Cooking method:

Chop broccoli very finely, cook for two minutes, then pour over cold water.

Grind the garlic and salt in a mortar until a homogeneous mass.

Combine garlic with vinegar, oil and mustard, mix.

Finely chopped onion fry in olive oil to transparency, then add the cabbage and finely chopped smoked chicken.

Fry for two minutes, then shift to a salad bowl.

Add boiled lentils, season with sauce and serve.

Salad with Lentils "Meat"

The original taste is different salad with lentils, minced meat, peas, cucumbers, chicory and cherry. Cream-cream sauce gives the dish tenderness and light sourness. Fantastically delicious salad!


• one hundred grams of red lentils;

• two hundred grams of minced meat;

• two onions;

• egg;

• 150 grams of green peas;

• as many cherry tomatoes;

• one cucumber;

• one thing chicory;

• salt and pepper to taste;

• three spoons of vegetable oil;

• a cup of sour cream;

• three tablespoons of cream;

• a bunch of dill.

Cooking method:

Mix the minced meat with an egg and finely chopped onion, mold balls the size of a walnut and fry in a frying pan.

Boil lentils and peas (separately). Water to drain. Wash pods with cold water and dry.

Chicory tear hands.

Put chicory pieces into a bowl, cut into halves of cherry tomatoes, thin slices of cucumber and pea pods.

Cut the second onion into transparent half rings and place in a bowl. Mix.

Add lentils and minced meat balls to the salad.

Prepare the sauce, carefully mixing the cream, sour cream, chopped dill, pepper and salt.

Dress up the salad dressing.

Salad with lentils and salmon

Fish with lentils? Easy! Salad with lentils and salmon can decorate the holiday table. Cook it very quickly, as canned lentils and salmon are used.


• a third cup of lemon juice;

• half a spoon of black pepper;

• 850 grams of canned lentils;

• 400 grams of canned salmon in its own juice;

• half onions;

• two spoons of Dijon mustard;

• a bunch of dill;

• one red bell pepper;

• one cucumber;

• one third cup of olive oil;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Prepare a dressing of lemon juice, mustard, pepper, salt, olive oil and dill.

Pepper cut into cubes, onion half rings, cucumber thin slices. Mix.

Add lentils and salmon cut into small pieces.

Mix gently, fill and serve.

Lentils and Dried Fruit Salad

Very tasty, beautiful, unusual turns out salad with lentils, dates, dried apricots and pine nuts. An excellent company of lentils is bulgur - wheat groats. The flavor of the dish gives cinnamon, mint and parsley.


• half a cup of red lentils;

• half a cup of dried apricots;

• half a cup of pitted dates;

• a glass of bulgur;

• half a spoonful of cinnamon;

• half a cup of parsley;

• five mint leaves;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• a quarter cup of lemon juice;

• three tablespoons of pine nuts;

• two spoons of lemon peel;

• salt.

Cooking method:

Cook bulgur with cinnamon in salted water. To cool.

Boil and wash lentils in cold water.

Fry the nuts (without oil).

Dried fruits and herbs cut, remove the lemon zest and squeeze the juice.

Mix all ingredients, season with lemon juice, zest, oil and serve.

Lentil Salad - Tricks and Tips

  • Lentils are not only a source of protein, but also fiber. It improves digestion, improves immunity, and has a beneficial effect on the urogenital system. But the most surprising useful property of lentils is its ability to prevent cancer due to its high content of isoflavones.
  • People with sensitive intestines need to pre-soak dry lentils for five to seven hours, and better all night. It is better to leave it soaked in heat, so it will quickly give up the components that are difficult to master. Then the water must be drained and boiled according to the scheme.
  • Bean cultures are easier to digest with spices: coriander, black pepper, turmeric, ginger, asafoetida.
  • It is not necessary to salt water for lentils: it will cook for a long time. Lentil should be salted a few minutes before draining water.
