Massage oil - which is best to use? We choose oils suitable for different types of massage.


Do you like massage the way I love it? At first it may seem that your skin is going to be used for making buns, because knead it like dough. Then comes the feeling that you feel every pinpoint touch of the massage therapist with every cell of your body. The skin reacts to any movement: sometimes with pain, occasionally tickling. And in the end comes complete relaxation - this relaxation can not be compared, perhaps, with nothing.

As if you are swinging in an invisible hammock while your body is blowing in a fresh sea breeze. The whole range of emotions makes us feel a good massage, and if it is made with the use of special oils, essential or vegetable, then the hands of the massage therapist acquire incredible softness and the skin after the procedure becomes soft and smooth.

Massage oil: whether or not to use it

You probably noticed that masseurs always use special oils. Perhaps you even wondered: "Why the oil? Can it be replaced with a simple body cream?". The answer is unequivocal: a cream or body lotion is not suitable when using massage techniques, and here's why.

The structure of the oil can not be compared with anything, because any cream is absorbed almost instantly. Since under the massage technique understand the long-term effects on certain points and areas of your body, the massage therapist simply can not perform the procedure, which is called "dry." You will bring this great discomfort, because the hands - the main tool of a professional massage therapist - will not slide over the body. In addition, massage oil is necessary for him for other reasons:

• Massage is needed by many people exposed to stress and emotional stress. Those who suffer from insomnia, are affected by negative moods, are treated for depression, and very often attend massage sessions. A massage therapist, using special essential oils and compositions, helps them to restore the nervous system and fill the body with energy.

• People who are familiar with the symptoms of osteochondrosis, pain in the spine and pinching of nerve endings, due to massage, forget about those, if not forever, then for a long time. Some aromatic oils are great helpers in the way of getting rid of such problems.

• Also massages are chosen by ladies who want to get rid of cellulite and reduce body weight. And this also helps a great variety of oils.

Unfortunately, there are certain contraindications for taking a course of massages. However, to perform acupressure of the face, for example, in the area of ​​the temples, nose, forehead or chin with the use of oils is not prohibited to almost anyone.

Essential oil for massage: which one is better to choose

Essential oil in its pure form for massage does not apply. The fact is that in small bottles concentrated oil is stored, so it must be diluted. That is why, in order to undergo a session of anti-cellulite or tonic massage, you will need a base oil in which you need to add a few drops of essential oil.

For example, with the "orange peel" is perfectly able to fight grapefruit oil, it splits fat deposits, penetrating into the deep layers of the epidermis. It also contains a large amount of useful vitamin C. Inhaling grapefruit oil during a massage, you can also strengthen the immune system.

In addition to grapefruit, such massage oils will help fight cellulite:

• Gerani, because it has antibacterial properties, soothes the nervous system and smoothes the skin,

• Mandarin or orange. These oils help to accelerate blood circulation in certain areas of the skin, improve its elasticity,

• Juniper oil, it not only has an amazing pine aroma and promotes relaxation, but also improves the structure of the skin, tightens it and removes toxins.

And as the basis for weight loss is allowed to use oil of cedar, lemon, cypress, lavender, rosemary and cloves. Each of them will be a great helper when all the forces are thrown into the fight against cellulite and overweight.

Base oils that are suitable for massage with aromatic compositions:

• Argan,

• Sesame,

• Apricot or grape seed,

• Shea butter (shi),

• Coconut,

• Almond,

• Jojoba.

These products are perfectly combined, they soften the skin, and in the skillful hands of the masseur turn into an effective tool for losing weight. Just a few drops of essential oil can be added to the composition, and after several massage sessions you will feel how smooth your skin has become, and even decrease at the waist and hips by at least 2-3 cm. Here, for example, is an excellent composition for anti-cellulite massage. :

• 4-5 Art. l base almond oil

• 1-2 drops of orange essential oil,

• The same amount of geranium oil.

Oil for erotic massage: surrender to the power of feelings

Erotic massage, as part of the intimate life of a couple, helps to turn the trivial rubbing into a sensual foreplay. And some essential oils are considered true aphrodisiacs: they excite passion, increase libido and promote mutual enjoyment of partners.

What oils will be appropriate during erotic massage? There are not many of them:

• Ylang-ylang essential oil,

• Patchouli,

• Sandal,

• Jasmine,

• Rose oil,

• Neroli.

Erotic massage is never too active. Usually gentle, light touches can alternate with smooth rubbing and patting. You can surprise and excite your half by arranging an erotic foreplay session with essential oil for massage. For example, use the following composition: 3 tbsp. l base oil (shea or jojoba) add a few drops of sandalwood and the same ylang-ylang. Please note that massaging intimate areas of the body with the use of essential oils is not recommended because of the risk of irritation. But it is completely allowed to massage the legs, feet, legs, back, abdomen, arms and neck.

Believe me, your partner will be delighted with your touch, and you will get unforgettable impressions, because exciting oils will take care of the level of libido.

What massage oils are suitable for the face?

Competent face care is vital for every woman. And it is absolutely not necessary to constantly visit beauty salons or spa resorts, order expensive cosmetics or call a personal cosmetologist to the house. It is enough to make special masks 2 times a week, clean the skin with scrubs or peels and do a facial massage.

On your face there is the same skin as on the back or in the area of ​​the buttocks. Only on the face it is more subtle and tender, therefore it needs soft care. Facial massage should not be too active, the main movements are aimed at solving the following problems:

• Acceleration of blood circulation and improvement of cell regeneration. So, you stop premature aging, improve complexion and smooth wrinkles.

• Oxygenation and nutrition. This item is especially relevant for owners of sensitive, thin and flaky skin.

• Disposal of puffiness. If no masks and compresses help, a facial massage can really take away this problem.

Basic and aromatic oils for the face can be combined with other ingredients. Imagine as if you need to make a face mask, but you are trying to “rub” it into the skin. For example, the combination of "olive oil + lavender + lemon juice" will provide the skin with an influx of oxygen, help to whiten it and get rid of age spots and acne. But the composition of the following mask for massage will perfectly nourish the skin and enrich it with vitamins:

• Honey - 1 tbsp. l

• Melt coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l

• Milk - 1 tbsp. l

• Capsules with vitamin oils A and E,

• 2 drops of orange oil.

Massage with a similar composition can be done independently. Well, if you want to relax and have fun, ask your loved one to massage your cheekbones, forehead, nose wings, temples, neck and chin.

Massage oils: how else can they be applied

If you want, you can collect a whole collection of various oils, because the spectrum of their use is not calculated only by body or face massage. Some compositions are perfect for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases during epidemics. Even babies will be useful to inhale the essential oils of lemon, juniper, lavender or mint. They will eliminate the primary signs of the disease, as well as help in the treatment of cough and calm the nervous system of the little restless.

Adult essential oils are suitable as a base for massages. For example, a composition with shea butter, rosewood, ginger and orange has a warming effect and would be appropriate during the cold season, if you have frozen. A mixture of sage, lavender and sandalwood oil in combination with basic sesame or linseed oil will help you to relax after a difficult, eventful day and quickly fall asleep.

If you suffer from insomnia, you can try a massage with oils of ylang-ylang, jasmine, lemon balm or neroli. In this case, both general body massage and a simple acupressure face massage will help. Just remember one thing: the allergic component is present in almost all oils. If you have ever had an allergic reaction to some oil, you should not use it again. And with caution you need to try other base or essential oils for massage.


Watch the video: 10 Best Massage Oils 2018 (July 2024).