How to improve the immunity of folk remedies? Recipes decoctions, tinctures and natural food additives to enhance immunity


It is possible to increase immunity without resorting to pharmaceutical preparations.

Directly acting on the activation of immune protection, natural products in this situation are more effective than synthetically created vitamins and artificial immunomodulators. Timely prevention using popular methods will help to avoid many seasonal diseases, including influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, as well as prevent possible complications.

How to improve the immunity of folk remedies for adults?

When choosing ingredients for the preparation of a healing drink that enhances immunity, preference is given to those that contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other useful trace elements. Leading positions in such indicators occupy rose hips, lemon, aloe juice, honey and herbs.

• Infusion of wild rose. 2 tablespoons of crushed berries must be poured with a glass of boiling water. The resulting broth should stand for about an hour, for saturation. It is better to brew it in a thermos. Take a day twice in a small mug before breakfast and dinner. Course - 4 weeks.

• "Vitaminka". This decoction is particularly popular, as it is easy to prepare, but contains a large amount of vitamins that can improve immunity. It takes 100 grams of rosehips, 2 lemons, raspberry leaves or dried berries (100 gr.) And 2 tablespoons. honey Lemons through a meat grinder (with skin), put a lot in a thermos. There also add honey and raspberry berries. Rosehip pour water (1 liter) and cook for 15 minutes. This broth is passed through a sieve and poured into a thermos. The resulting drink is taken twice a day for two months, preferably in the fall and spring.

• Curative balm with aloe juice. It will take 150 grams. aloe juice, 300 gr. walnuts, 200 gr. Honey, 2 lemons and 1 tbsp. vodka. Chop the nuts, mince the lemon and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Take daily 2 tbsp. before lunch. The course is 10 days. Attention! Due to the presence of alcohol in the composition, the balm is strictly prohibited to be used by children, pregnant women and people suffering from alcohol dependence!

• Infusion of celandine. Popular drink, leading to immunity to normal. Leaves of celandine (100 gr.) Pour boiled water (1 tbsp.). After the infusion is infused, divided into three parts and taken in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

• A mixture of flax seeds. Very effective method that can help even in case of neglected. Fry 200 grams of seeds in a frying pan, grind in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder to take 1 tbsp. l twice a day (mixed in advance with boiled chilled water) for one month.

• "Herbal Honey". Mix in a deep bowl dry chopped yarrow grass, St. John's wort flowers and ground rosehips (all 100 grams). Add 300 grams of softened butter and 700 grams of honey. Mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Take 2 tablespoons every day in winter and spring, and the period of the flu epidemic - 4 tablespoons. A mixture of honey and herbs stored in the refrigerator.

• Herbal collection. It is necessary to prepare nettle leaves (spring), lemongrass shoots - in 3 parts, sage - 1 part. Herbs pour boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. Take after breakfast 2 teaspoons in the autumn-winter period.

• "Vitamin cocktail". It will take 500 grams of honey, tincture of hawthorn and valerian (buy at the pharmacy) - 50 grams each, ginger powder - 1 tbsp, lemon scrolled through a meat grinder - 5 pcs., Almonds (pounded) - 15 pcs., Homemade geranium leaves ( crushed) - 20 pcs. Stir, let stand for about 3 hours. Take 1 tbsp. once a day. Course - 1 month, mostly in winter.

• Recipe specifically for people with severely weakened immune systems! Mix in equal proportions such ingredients: peel of a bitter orange, calamus root, ginger and angelica. Add white wine and clean in a dark place, stirring regularly. Take a tincture of 70 grams, 2 times a day. Use with caution to children, pregnant women and people with alcohol dependence.

Very effectively fights with colds, and also contributes to raising immunity. garlic. Phytoncides released from slices cut in half, can inhibit viruses and harmful microflora, pathogens of various diseases. During the flu epidemic, spread minced garlic in the corners of the bedroom, children's room and living room. A clove of garlic can be hung around the neck - you only need to clean it in advance and make cuts.

Harden the body will help cold and hot shower. Warm water is alternately combined with cold. From such an impact, metabolic processes are accelerated, the body gets used to temperature changes and reacts less to cold.

Perform regularly walks. Despite the weather, go for 10-15 minutes to fresh air. This will help the body to rest from the dusty and closed home atmosphere, in addition, so you can get rid of depression, the main cause of immunity.

How to improve the immunity of folk remedies child?

In order to protect a child from infections, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the question of choosing a remedy. Folk remedies, tested by millions of people, will help to activate natural protection inexpensively, but as efficiently as possible.

Herbal tea. Mix in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile, linden, and coltsfoot. Fill with boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes. Give the child during the day one glass, you can with honey.

Broth horsetail. Pour 1 tbsp. chopped field horsetail with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 30 minutes. Give the child 3 times a day, 30 grams. Note! This decoction is contraindicated in children with kidney disease.

Cranberries with lemon. 1 kg of cranberries and 3 lemons through a meat grinder and pour honey (1 cup). Such a jam can be a wonderful children's dessert, which is also very useful.

Hardening - The best method that helps boost immunity. However, the procedure can be performed only if your child is completely healthy. Start the morning rubbing from 23-24'C, gradually reducing the temperature to 18'C. After rubbing, put the child in warm, dry clothes.

River stones help your child cope with illnesses. Pour round stones with boiled salt water, add a drop of vinegar and ask your baby to run barefoot on the “sea beach”. During such procedures, acupressure of the foot occurs, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole organism.

How to improve the immunity of folk remedies to schoolchildren and students?

Students are most susceptible to mental stress, so immunity often suffers from this. To help restore the tone and protect the body will help the following folk remedies:

• Nut milk. 100 grams of peeled hazelnuts should be fried in a griddle, grind in a coffee grinder. In the resulting powder add a pinch of vanilla and pour it all with warm milk (0.5 l.). Mix with 2 tbsp. l honey and drink throughout the day. Such a drink can be drunk at any time of the year, the main thing is to follow the dosage.

• "Vitamin Jam". Mince dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts (all per kilogram). Add 500 grams of honey and mix well. Jam is stored in the refrigerator and consumed every morning before you go to study.

• "Oily Mix". Mix in equal proportions of olive oil, fish oil and badger oil. Drink 1 teaspoon during lunch. To store ready mix in the refrigerator.

All presented recipes contain only natural ingredients, so they are so easy to prepare at home, and simple procedures will help restore immunity and protect against disease.


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