Refusing breakfast, you risk getting better at 12 kilograms.


Those who skip breakfast at least three times a week increase the calorie content of their daily ration by more than 250 calories. The thing is that ignoring breakfast, we want to eat faster, which leads to overeating, which can result in an impressive weight gain - up to 12 kilograms per year.

2000 people were examined, skimming the morning meal and replacing it with "snacks" - chocolate, cookies or chips. Of the volunteers, every tenth did not eat breakfast at all. The reasons were different: a third said they were not hungry or just wanted to sleep a bit longer in the morning, another 12% said they were usually too busy to have breakfast.

However, doctors say: breakfast has a significant effect on the diet of the day as a whole. For example, a person who missed breakfast in 27% wanted to eat a chocolate bar and consumed soda for 10% of cases for lunch. If breakfast was present in the daily routine, these figures were reduced, respectively, to 13% and 4%. The reason for this phenomenon is a sharp decrease in sugar in the body. Having lost important carbohydrates, a person will eventually want to fill them up. Very often this happens due to "harmful" food.

Nutritionists recommend: if in the morning you are not hungry at all, overpower yourself and eat something light. If you do not have time to eat at home, then it can be done at work.


Watch the video: What Will Happen if You Eat 2 Bananas a Day (June 2024).