TOP-50 popular beauty recipes


Recently in Britain, 2,000 women were interviewed by experts. The purpose of the survey was to find out the most effective techniques, recipes for beauty. According to the results of this event, a list was formed, which included fifty items. It is noteworthy that a number of recipes, secrets of English beauties are known to Russian women. The main advantage of these techniques is their availability against the background of high efficiency.

So consider this list.

  • To illuminate the face and give it vitality, put circles of cucumber to the eyes.
  • Drink at least two liters of water every day.
  • To get rid of pimples, treat them with toothpaste.
  • Your eyes often look tired, and in the mornings under them bags? In this case, you can help packaged tea.
  • Are you a busy and business woman and for this reason you do not have free time to keep your curls clean? In this case, your life buoy will be talc. Just put it on the curls. What is the secret? The fact is that the effect of this substance corresponds to a dry shampoo. After applying the hair must be combed.
  • Would you like to have soft heels? Well, now your dream will be realized. At night, indulge your heels with a moisturizer. One minus - socks are required.
  • Pinch them quickly to make your cheeks blush.
  • To facilitate shaving the legs, use hair conditioner.
  • Highlighting has become available at home. Use lemon juice for this purpose.
  • British women recommend making milk their favorite drink. Why? They did not specify. It is reasonable to assume that it will strengthen the bones and reduce the likelihood of such a disease as osteoporosis.
  • Insect bites cause you undesirable effects: irritation of the skin, itching, burning? Then take a toothpaste with you to the country, to the forest, to the beach, which is enough to put on the problem area and the issue will be resolved.
  • The best place to store nail polish is a refrigerator.
  • Do you need a Hollywood snow-white smile? Then resort to the power of soda.
  • Looking for well-groomed eyebrows? Use Vaseline.
  • Replace blush with lipstick and get fresh cheeks.
  • As a finishing rinse curls use acetic solution.
  • The perfume will allow you to add fragrance to your hair.
  • British women are advised to use fish pedicure. This advice is somewhat surprising, since this trick is ranked as a group of unsafe procedures.
  • To get rid of swelling under the eyes will help a cold spoon, which is enough to attach to the problem place.
  • English beauties believe that honey is the simplest and most effective mask.
  • Broken nail? Do not rush to shorten it. You can solve the problem with super glue.
  • To rinse your face, use water enriched with fresh herbs.
  • For smoothing curly curls, use Vaseline.
  • Eyelash forceps must be heated before use. So you prolong the life of curl.
  • To reduce the number of wrinkles on the face, you just need to sleep on your back.
  • Peel off the old skin using liquid soap, enriched with granulated sugar.
  • To rinse the curls you need to use beer.
  • For smoothing curls, use a warm iron. Do not be surprised. European beauties often used this dangerous technique in their time. The reason for the demand for this method is banal - special irons and curling were not available.
  • To whiten yellowed nails can be using lemon juice.
  • For eyeliner, use lipstick and pencils that were stored in the refrigerator.
  • To soften the skin, take a milk bath. It is noteworthy that this procedure was Cleopatra's favorite.
  • Need shiny curls? Pamper them occasionally with a beaten egg. Use cool water for flushing - this is a must.
  • To remove traces of tanning from your palms, apply a whitening effect toothpaste on your skin!
  • Are you looking to make your skin glow? Then add serum to the foundation. One drop is enough.
  • In order to prevent wrinkles and acne, apply ice cubes to your face while massaging your face.
  • To speed up the drying of mascara on the eyelashes will allow the dryer in cold air mode.
  • To prevent wrinkles, sleep only on a silk pillowcase.
  • To preserve the color of the paint on the curls, periodically apply tomato ketchup on them.
  • British women consider pumpkin and coconut oil to be the most effective moisturizing mask.
  • In the fight against cellulite will help coffee scrub.
  • The best scrub mask is the one that includes the kneaded avocado pulp.
  • For breast augmentation and giving it greater elasticity, resort more often to cold douche.
  • To heal a pimple, apply a drop of primrose oil on it.
  • An antihistamine will help remove redness from the skin.
  • Effective tool against freckles is fresh mashed strawberries.
  • To enhance hair color, use cranberry juice.
  • To enhance the lips enrich the gloss with peppermint oil.
  • To whiten facial hair, use a remedy of brewer's yeast and water.
  • Ordinary soot, which is applied with a make-up brush, will make your eyes smoky.
  • To lay and texture, curls irrigate them with regular lemonade.


Watch the video: 25 SECRETS BEHIND PERFECT MAKEUP (July 2024).