Wrapping food wrap for weight loss at home. How to make home food film wraps.


Who wants to quickly and without pain to remove up to five centimeters of fat from their legs, arms, sides and buttocks, should try wrapping with a film for weight loss. We will talk about the secrets of the use of food film and the types of cosmetic masks prepared for it.

How effective are slimming wraps

Indications for wrapping is cellulite, overweight, obesity. After wrapping the skin becomes elastic, elastic, blood circulation improves. By increasing blood flow, you get an anti-cellulite effect. Using a wrap film for weight loss, it is easy to get rid of part of the stale fat, unwanted fluid, speed up metabolic processes, tighten the skin, slightly remove stretch marks.

Of course, no matter how much you say that, by choosing wraps with a film for weight loss, you can get rid of everything at once, and you don’t need to believe in it. To put the body in order, you need to learn how to eat properly, exercise regularly, do special massages, etc. But in any case, using the food film for weight loss, you can see, though not stunning, but still quite good results.

How to use food wrap for wraps

When performing a wrap with cling film for weight loss at home, remember that you should wrap the body from the bottom up. From the heart you can not crush yourself with a film. Wrap yourself tightly, but so as not to have discomfort. Before this, be sure to scrub the skin and put on it some kind of anti-cellulite mask.

Another incredibly important rule that must be observed when practicing wrapping with a slimming film is to wear warm clothing over the food material wrapped around the body. Many young ladies simply hide themselves from above with a thick blanket. But it is better if you wear slimming leggings, and on top of them pull on wool pants. Pants have a significant advantage over the blanket - choosing the last method of warming, you do not deprive yourself of the ability to move.

Wash off the mixture, distributed under the film, only with warm water. Do not try to wash under hot jets, because in most cases, homemade masks are made from actively acting and hot, irritating skin components. After washing the product you can indulge yourself with a contrast shower and moisturizing cream.

If we have quite impressive sizes of deposits, you can use food wrap for weight loss every day. Course - 15-20 procedures. The duration of one procedure is from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. In some cases (when the mask is too "evil"), it is enough to go through the wrapped film for about 15-20 minutes.

Recipes wraps cling film for weight loss at home

So, we know that under the film on the body need to apply special tools that accelerate the process of losing weight. But where are they to get it? Well, there are several ways to acquire these masks.

The first way is to buy special masks and creams that are applied for weight loss under the cling film. But the fact is that we can not always be completely confident in the quality of purchased products. It, as a rule, contains not only natural organic components and can rather aggressively treat our skin, which is not used to ruthless chemistry. Even if the mask is not terribly harmful substances, then you still can hardly find a completely natural remedy. Almost all finished cosmetic products add preservatives, various fragrances, etc.

You can throw another stone on the territory of the plant of a number of manufacturers of anti-cellulite mixtures. Many women have noticed that harmful wrapping agents, as well as completely safe wraps, are very expensive. Why is that? The point here is not so much in the high cost of components used for the manufacture of masks, as in the popularity of products for weight loss. It turns out that the price does not always determine the quality of the product - it can simply be overstated due to the increasing demand for the product.

Based on the foregoing, in order to get a good inexpensive mask, it is best to use the second method - to make cosmetic mixtures yourself, which can be used in wrapping with cling film for weight loss at home. They are made from mustard, cocoa, pepper and honey, mummy, spices, oils, ground tea, etc. Another option for avoiding fat and skin imperfections for wealthy women is to sign up for a salon, in which experts also offer clients a wrap for weight loss. A number of cosmetologists do not put special masks under the film at all. Instead of lauded cosmetic mixtures, they apply to the body kelp and other substances donated by nature, plants that reveal the beauty of our body disguised in fats and improper care.

Wrap film at home: prepare the masks themselves

If you are going to hold a wrap with cling film for weight loss at home and prepare homemade masks for this purpose, then you should learn a few rules. First, you need to force yourself to respect the proportions. If you know that you are going to prepare a mixture of mustard, which needs no more than a spoon, then you do not need to add three instead of one. So you will not achieve results faster, but just ruin your skin. Secondly, do not reserve masks, because when they do not contain natural preservative components, such a mixture will not be stored for a long time.

Having made a good home mask under the film, do not linger long on it. Over time, the body will get used to such a mixture, and after that it will stop responding to it with long-awaited improvements. That is, the process of losing weight can dramatically delay if you do not change the mask from cellulite from time to time. Be sure to test the prepared mixture. Do not be lazy to scrub the skin before applying the tool, massage problem areas - this will improve the penetration of beneficial, frightening fat deposits of substances.

Smear the mask from top to bottom. After rinsing the skin can be treated with a good moisturizer.

Important: do not try to impose a peeling mask under the plastic film.

Honey Pepper Wrap: make the waist and remove the "ears"

Take a tablespoon of honey and combine it with red pepper. The amount of pepper depends on the sensitivity of the skin. If your skin is not too sensitive, then it should not be afraid of a teaspoon of pepper. For delicate skin, half a small spoonful of pepper is enough. In any case, choosing a pepper wrap with cling film for weight loss at home, you need to start with a minimum dose of pepper (1/2 tsp), regardless of what kind of skin you have. And only after completing the first procedure, one can already reason whether it is worthwhile to increase the concentration of the agent in the wrap mask.

Should work with liquid honey. If there is only thick honey, be sure to melt it in a water bath.

Important: if you have determined that you have intolerance to red pepper, do not use this mask, otherwise you can get allergic rashes and burns instead of a slender waist.

Since we are preparing a magic mask that we will use during wrapping with a film for weight loss, we will not be limited to only two components. To make an effective tool with a richer composition, we will add oils to the pepper and honey. First of all, take a teaspoon of jojoba oil. After that, we will enrich the mixture with sea buckthorn and olive oils, which will be required for the same amount as the previous component. They will make your skin soft and nourish it with vitamins.

Note: If you are afraid to put red pepper under the film, replace it with cinnamon and ground ginger. Women with thin and sensitive skin, who want, using a food film for weight loss, put honey-pepper mixture under it, it is necessary to add more fatty oils to the mask.

The last components of the mask, which we will use during pepper wrapping with a slimming film, are the essential oils of orange, clove and geranium. Enough for five drops of each of these excellently smelling oils. All is ready!

Despite the fact that the tool will have to impose a thick layer, you will have enough mask prepared for the waist, as well as the hips and buttocks. The mask should not only be placed on the skin - it should also be rubbed into problem areas. After distributing the mask, pat your palms over the smeared self-made means of the skin and wrap them with a film. Put warm clothes on top.

Hold time is 40 minutes. If you feel intense heat, do not rush to rinse the mixture ahead of time. Just discard some things to reduce the greenhouse effect. Wash - warm water. Apply the anti-cellulite cream after washing the mask.

Hot wrapping with clay for legs and buttocks

In addition to the food film and coffee grounds for wrapping you need clay. You can take blue or black clay. Both the first and second increase blood circulation in the tissues, metabolic processes in the cells, reduce cellulite. Also stock one of their citrus essential oils, such as orange. You will also need cypress oil, cinnamon and ginger (ground), shower gel.

First, heat the body under hot jets of water and scrub it with coffee grounds mixed with gel. Rub intensively until the skin turns pink well (up to 10 minutes). Then rinse with warm water. Now nutrients from clay, spices, oils will be well absorbed and work much better.

Attention: deciding on such a hot wrap, make the first mixture with minimal spice. In the absence of negative reactions, gradually increase the concentration of cinnamon and ginger in the mask.

For the mixture under the film you need 4 tbsp. l clay and a teaspoonful of spices. Also add 10 drops of oil to it. After mixing the ingredients, gradually pour warm water into the bowl. The mixture should be creamy (medium density).

Apply the mask comfortably with a brush. The layer of cellulite mixture should be thin. On top of the areas of the body, smeared with means, covered with a film. Withstand about an hour.

Attention: hot wrap in the abdomen is better not to practice for girls with diseases of the genitourinary system.


Watch the video: Simple Life Hacks for a Flatter Belly (July 2024).