Vladimir Yaglych commented on the divorce from Svetlana Khodchenkova


Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vladimir Yaglych divorced four years ago, however, talk about the separation of the actors still do not stop. According to rumors, Vladimir’s jealousy, which provoked him to quarrel and even beating his wife, caused the couple to break up. Some believed that Yaglych could not survive the success of his wife’s career, which at that moment was professionally in demand.

Recently Vladimir gave an interview in which he dotted the "i". Yaglych told that at the present time he does not communicate with his ex-wife, despite the fact that they have one agent. In response to the question of whether Vladimir, being married to Khodchenkova, allowed himself assault, Yaglych answered that all this was idle gossip and fiction.

Now the heart of the actor is free, however, he does not exclude the possibility of remarrying the marriage. Whether the future wife of Vladimir is an actress or not is not important for him. The main thing is to choose a "pair that suits you," says Yaglych.


Watch the video: Svetlana Viktorovna Khodchenkova Reptilian Viper (June 2024).