A protracted decree: how to realize yourself during it and what to do after


For many young mothers, going to work soon after giving birth is a necessary measure. After all, the entire first year of life, the infant is in dire need of maternal care, and breastfeeding women need to be close by and to establish and maintain lactation. But time passes quickly, and by the age of two the child is ready to let go of the mother, and by three he will have his first friends, and the need for hourly communication with the mother will simply disappear. But these 24-36 months have already done a serious job with the mother - she got used to follow her baby everywhere, turning from an active business woman into a housewife with a much narrower circle of communication and interests.

The dangers of prolonged decree

Losing friends. The fact that immediately after giving birth a woman falls out of the usual way of life naturally and normally. The health and development of her child begins to interest her much more than love victories and failures of her friends, the latest news from work, politics and theatrical premieres. Unfortunately, many go further, gradually replacing the familiar circle of friends with the company of young mothers from the nearest playground. After all, they are much more empathetic than a childless girlfriend - they will always listen, tell, and the interest in their eyes is genuine. But for a couple of years, talks about teeth, runny nose, added kilograms will stand across the throat, and it was at this point that women, with surprise and resentment, understand that former friends are delicately dodging meetings, and if they come to visit, they prefer to talk only about children and the weather. This means that you have ceased to be an interesting interlocutor.

Board: Do not rush to abandon the irrelevant communication. Learn to combine conversations on the playground with heart-to-heart talks with friends. They will bring you back to life, share the latest news and will not let hoarfrost out of society. Try not to pour out a stream of information about the child on the listeners, because very soon you will want to plunge into ordinary life - with its news and incidents.

Loss of professional skills. Only a real career woman takes a laptop with her to the prenatal ward, and right after the birth she calls not to her happy father, but to the office. An ordinary woman becomes not up to work - if the possibilities allow for some time not to think about earnings, each prefers to fully enjoy the decree. In addition, the child takes most of the time and effort. But gradually, the baby begins to sleep all night, and in the daytime find interesting independent lessons, quietly stays with irreplaceable helpers - grandmothers. However, most women prefer to close their eyes to the fact that free time has already appeared, at least it is not in a hurry to spend it on training.

Board: Already by the first birthday of the child, it is not bad to think about professional development. Decree is a great time to study. These can be foreign languages, mastering new computer programs, short-term courses or training. All this will help in the future when looking for work, and the former employer will appreciate that the time on maternity leave was not wasted for you.

Boredom. The older a baby becomes, the more mothers go to boredom and even fear. The child, on the one hand, becomes an interesting interlocutor, on the other - his development constantly reminds that he is about to acquire a new group of kindergarten friends. And although a woman will surely find a lot of excuses for her sitting at home, her main responsibilities are cooking, cleaning and evening games with children, her working friends are doing quite well. Some obviously and openly, others - secretly, start to miss.

Board: Classes with a child reveal a huge potential in a woman. Some learn to draw again and get great pleasure from it, the second discover the gift of a photographer in themselves, others are surprised to find that delicious dishes come out from under their hands. Do not miss the moment - becoming a mother, many open in themselves their second vocation. So why not use childcare leave to find and improve your talents? And some people gain a new profession - after all, a hobby is quite capable of generating income if you approach it wisely.

The secret is that the woman drags herself into the marsh of “maternity leave” herself, but she will also have to pull herself out. A young mother, who does not forget about herself and her development during a child care leave, is at times easier to recover and go to work. After all, she has gained the most important thing - confidence in herself and in her abilities, she has something to offer to new acquaintances, colleagues and employers.

Text: Vera Guler


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