The horoscope for July 2016 for all signs of the zodiac - favorable and unfavorable days. Love and horoscope haircuts for July 2016.


Horoscope for July 2016 Aries

In July, Aries will have to train themselves to get up early, because they will have a lot of pleasant lessons for the heart! Works diminished, but you can do what you like. Sports, hobbies, hobbies, social activities - spend your energy on activities that are dear to your heart, have fun and energy. Oddly enough, but it is active activity that will fill you with positive and vital forces.

In the second half of July, Aries will have a new friend. Perhaps you will have an age difference, but this does not hurt to understand each other at once. Share your secrets, problems, consult - you will find support and comfort.

After the twenties, the stars recommend Aries to speak the truth and only the truth. If you are caught in a lie, your reputation will be spoiled. If you can’t say what you feel or think, then it’s best to keep silent, but in no case do not lie.

Especially favorable days of the Aries horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 2, July 17, July 26, July 31, 2016.

Days in which Aries should be careful: July 3, July 21, July 25, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Taurus

In July, unpleasant people will seek your attention. An obsessive suitor, an old friend with her own problems, or someone who asks you to borrow a large amount. All these people are burdensome, and therefore feel free to say no. Do not step on your own interests, refuse, if you see fit.

In the middle of the month, please yourself with something new. Let it be a visit to new places and institutions, a new thing in the wardrobe or new acquaintances. This new product will bring you pleasant emotions and good mood.

At the end of the month Taurus may receive negative news. Calmly accept the news, however unpleasant it may be, and react as appropriate.

Especially favorable days Taurus horoscope for any business and undertakings: July 6, July 12, July 23, July 27, 2016.

The days in which Taurus should be careful: July 19, July 25, July 29, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Gemini

You pay too much attention to others. The horoscope for July 2016 recommends the Twins to be a bit selfish. Imagine that you are alone in the universe, which means that all attention and free time should be devoted exclusively to yourself. Give yourself any gift, please yourself with a visit to an expensive restaurant or club, spend money on a visit to a beautician or stylist. Such self-love will do you good and make it more attractive in the eyes of others.

In the middle of the month, Gemini is recommended to establish contact with someone with whom they were previously in friendly relations, and now they have lost contact.

Do not give in to provocation! At the end of July, a female person will aggressively try to make you angry.

Especially favorable days of the Gemini horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 12, July 19, July 20, July 31, 2016.

The days in which the Twins should be careful: July 7, July 24, July 23, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Cancer

In July, Rakov may have a serious trouble at work, the decision of which may last for a month. Do not seek advice on the side, because the best adviser nearby. This may be your loved one. Tell us about your problem, listen to you sympathetically and help with advice. It is also not recommended to keep feelings in oneself; this does not help to resolve difficulties.

In the middle of July, take a vacation at work. It will not be an attempt to escape, but just a little time out. This is the only way you will be able to give a detached look at the problem, find an objective solution.

In the last days of the month you will feel tired. Meditation practices will help you gain vitality. Listen to slow pleasant music, relax in nature, engage in light exercise.

Especially favorable days of the Cancer horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 10, July 12, July 16, July 27, 2016.

Days in which Cancers should be careful: July 9, July 26, July 28, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Leo

Your generosity in July will bring unexpected benefits. Lions will receive two times more than they donate, but only if they do it with sincere intentions. If you have such an impulse, then give money to the needy. If you do this with a pure heart, then everything will be returned to you in double size.

In July, Lions may receive a lucrative offer from a business partner or boss. Accept it, such cooperation will turn to you benefit.

In the late days of the month, a close person may surprise you. Accept the gift with gratitude, but do not rush to do the response "lunge", you will still have such an opportunity.

Especially favorable days of the horoscope Lviv for any business and undertakings: July 8, July 14, July 22, July 28, 2016.

Days in which Lions should be careful: July 5, July 29, July 31, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Virgo

Become an interested person. Do not lock on the knowledge that you have. Remember that you need to constantly evolve and improve. If you start doing this in July, then you have a chance to prepare for pleasant work proposals in the future.

Good emotions for Dev will result in participation in public events. If you receive such an offer, then in any case do not refuse.

Do not forget about our smaller brothers. Feed homeless animals, if you have a desire to take someone to "nurture", then follow this feeling.

Especially favorable days of the Virgos horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 6, July 7, July 18, July 23, 2016.

Days in which Virgos should be careful: July 4, July 24, July 28, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Libra

Despite the fame of the saying that "they meet on clothes", Libra will be interested in his mind for the whole month. Do not hide your knowledge, shine with them and boldly show your intellectual potential. Just in July, forget about modesty, even be a little arrogant.

This behavior will bring you obvious benefits in the work and will please the opening prospects.

The last days of July will surprise you with sudden admissions from a loved one or close friend.

Especially favorable days of the Libra horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 12, July 15, July 24, July 25, 2016.

Days in which Libra should be careful: July 10, July 26, July 27, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Scorpio

Straighten your shoulders, and boldly go to meet your desires. In July, you need to take some steps to get what you are dreaming about at night. Do not expect a miracle, because you are the real creator of your life.

The horoscope for July 2016 recommends Scorpios to be sincere with loved ones. It is likely that you have long accumulated claims that you hide. Know that sooner or later you will “burst”, and then not to avoid a scandal. It is better to find out incomprehensible or unpleasant moments right now. Deciding them in a timely manner, you make life easier for yourself and your partner.

At the end of the month, watch old movies or re-read your favorite book. This will give you a good mood.

Especially favorable days of the horoscope of Scorpions for any business and undertakings: July 6, July 14, July 16, July 22, 2016.

The days in which the Scorpios should be careful: July 4, July 17, July 20, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Sagittarius

You may have a new acquaintance who will try to invite you to do something that is not entirely legal or immoral. Do not fall for the "sweet" promises and pleasant conversations for your ears. Weigh soberly all incoming information, do not shut out from the inner voice. In early July, minute pleasures can turn into a big annoyance.

Archers may suddenly meet someone from the past - a former partner or long-time friend. Do not hide emotions, even if you are confused. Behave yourself naturally.

In late July, watch what you say, especially older men. Sincerity and credulity can be used against you.

Especially favorable days of the Sagittarius horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 8, July 13, July 23, July 30, 2016.

The days in which Sagittarius should be careful: July 12, July 20, July 29, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Capricorn

If you persist in July, then you will miss good opportunities for development. Be open to unexpected offers, do not reject them because of the novelty. In addition, be gentle with your loved ones. Even if there is a misunderstanding, the stars strongly recommend that you go to a meeting to resolve the conflict.

If you are punctual, then in the middle of the month you will have success at work. Do not be late, follow the course of time, and then you will be in good standing.

Especially favorable days of Capricorn horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 5, July 11, July 17, July 26, 2016.

Days in which Capricorns should be careful: July 1, July 27, July 29, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Aquarius

Start a "new life" right from the first of July! Pull yourself together, do not let yourself be lazy and put things off for later. It may seem to you that you have a lot of time and you will have time for everything in the future, but this opinion is wrong. You have only one moment - now. Do now what you are postponing indefinitely.

Show generosity. Suppose, as you think, you have no extra money, but believe that there are people who have even less. You do not have to give the last to charity. Make pleasant and inexpensive gifts to close people, attention costs much more than money.

At the end of the month, the stars recommend Aquarius to meet with a close friend, whom they have not seen for a long time.

Especially favorable days of the Aquarius horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 1, July 16, July 26, July 27, 2016.

The days in which Aquarius should be careful: July 10, July 20, July 25, 2016.

Horoscope for July 2016 Pisces

Appreciate people! Remember that those who are nearby deserve your attention and love.

The horoscope for July 2016 recommends Pisces not to be silent at work. The more you say what you think, the better it will be for you. Defend your point of view, do not be afraid to enter into the discussion, even with the authorities.

At the end of July, praise yourself. You are a good, hardworking and kind person. Maybe you do not hear compliments from others, so say good words to yourself. Support them with a gift, buy yourself what you want.

Especially favorable days of the Pisces horoscope for any business and undertaking: July 4, July 15, July 24, July 30, 2016.

Days in which Pisces should be careful: July 3, July 22, July 29, 2016.

Horoscope haircuts for July 2016 (common to all signs)

1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 29, 30 July - feel free to make changes to your appearance today, namely, cut your hair! Change the usual length of hair down to a short hedgehog. A new haircut will not only transform and refresh you, but also give you a pleasant acquaintance.

2, 5, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 2, 31 July - if you decide to visit a beauty salon today, then in no case do not cut your hair. New hairstyle may well decorate you externally, but will not give you vitality. If you want to avoid financial losses and betrayal, then transfer the haircut to another day of July.

July 1, 10, 12, 18, 23 - do not use elastic bands, strips of cloth, silk ribbons these days. This attribute will "tie" your hands, and you will not achieve the desired.

July 3, 4, 11, 17, 29, 31 - the more brilliance the better! Use lacquer, sparkles, sparkling hairpins and hair ornaments. Your day will pass simply "brilliantly" and you will attract attention to yourself.

July 2, 5, 27, 30 - to attract "good" energy, braid your hair in a braid and wrap it around your head like a wreath. Such an old-fashioned hairstyle will protect you from trouble. You can vary the appearance by interlacing the ribbon into a braid, or by decorating it with flowers.

July 6, 7, 13, 16, 19, 20, 24 - use only a wooden comb today. This will save you from minor household injuries and give you good health.

July 14, 15, 21, 22, 27 - decorate your hair with color. Bright hairpins, flowers, ribbons, a bandage on his head will not only give you extravagance, but also attract good luck.

July 10, 11, 18, 21, 30 - these days of July you can safely dye your hair in bright colors. The new image will not go unnoticed, you will have a new fan!

July 4, 5, 13, 19, 20, 24, 28 - dye your hair, but only in natural colors that are close to your natural. Very good, if you use soft paints or coloring compositions. Using chemical dyes these days can severely damage your hair.

July 2, 7, 9, 12, 22, 31 - The Lunar Calendar recommends using only natural hair dyes. Do not use paint from the store or salon, it is better to make a mask of henna or basma for dark hair, and light blond hair, rinse with a solution of lemon and water or chamomile decoction. Non-natural dyes will not cause visible harm to your hair, but they will make you unstable to diseases.

July 6, 8, 14, 17, 23, 25, 29 - dye your hair in copper tones. It is believed that only red and golden-bronze colors will bring good luck, and the rest - to the loss.

July 1, 3, 15, 16, 26, 27 - The Lunar Calendar does not recommend using hair dye these days. Transfer the procedure to another day, if you do not want to quarrel with loved ones. Also these days you should not use tonics or coloring shampoos, because instead of the desired color you can get a "rainbow" on your hair.

Love horoscope for July 2016 (common to all signs)

In early July, the influence of a star on all signs of the zodiac is such that you want to annoy your partner. Sometimes you yourself can not give an account of the behavior, it will be so strange and you are not peculiar. If a quarrel has already broken out, then it is strongly not recommended to speak offensively offensive things that hurt your partner. Do not mention his physical disabilities, complexes, do not insult his close and dear people to hurt and hurt harder. You can turn a little quarrel into a big scandal.

Fortunately, in the middle of the month the situation will change for the better. If you do not quarrel before this point, you can relax. You just come "honeymoon", you will delight and surprise each other with pleasant surprises.

At the end of the month, don't give a reason to be jealous. Your loved one can blame you for levity. The reason will be a late phone call from an unknown number, letter or sms.

Lonely signs of the zodiac can be satisfied: your buddies will "twist" all month around you. However, do not play other people's feelings.

Another caveat concerns your relationship. If you, without knowing who to give preference to, begin to meet with two fans at once, the truth will emerge very quickly. Your good name will be blackened, and evil gossip will reach both colleagues and your loved ones.

In late July, the lonely signs of the zodiac can afford to have fun. Visit the discos, bars, nightclubs, you can drink some alcoholic beverages. It will help you to feel pleasantly relaxed and light.


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