Aging is not scary: 7 secrets of proper aging for women


As soon as they do not call women aged: elderly, elderly, ladies of the "Balzac" age, grandmothers. Some are ready to come to terms with such statements and grow old quietly alone, but most modern women fundamentally disagree with them.

A woman of age is wonderful, because you are wise enough not to commit rash acts, incredibly beautiful, because now you know exactly how to monitor your appearance and what cosmetics are right for you.

In addition, an aging woman has much more freedom and can manage her time as she pleases. Take a walk with grandchildren? No problems! Meet old friends? It is high time! Take a trip, regardless of location, be it Mallorca or Anapa? Why not! You need to age correctly and we will tell you exactly how.

Listen to your body

Just monitoring health in old age is not enough. You must listen to all the signals that the body sends you. In general, the framework of old age, as well as youth, do not have clear boundaries. For some, 40 years old is a time of "gasping" and "groaning", radiculitis and complaints of overcoming illnesses, while someone, and at 70, is full of strength, aspirations and plans for the future.

In order not to miss really important body signals, consider individual characteristics and signs. For example, a white plaque with obvious teeth imprints on the tongue may indicate problems of the digestive system, and at the root of the tongue, problems in the work of the kidneys. The yellow bloom speaks of possible pathological changes in the liver or pancreas, so a timely visit to the doctor will help to cope with the disease and support the body. Diabetes mellitus, which very often affects older people, can manifest itself with a yellowish coating on the tongue. Peeling of the skin and frequent urination are also considered signs of diabetes.

Excessive sweating, hair loss, irritability and even thinning eyebrows may indicate a malfunction of the thyroid gland. This is an occasion to consult an endocrinologist.

Many problems from gynecology are associated with the onset of old age. And menopause is only a small part. The symptoms of menopause are very extensive and for each woman they manifest themselves in different ways, so a prompt appeal to the gynecologist will help to cope with most of them. Do not tolerate excessive sweating, a feeling of extreme heat or cold (the so-called hot flashes), headaches and sleepless nights. There are many ways to help - just use some of them under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

Problems of the cardiovascular system quite often “wake up” precisely in old age. If you feel shortness of breath when walking, pain in the chest or between the shoulder blades, dizziness with frequent loss of balance, severe anxiety along with rapid heartbeat - this is a sure sign that you should go to a doctor. Even one of these symptoms can indicate a malfunction of the heart muscle, which in old age can lead to myocardial infarction. But he doesn’t need you at all, right? Do not be afraid to visit a doctor for a routine examination, because this will help to identify malfunctions in the body before they even cause discomfort.

Look after

The first clear sign of aging is, of course, wrinkles. The crow's feet, wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, neck and forehead - this is what every woman faces. Do not be afraid of this and even more so go to extremes. Multiple plastic surgeries, injections and cosmetic procedures in huge quantities will only enhance the aging effect, distorting your face beyond recognition. Remember world stars like Donatella Versace or Natalia Andreichenko. Should such well-groomed women be like that?

To properly care for the skin of the face and body when you are over 50, you just need to select cosmetics appropriate to your age. Be sure to pay attention to the content of sun protection factors (SPF) in cosmetics. The skin of an elderly person is drier due to slower cell regeneration and destruction of the collagen base, so you should choose a cream with UV protection, where the SPF level will be from 30 to 50.

For dry skin, creams based on vitamin E, retinol and hyaluronic acid are suitable. They help to slightly reduce the rate of withering of the skin, enhance regeneration processes and prevent moisture loss.

If you are not ready to spend huge sums on cosmetics, then masks made from natural ingredients, for example, based on oatmeal, lemon, egg yolk or cucumber, will come to your aid.

Try to keep up to date

This advice applies to both modern gadgets and all kinds of technological innovations, as well as trends from the fashion world. If you are a grandmother, this does not mean at all that you need to sit at the TV, knit mittens and watch TV shows, wearing a faded bathrobe. The days when you can afford such a pastime are best counted on the fingers of one hand. The rest of the time, learn new means of communication: tablets, smartphones, video cameras, and more. At first, this may seem complicated, but you probably have children and grandchildren who can help you with this.

Getting used to something new is quite difficult, especially in old age: memory leaves much to be desired, and coordination is not the same. This should not stop you, try, study, take new-fangled selfies, photograph landscapes and vital moments. This will allow you to keep up to date, regardless of age and other restrictions. Now is the time to prove to the world that you are as young as ever.

As for clothes, do not try to pick up hoodies, a la Alla Pugacheva, hiding all the flaws of the figure. They are inevitable, you just need to come to terms with them. Although in some cases women of "Balzac" age, at times, look better than young ladies. Think of at least the world-famous model Carmen Dell Orefays. At 84, she remains an incredibly attractive woman and takes part in shows and photo shoots. Her example proves not that only all elderly ladies should work actively despite their age, but rather the fact that a woman can dress well, be stylish and take care of herself always.

Spend more time outdoors

Right now you have the opportunity to relax and "exhale". The endless whirlpool of urgent matters was left behind, which means that the time has come to receive everything from life. Go to the park, but not just for a walk with little grandchildren, but on your own. Canceling meetings with relatives and helping your children is a worthy occupation for a grandmother, but even in old age she does not cease to be a woman who pays enough attention to herself.

You can also arrange meetings with old friends in the park or outside the city. Have a picnic with cocktails, snacks and light music. Remember the old days, joke and laugh a lot. Enjoy the sunset on the lake. Go fishing. Yes, you are a woman, but who said that women do not know how to fish?

Well, and the best advice for lovers of outdoor recreation: buy a summer cottage, and if it has been bought for a long time, then begin to ennoble it. Especially for you there are many master classes in landscape design that teach how to make your site original with the help of simple things.

Find a hobby that suits you

Many imagine grandmother as an elderly woman knitting on the knitting needles in a chair by the fireplace. But for grandmothers there are much more activities that can become a truly worthy hobby and even bring little money. Don't you need an increase in your pension, all the more not requiring special energy costs?

Embroidery with threads, ribbons and beads, decoupage of caskets, plates, bottles and other gizmos, creation of bijouterie, flowers from fabric, knitting of crochet lace and silk painting - these and a lot of activities will bring you incredible pleasure. You can create various things and then give them to close people, or you can successfully sell them at various Hand Made exhibitions (handicrafts) or via the Internet.

Love each other

Oddly enough, it is believed that older people do not have sex. "What nonsense!" - you say. And you will be absolutely right. It is necessary to eradicate the opinion that grandparents sleep in different beds and even in different rooms.

Do not stop loving each other. This way you will not only positively affect the emotional background, but also increase your life expectancy. According to studies conducted by American scientists who regularly have sex, an elderly person reduces the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke by about 40%. In addition, statistics show that people who have sex with a partner at least 2-3 times a week are able to extend their lives by as much as 20 years!

Maintaining healthy testosterone levels after the age of 50 years, can significantly reduce the likelihood of many diseases, such as:

  • Alzheimer's disease,
  • Diabetes,
  • Osteoporosis,
  • Atherosclerosis,
  • Myocardial infarction,
  • Stroke,
  • Diseases of the brain and others.

Is this not a good reason to love your spouse even in old age?

Embark on a journey

It doesn’t matter where you decide to go. If finances allow, you can, of course, book a trip on a cruise ship. But if your pension is very small, try a tour of the cities of your country or the immediate vicinity. Surely you have not seen much and may not even have known about the existence of some attractions.

Old age is not the time to sit locked up or on a bench by the house. This is a time of new discoveries and your health directly depends on how you will relate to it. And, therefore, the duration of your life.

Attend exhibitions, go to the theater or to a circus performance. Take a ride to the stud farm and ride a horse, go to the dolphinarium, the zoo or the aquarium. You should not treat your age as if it is your cross and you need to carry it until the end of your days. Break stereotypes, create, breathe deeply. And no matter how old you are now, according to passport data. The important thing is that you know how to live at your pleasure and know exactly how to do it fully.


Watch the video: 5 Secrets To Look 10 Years Younger. Anti-Aging Tips. Slow Down Aging Process (June 2024).