Chicken McNuggets under the microscope at moms


Caring mothers always have a lot of questions about baby food - for example, about what you can and what you should not feed the child.

To answer any, even the most tricky questions, to tell as much as possible about their products and their preparation processes, McDonald’s decided to organize a Quality Patrol.

Each visitor who goes to production to suppliers of the company can take part in this program.

Each such trip resembles an inspection by ordinary consumers: “patrolmen” see the whole technological process and are entitled to ask any questions. For almost 10 years of the program’s existence, the participants visited France, Germany, Poland, Finland, traveled almost the entire European part of Russia, where McDonald's suppliers have their own production facilities.

And this year, it is mothers who are invited to participate in the McDonald's Quality Patrol, as they are the most rigorous and captious critics who care about how safe and balanced food for a child can be McDonald's products.

The company’s website constantly receives questions about McDonald’s chicken products from children. Here are just a few of them:

  • Where does chicken come from at McDonald's?
  • What are Chicken McNuggets made of?
  • Is there a chicken skin sandwich cutlet?
  • What is the percentage of real chicken in Chicken McNuggets?
  • Are there any food and other additives in chicken meat?

That is why the first visit of moms "patrol" was decided to organize the production of semi-finished chicken products for McDonald's.

"Patrol Quality" will go to Kaliningrad, where he will visit the plant of the company "Miratorg", supplying chicken products for McDonald's restaurants. The trip is scheduled for May 20-22, 2014.

The number of "places" in the "Patrol" is limited. Therefore, inspect the entire process of cooking chicken products will go 10 moms who will send the most convincing essay on "Why is personally important for me to participate in the" Patrol Quality "" McDonald's ".

Housewives, doctors, teachers - "patrol" mothers can be a variety of professions. All that matters is the desire to learn the whole truth about the company's products. Each of the participants identified as a result of the contest will select one of the most common questions from visitors about chicken products as a "operational task" from McDonald's or ask their own - and will have to get a specific answer during the trip.

The best answers, impressions from the expert moms will be published in the section of the McDonald's website “You ask, we answer”, which starts in July of this year.

All expenses for the trip (including travel of the program moms from the regions where they live in Moscow and back) are taken over by McDonald’s. As a nice bonus, "patrol" expects an exciting excursion program.

Attention!!! To participate in the contest, you should send your essay on the topic "Why is it personally important for me to participate in the Quality Patrol" McDonald's to the email address: [email protected] before May 4 (inclusive), accompanied by the following contact information:


city ​​/ region of residence;


age of the child (children);

contact number.
