Western media: Johnny Depp secretly got married


Johnny Depp once again became the object of conjectures of journalists, who again say that the 51-year-old actor and his 28-year-old lover Amber Heard were married. The reason for the rumors was the ring that adorned Depp's finger at the premiere of the film "Mordecai."

I must say that this is not the first time that Johnny is embarrassed by the paparazzi with his decorations. Less than a year ago, he appeared with a wedding ring, which caused a wave of publications that Depp finally got married. However, the actor has disappointed both journalists and fans. It turned out that the ring was intended for Hurd, but it turned out to be small. Therefore, the actor decided to try it on himself.

What this time - the secret marriage or the next fitting - time will tell.


Watch the video: Johnny Depp Seems Sweet-ish on Blonde Chick. TMZ TV (June 2024).