The horoscope of Tarot on May 23 for all zodiac signs. Find out what happened to you and what is the strongest card of the day


It's time to boldly dream and prepare for new adventures - this is what the energy of the current day says. Do not be afraid to say goodbye to what is outdated and outdated. Break away from yesterday and be ready to go to the next level, even if you are sad and anxious. Do not be alarmed by the feeling of loss; in fact, behind it lies the anticipation of new finds and acquisitions. The main map of today is given at the end of the article.


Map: Hangman

Are there any things, situations or events in your life that remain in limbo? Perhaps you have completed some business for which you did not have time or desire. Organize your calendar and work schedule to devote more time to important details and clean up your life. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Hermit

You probably feel that you need either a pair of extra hands, or another hour of sleep to replenish the energy needed to survive the day. Slow down for a while or even stop to think and analyze the current situation. What can you do to perk up? And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Moon

Today you especially need mindfulness so that you are ready to explore the potential of your ideas. Try running something in test mode and see if it can work the way you see it in theory. Although your mind is eager for battle, listen to your trouble-free intuition so as not to break firewood. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Card: Death

You have to say goodbye to something that no longer does any good, but it should not upset and oppress you. This is a moment of expanding opportunities and goals. Everything in this world is changing. And everything that leaves makes room for new energy. Do not resist this. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

A lion

Map: Star

There is a special light within you that you do not always see, and you need time to realize its existence. Perhaps you still experience resentment and allow yourself to think negatively - however, you need to get rid of it immediately. Visualize your dreams and think about how promising your new start is. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Empress

You look into the future of the life you want to create, and you realize that in the past you made mistakes and did wrong - and these actions slowed down your movement. Analyze other areas of your life that need to be “revised" in order to accelerate. The Empress gives you a hint about how important it is to remain objective and persistent. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Moderation

Patience is your main virtue, although it sometimes brings you spiritual discomfort. Sometimes it seems to you that you are already on the verge, especially if you wait too long for the results. This card advises you to continue to do what you are doing and not to go astray. Ahead of you is a reward. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: World

You are clearly a little confused and not yet ready for change. Perhaps you are waiting for the right moment, but you are not sure if you can catch it? This card says that you are in a situation that is unpleasant or uncomfortable for you, which means you need to tackle its decision, otherwise you are guaranteed stagnation. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Tower

You have long been determined to act and clearly see the road ahead. The only problem is that you are ready for progress, but others have not yet accepted the idea of ​​future changes. Now your task is not to lose your enthusiasm and motivation and actively inspire others to take any decisive steps. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Mage

You have so many things to do that you simply cannot count them, and your work schedule is bursting at the seams. The most interesting thing is that it does not bother you at all. Take breaks and pay attention to possible burnout signals. Workaholism can significantly affect your productivity and health. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Map: Chariot

Your path was long and thorny, and now you are standing in front of the last mountain that you have to climb. You may be overcome with fears and treacherous thoughts about giving up climbing, running away and hiding. Go storm your peak right away. You have no right to give up now, because your goal is already close. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.


Card: Jester

This is a day of burst of creative energy. A lot of ideas can be swarmed in your head, even absolutely not inherent to you: for example, take a chance and start your own business. You are ready to make your dreams come true, but for this you need to pacify your emotions and approach further actions from a rational and logical point of view. And do not forget to look at the end of the article which card is the strongest on this day and affects everyone.

The strongest card of the day

The main card for the current day is the High Priestess. It reminds us that in any person huge power, patience and wisdom can be hidden. You only need to learn to recognize that which does not lie on the surface and is hidden from the eyes. The High Priestess teaches how to understand her intuition, not to succumb to negative thoughts and to avoid rash acts.


Watch the video: Daily LOVE Tarot Readings For All Signs May 23, 2019 (July 2024).