Ovulation after menstruation - how many days does it take? Learn how to correctly calculate the days of ovulation after menstruation.


Modern ladies, planning to add to the family, are not the old fashioned way. They prefer to use all available means to select a good time and circumstances of impeccable conception. Especially when it is delayed for some unknown reason, although favorable days seem to be calculated exactly. Perhaps the calculations are not quite correct? Let's try together to figure out what ovulation is, on what day after menstruation it is acceptable to expect it and how not to miss the coveted period.

Menstrual cycle, ovulation and conception - we learn the basics

The unique and rather complex reproductive system of a person is carefully thought out by Mother Nature to the smallest detail, delighting with forethought and a clear focus on the continuation of the race. Already at birth, the female baby receives an adequate supply of eggs - about a million. They will be quietly waiting for their time for the time being. Upon reaching the age when pregnancy becomes possible, they are “pleased” by their appearance with cyclical menstruation. It is considered to be the beginning of a cycle, the duration of which is non-permanent and strictly individual, the day of the appearance of full-fledged, non-smearing, discharge.

Every month one of them ripens and leaves, ready for the desired fertilization. The time interval of its appearance is called ovulation. For a successful meeting with a sperm cell, she is given only a day. If the meeting this time is not destined - she will die, and conception will not take place. The place prepared for her in the mucous layer of the uterus, as unnecessary, will be torn away and released during menstruation. That is why when planning the birth of a baby, it is so important to take into account exactly when ovulation will occur after menstruation, and to ensure an effective meeting of the sperm cell and the mature egg for effective conception. No less concerned about this issue and those who intend to refrain from expanding the family. Having information about the date of ovulation, it is possible to limit intimate meetings during this period or to take the choice of contraceptives more seriously.

How to maximally correctly calculate the days of ovulation after menstruation

There is a certain amount of disagreement regarding the method of determining the most successful days for successful conception. Some people believe that the calendar method is unmistakable, others prefer to trust the indications of basal temperature, and others tend to rely only on the results of special tests or ultrasound. To select the most appropriate method for determining the days of ovulation after menstruation, let's briefly review each of them.

1. Calendar method

In the classic version, with a perfectly regular cycle, it is not so difficult to calculate the days of ovulation after menstruation, although the reliability and expediency of the results can be argued. For most women, the cycle duration is in the range of 28 - 34 days, ovulation takes place about two weeks before the next menstruation. If we take the duration of 28 days as a basis and take 14 away from it, the desired result is 14. This number shows how many days after menstruation ovulation will allow a new life to originate.

To make your calendar a safe and, conversely, favorable for the expected conception of days, first you need to get used to celebrate the arrival of the month. Having calculated the difference between them, it is easy to determine the duration of the menstrual cycle and at the same time pay attention to its regularity. Then you need to subtract 14 from the received number, the result will tell you how many days you should expect ovulation after the start of menstruation. Consider an example: the menstrual cycle lasts 31 days, subtracting 14 from this number, we get 17, which means that ovulation will occur approximately on the seventeenth day of the cycle.

Why "about"? Because it’s not at all a fact that ovulation occurs exactly 14 days before menstruation. And if this happened last month, then in this she is quite capable of being late or to please her appearance a little later. In addition, it is very doubtful that the cycle duration from month to month was exactly 31 days. Experts point out that quite rarely beautiful women have a perfectly regular monthly cycle, and the onset of ovulation depends on many factors - the emotional state, the level of hormones, and physical exertion. Therefore, the definition using the method of the ovulation date, on which day after the month it falls, is very approximate.

2. Basal temperature reports ovulation.

A fairly popular and reliable method of determining days of ovulation after menstruation relies on a change in basal, or rectal, temperature in different phases of the cycle. Observing certain rules of measurement and recording daily thermometer readings for three or four cycles, it is possible to determine how many days ovulation occurs after your period. The graph clearly shows how about halfway through the middle of the cycle, the temperature jumps immediately to half a degree, overcomes the 37 ° and stays at this level almost until the “critical” days. This jump and signals of ovulation.

Compared with the calendar, the above method of determining the day of ovulation after menstruation is more informative and individual, and a combination of both will provide an even more accurate picture. Some disadvantage of it is that the graph shows the already completed ovulation, which significantly reduces the time interval for a successful conception. However, with its help, continuing the measurement, you can predict the forthcoming ovulation time, based on previous indicators. It will also be easy to determine how many months after an ovulation come, and they will never be taken by surprise. This indicator is usually stable.

3. Determination of ovulation - as quickly and reliably

For those to whom the first two methods for determining ovulation after menstruation seemed too troublesome, special tests are sold at the pharmacy. With their help, it is extremely easy to calculate the ovulation period - at the moment of the largest release of progesterone, the strip is painted in a saturated color and informs you of the exit of the cell prepared for fertilization. It is impossible not to notice that the definition of ovulation days after menstruation with the help of the test is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, the most rational, after all, is to use this method after a preliminary determination of the upcoming calendar method. If, according to your calculations, it is approximately known how many days ovulation will occur after menstruation, it will be much easier to “catch” it with the help of magic stripes.

For example, the duration of your menstrual cycle is 29 days. Taking into account how many months after ovulation are possible (12-16 days), we subtract from this number 17. Therefore, the use of test strips is appropriate, starting from the twelfth day of the cycle. The number 17 is used for any length of the cycle. If it is 32 days, then 32-17 = 15 - we start using the test no earlier than the fifteenth day. Sometimes the ultrasound method is used, which will accurately record the maturation of the follicle and the time of release of the egg. If the menstrual cycles do not differ in regularity, in the calculation we use the shortest of them and we take away the treasured number 17 from it.

4. Determination of ovulation after menstruation due to well-being.

Some women, watching themselves, beloved, are able to accurately determine the external precursors of ovulation. These include:

- quite noticeable pain in the lower abdomen, which may occur for a few minutes, and may annoy for several hours;

- pain and hypersensitivity of the chest;

- volatile discharge, reminiscent of chicken protein;

- flatulence;

- evidence of hormonal failure - tearfulness, irritability, mood swings;

- increased sexual attraction;

- change in taste.

However, it is not uncommon and the complete absence of signs that ovulation is already on the way, although enough time has passed after menstruation.

Thus, with the help of one method or another, one can practically unmistakably find out when ovulation should be met, on what day after menstruation an exit ready for a fateful meeting with an egg sperm cell will occur. It is absolutely obvious that the two-week period, called by many, is a concept that is too average, for many women it is possible to ovulate immediately after their periods. Judge for yourself - if the cycle is too short, for example, 22 days, and the menstrual flow annoys for 6-7 days, then, considering how many menstrual periods begin after ovulation, you can expect the release of the egg literally right after the end of the "critical" days.

Conception did not happen - after how much after ovulation the monthly

It is often mistakenly assumed that the process of ovulation stretches for three to five days, which are considered to be the most favorable to conception. In fact, this process takes several minutes, and then, during the day, the egg cell is eagerly awaiting a meeting with the sperm cell ready to fertilize it. He can already wait for this opportunity for 3-4 days, without losing activity, and can get during the intercourse that occurred during the day. If the meeting did not take place, the egg cell dies and the body is preparing to reject it along with the thickened layer of the uterine mucosa that is not needed. Want to know how many after ovulation come monthly? After about 12-16 days, the indicator is individual. With a regular cycle of 28 days, the discharge most often appears 14 days after ovulation. In the case of a successful conception, a comfortable bed of the mucous layer of the uterus will be needed for the arrangement of the egg, which most often occurs approximately seven days after successful fertilization. The question of how many periods after ovulation, inappropriate and irrelevant - menstruation will not.

Lack of ovulation after menstruation - anovulation

The uniqueness of the female body manifests itself in different ways - some people have an ovulation process immediately after their periods, while others do not occur even with full confidence in the absence of the desired pregnancy. Anovulation is not a rare diagnosis that causes infertility. Factors affecting the occurrence of pathology can be:

- prolonged stress;

- thyroid dysfunction;

- insufficient development of the adrenal glands;

- pituitary tumors;

- ovarian dysfunction.

Symptoms of the disease are too short periods, lasting no more than one or two days, and the impossibility of conception. In case of detection of any anomalies, you should immediately consult a doctor. Early diagnosis and adequate treatment, including, if necessary, the stimulation procedure, will help solve the problem and give the woman the joy of motherhood. It is not uncommon cause of the lack of ovulation is an emotional state. Obsessive thoughts about possible infertility hinder the onset of ovulation, which, in turn, causes even more concern. Full rest and a course of psychotherapy - a great way to get out of the vicious circle.

Every woman has her own unique biological rhythm. This applies to the individuality of the menstrual cycle, and to the measured ovulation. Even being a happy owner of an ideal cycle, it should be remembered that it changes after abortion and childbirth, and it will take time to restore the usual rhythm. And after forty years, the gradual extinction of reproductive function begins, ovulation becomes more rare, and eventually disappears completely.


Watch the video: Ovulation - Nucleus Health (July 2024).