Vitamin C is able to protect the health of children of smoking mothers


Despite the fact that the information that smoking a pregnant woman can provoke the occurrence of serious illnesses in an unborn child is known to all, women who carry a child continue to smoke.

The doctors managed to find out that if we take pregnant women who smoke regular vitamin C, they can improve lung function and reduce the possibility of wheezing.

It was also found that the use of ascorbic acid is able to block the action of nicotine at the stage of laying the lungs in the embryo.

Women who received 500 milligrams of vitamin C during pregnancy gave birth to children with fairly positive indicators of lung function.

Scientists have managed to establish that the influence of a smoking mother on the workings of a child’s lungs will be felt until the age of 21.


ptichka_nevelichka 05/22/2016
as a mom of two great girls, I just don’t understand if you’re even smoking for the health you can’t quit why you need a child, he’s not a toy to play with and forget ... it is a pity that many never understand


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