We return the waist with the help of oatmeal porridge


Plump barrels can only be seen touchingly at the noodles, and then, before smiling, you need to make sure that the baby's body receives enough vitamin D, it is not disturbed by bowel malfunctions, etc.

But if you are a young girl with a voluminous tummy, which every now and then is caught in an interesting position, then it is time to take action. To look pregnant and at the same time not to be so ridiculous. Let's start to fight with fat, freeing the waist they occupied. The secret weapon in this fight is oatmeal porridge.

Oatmeal Utility

Oh yes, oatmeal porridge is a super-useful dish, a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, fiber necessary for the intestine. It is eaten by people who suffer from violations of the gastrointestinal tract, have cardiovascular diseases. Such a mush does not only cleanse the intestines and reduce cholesterol, but also makes a person slimmer, removes centimeters from the tummy, improves the complexion, cleanses the skin. Eating hercules, you can easily get rid of pimples. You can make your skin well-groomed with the help of washings with oatmeal, masks of rolled oats.

As we can see, the benefits of oatmeal just mad. She will fix the chair, and zababahaet waist, cleanse the skin and saturate, nahitaminit. Since girls are often not worried about their feces or lack of nutrients in the body, namely, wasp or else any, but always thin waist, we will tell you how to eat Hercules porridge to remove the tummy.

Attention: using oatmeal to lose weight, in any case, you will adjust the work of the digestive tract, improve the condition of the skin and nails. If you do not want to be slim and healthy, then in no case do not read all of the following.

The original way to lose weight

Are you afraid to go on a Hercules diet, as you are afraid of hard mono-diets? Well, stop it. It is not necessary to immediately buy a one-year supply of flakes, throwing out everything that was not identified as oatmeal from the refrigerator and lockers. Although, if you have there harmful margarine, chocolate cakes, fried meat, you can throw it away.

Do you think such an act blatant waste? Then give the products to the homeless (people, animals). For example, one already deceased American artist tried to buy himself only what he did not like, was tormented by looking at these products, and then left them in crowded places. So he did not let anyone die, and he lost weight.

Sparing Hercules Diet

But let's forget about charity, artists, and return to an effective Herculese diet. In addition to oatmeal, you can also eat vegetables, sour fruits, steam chicken, nuts, baked lean fish, dried apricots, cottage cheese and yogurt. It is best to drink plain water or tea, but only green and without sugar. From kefir, too, will not spread. So, a mini-diet on hercules:

1. Be sure to eat oatmeal. Preparation: pour hot water on the flakes of the hercules and leave for 30 minutes. Such porridge can not be salted, add sugar and butter to it. You can sprinkle oatmeal on top with healthy berries or grated apple.

2. Another 3 times eat healthy dishes from the above products (steak brisket, vegetable soups, baked potatoes, fruit smoothies, etc.). Portions should be small - so that they could visually get into a regular 300-350 ml cup.

3. Reduce salt intake.

4. Drink 2 liters of water throughout the day.

Warning: if the diet was more or less healthy and before the diet, then on it you can lose weight by 2-4 kg / month. But if you have not limited yourself to either fried food or high-calorie sweets, then the weight loss will be more than 7-9 kg.

In the case when the body responds normally to a change of diet, and you want to achieve a more tangible result, then it is time to cook oatmeal porridge and for dinner. You can also lose a few kilograms, while cutting off their path to return, arranging fasting days in oatmeal once / weekly.

Remove the stomach for a week

To throw 8 kg, it is not necessary to wait a month. You can do this in 7 days. To do this you will need:

- oatmeal;

- water and green tea;

- A dream to lose weight;

- huge will power.

Now your meal for the week is steamed oatmeal without any additions, and drinking is water. You can indulge in a few cups of green tea / day. The joy of compliance with this power:

- you will lose weight;

- Eating such images, it is easy to drive the fat from the abdomen for a week;

- You can eat any amount of oatmeal porridge.

Minus 5 kg on porridge

Want a variety and can not live without sweet? Then write down the following recipe, how to regain the waist on the oatmeal porridge for 7 days. Only here the pros do not go without minuses, and in the next version of the diet they are also available. For example, you have to forget about the uncontrolled absorption of oatmeal. Meal - 3 times / day.

So, take 5 tbsp. l oat flakes and, having steamed them with some water, we add raisins, apple slices, dried apricots there. We wash down porridge with green tea. Here is a breakfast. "And where are the real sweets," women will begin to sizzle, exhausted by the diets, "Raisins, apples - is that all?" No, not all. The main sweetness, honey, is reserved for lunch. It should be added to the flakes filled with yogurt. Do you want yogurt? Then pour oatmeal with kefir. For dinner, eat fresh porridge on the water, drink 200 grams of low-fat kefir and eat half an apple. For a week on this diet, you reduce your stomach, while the weight loss will be about 5 kg.

Out of the diet

It is important not only what diet to go on in order to regain the waist, but also what to eat after leaving it. Do not try to immediately rush to the pastries, smoked meats, chocolates. Exit the diet gradually, adding no more than one or two new foods per day. Duration of the exit - a week, plus another 7 days without any heavy and harmful dishes. Click on proteins, reduce at least 10% of the amount of fat that you supplied your body to a diet with, like fermented milk products. At the same time try to extract fats from fish, vegetable oil, nuts.

Of course, ideally, you should always stick to a healthy diet. But if it is too hard for you, then just limit yourself to the rejection of purchased juices, soda, fast food, replace sugar with honey, drink moderately alcohol. It is also necessary to regularly stimulate peristalsis with dietary fibers, which are contained in vegetables, cereals, dried fruits. It should be eaten in small portions. Do not forget about physical exercises, sign up for fitness, regularly twist hula hoop.

Since the Herculese diet is unbalanced, you must consult your doctor before you follow it.


Watch the video: Dr. Pimple Popper. Giant Lipoma Looks Like Uncooked Chicken! (June 2024).