Networking lowers adolescent self-esteem


British scientists analyzed the results of polls of 30 thousand secondary school students and found that in 2007, 41% of girls 14-15 years old had a much higher self-esteem than today, in 2014. Today, this figure is 33% ...

In boys, the situation is slightly better. Seven years ago, 55% of young people reported high self-esteem, in 2013 - 50%.

As the reasons for the fall of these indicators, experts call the growing popularity of the social network, active communication on the Web, as well as, surprisingly, the economic crisis. Psychologists believe that young people are very worried about the deterioration of the material situation of their families. That is why adolescents require serious attention from adults.

There is also an increase in the time that teens spend on online communication. It gradually increases. Therefore, experts recommend that teachers and parents inform children about the dangers that can cause communication on the Web.

It is also curious that a third of the girls surveyed 10-11 years old are afraid of bullying classmates. And every fifth is convinced that school staff is simply unable to protect them from harassment.


Watch the video: Teen girls open up about the 'constant pressure' of social media (July 2024).