Pain after menstruation - what does it mean? Find out why the stomach (lower abdomen) or chest after menstruation hurts and what to do.


Sensations during menstruation no one will call pleasant - poor women are forced to experience certain inconvenience every month. However, for some, the suffering does not end with the critical days - the pain after menstruation continues. Sadly, but most often it is a signal of trouble, so it is necessary to find out their cause.

Why does stomach ache after menstruation

Unfortunately, some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity do not even think about why the lower abdomen hurts after menstruation and begin active treatment on their own - they apply warm heating pads and prescribe analgesics. But the causes of abnormal signs can be very serious. Let's consider only a part of them.

1. Hormonal imbalance

Imbalance between the hormone progesterone and prostaglandins. Exceeding the permissible number of the latter is a fairly common reason that after menstruation the lower abdomen hurts. At the same time, other symptoms join - unpleasant nausea, vomiting, chills, sweating, sometimes chest pain. Prostaglandins are responsible for uterine contractions and pain sensitivity. Therefore, an increase in their level in the body increases the number of contractions and, naturally, the intensity and duration of painful symptoms.

2. Inflammatory diseases

This is a frequent and fairly common reason that after menstruation the lower abdomen hurts and there are some additional symptoms.

- Adnexitis is an infectious and inflammatory disease that affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Active pathogens are chlamydia, ureplasma, condida, mycoplasma, falling from the vagina. The disease is manifested by pulling pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, sterility can become its sad outcome.

- Cervicitis is a viral inflammation of the uterine mucosa. It can develop in the presence of erosion or colpitis, damage during childbirth or premature termination of pregnancy. With cervicitis, not only does the stomach hurt after menstruation, but also mucous and purulent vaginal discharge.

- Vulvit - although the inflammatory process captures the external membranes of the genitals, it is quite capable of causing pain after menstruation. The causative agents are sexually transmitted infections - yeast fungi, various microorganisms. Activate the disease non-observance of proper hygiene and wearing synthetic underwear. Additional symptoms are burning, itching, swelling and purulent discharge.

- Endometritis - acute inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Often occurs after all kinds of intrauterine interventions - abortion, diagnostic curettage, childbirth and cesarean section. The main symptom is pain after menstruation, accompanied by mucous secretions of a brownish tint.

3. Cysts and tumors

A feeling of constriction, during and after menstruation, hurts the lower abdomen - the cause of unpleasant symptoms can lie in the presence of a cyst or neoplasm. Expanding, they disrupt blood circulation and affect the nerve endings and neighboring organs.

4. Tuberculosis - a disease that affects an abundance of symptoms:

- violation of the menstrual cycle;

- pain after menstruation or persistent, localized in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;

- decreased appetite and weight loss;

- nervousness and irritability;

- insomnia, malaise, tiring weakness;

- night increased sweating;

- tachycardia.

Most often, the ovaries, endometrium, fallopian tubes are affected.

5. Endometriosis - the growth of the endometrial layer and the ingress of endometrial cells on the surface of neighboring organs. Settling in them and filling with blood, they cause pain after menstruation, aching or cramping in nature, which can last throughout the cycle. Sometimes the pain radiates to the rectum. Similar symptoms may indicate an incorrect position of the uterus.

Chest after menstruation - why?

If you are under the age of seventeen and chest pain after menstruation - worry early. Age-related hormonal changes, the rapid growth of the skeleton, the establishment of a cycle are quite capable of serving as causes of chest pain after menstruation and on time. However, as they grow older, all these signs disappear, the continuation of breast sensitivity can only indicate a problem. First of all, you need to make sure that you are not pregnant by doing a test for this. If it is absent, the reasons may be:

- injuries suffered;

- recent operations;

- menopause;

- side effects of sedation.

It is quite difficult to diagnose the problem yourself, therefore, if the test or analysis for hCG is negative, and your chest still hurts after menstruation, do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Discomforting factors may not be harmless:

1. Oncological diseases - the chances of defeating the disease are quite large, but only with the timely detection of a tumor.

2. Mastopathy - more than 50% of women have one stage or another of the disease, in which not only chest pain after menstruation, but also annoying with a feeling of heaviness and bursting. If you wish, you can independently test the seals, and do this simple procedure, preferably once a month.

3. Hormonal failure - can be caused by age-related changes, sexually transmitted infections, parasitic infestations, stress, hormonal contraceptives.

Does the stomach hurt after menstruation - is it always necessary to consult a gynecologist

Do not neglect other factors that can cause pain after menstruation. The lower abdomen aches and hurts with the following ailments:

- urolithiasis - a stone passes through the ureter into the bladder, causing pain along the way;

- ulcerative colitis - inflammation of the large intestine;

- helminthic invasion - not only hurts the stomach, but also exhausts the disorder of the stool;

- Crohn's disease - a serious and not so rare disease of various parts of the intestinal tube;

- compression of the nerve endings of the spine.

As you can see, pain after menstruation can annoy with a wide variety of diseases, and it is extremely important to determine their true cause.

The doctor should be consulted immediately if, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts and additional symptoms are present:

- after the completion of menstruation, spotting appears;

- the breast has increased, and transparent or white contents are secreted from the nipples;

- discharge from the genitals smells bad;

- the temperature is slightly elevated and lasts several days;

- not only does the stomach ache inside after menstruation, but also outside the tactile sensations are aggravated.

Remember! Getting rid of pain after a period with a heating pad or pain medication, you simply drive the disease inward, and it will certainly come back again.

Pain after menstruation - treatment

If the stomach hurts after menstruation, it is usually not a physiological process, but a pathological one. Therefore, it is necessary, and as early as possible, to find the cause and immediately begin to eliminate it. For diagnosis, effective modern methods are used - ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, sometimes, if necessary, a puncture is taken, a thorough medical history is collected. After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes treatment.

If the chest hurts after menstruation and the diagnosis is mastopathy, the treatment is initially prescribed conservative. It depends on age, the form of the disease, general condition, and many more individual factors. Anti-inflammatory and homeopathic medicines, hormones and with iodine content, diuretics. If medication does not have the desired effect, surgery may be required.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases cannot be cured without antibiotics, and fungal diseases without special creams and ointments. If, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts, and the doctor diagnosed a cyst or neoplasm, surgery will most likely be necessary. However, do not rush to be upset - such a decision is made only taking into account all factors and strictly individually. It is possible that just the conservative therapy will be most effective for you. In addition to drug therapy, there are many alternative recipes that can relieve pain after menstruation in the event that the attending physician does not mind.

Pain after menstruation - we treat folk remedies

1. Chest after menstruation hurts - drink plenty of fluids. The volume of ordinary water should not be less than 2 liters per day.

2. Herbal tea helps well if your stomach hurts after your period. To prepare it, you need to take lemon balm leaves, thyme, St. John's wort and chamomile in equal proportions. It is good to add a spoonful of honey and lemon to tea.

3. A tasty and healthy drink made from dry leaves of wild strawberries (1 tbsp. Spoon per 1 cup of cold water), you need to insist 6 hours. It is advisable to drink 1/2 cup a day.

4. If your chest hurts after your period - take a warm bath at night, you can add a drop of aromatic oil or regular sea salt to it.

5. Try not to overwork during critical days, take more rest, then unpleasant sensations will leave you along with critical days.

6. After menstruation, lower abdomen hurts? Drink herbal tincture every day: 1 part of valerian root, as many mint leaves, 2 parts of chamomile flowers. Pour boiling water over 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture, insist 30 minutes, take three times a day for 2 tbsp. spoons.

Stomach ache after menstruation - preventive measures

If the doctor did not find undesirable processes, and after menstruation the lower abdomen hurts, the reason may lie in the non-observance of the correct mode of rest and work. A good sleep and good nutrition, lack of stress and getting rid of bad habits are needed. Walk more in the fresh air, do sports, master several yoga exercises to alleviate unpleasant painful manifestations. When your stomach hurts after your period, this is not a very normal occurrence. Perhaps you are doing something wrong - do not calculate your strength during physical exertion, give preference to unhealthy food, and sit at the computer for too long. Try to change something in life, and you will note with surprise and satisfaction that pain after your period annoyed you for completely removable reasons.

If the stomach hurts after menstruation, and the doctor diagnosed the presence of the disease, you should start by fighting the underlying ailment. Its successful therapy will help eliminate pain after menstruation. A complex combination of drug treatment, traditional medicine, physiotherapy and, if necessary, spa treatment will help reliably get rid of the problem and not expect the onset of each menstruation with horror. Take care of yourself, you are worth it.


Watch the video: Worry about Bad Cramps and Lower Abdomen Pains During Early Pregnancy. What can I do? (June 2024).