The child goes to the first class: how to prepare parents for school


About how to prepare a child for school, written not enough. But parents are somehow forgotten - and after all, not only excitement for a child fell on their share. The comfort of the child, and even his academic performance, depends on the correct behavior of the mother and father. On the one hand, it should be easier for parents to prepare for school, because, after all, 10 classes is a stage that has long been passed. On the other hand, increased responsibility and fear for your baby often interfere with doing wisely and correctly.

Choosing a school. For our child, each of us sincerely wishes only the best. But we make mistakes when choosing a school. Huge efforts managed to break through the cherished French school in half an hour from home? Well - a good educational institution with respectable teachers and good traditions is a guarantee of the future success of a first-grader. However, it is very important for parents to clearly understand - is not the desire to choose a particular school with their own unrealized ambitions? It is important for parents of a future student to learn to separate their own desires from the immediate needs of their child — perhaps he prefers strong sports sections, emphasis on drawing or music, and not on French. When choosing a worthy educational institution, compare the capabilities of the school with the abilities and needs of your child — after all, he will study there, not you.

Magical transformation. The “rebirth” of a child is also given to parents - just yesterday it was a cheerful kid, thinking only about toys and ice cream, and then, in one day, he turns into a schoolboy loaded with responsibility and excitement, and sometimes fears. Parents often go to extremes - some begin to feel sorry for their child, others - to blame for the inability to instantly go from one state to another. But this transformation is not going on a wave of a magic wand - your child needs time and support in the family. The pity of parents can frighten a first grader, make him treat school like a heavy duty. Parental censure prevents you from entering the school rhythm smoothly and naturally. Moms and dads will have to work on their own fears - if there is pity or excitement, think that in addition to poor grades or remarks, the baby gets new friends, learns independence. But for those who are too strict to the child, we must not forget that 7 years is the age when walks and games interest him much more than writing and priming.

Excessive load. Simultaneously with the start of classes, many temptations will open up before parents - additional lessons, sports clubs, and a music school. About where their child goes and what progress is being made (in the field of drawing or playing the violin), other parents will be enthusiastically told at meetings. And it may seem to almost everyone that he is missing valuable time. Therefore, even before the first lessons begin, learn to control yourself, without letting your own dreams harm the little man. The fact is that the abrupt transition from kindergarten to schoolchild is not easy for any child. The first class is the worst period for starting additional circles and sections. For almost the entire school year, the child will be very tired, and small, but constant stress is possible. Therefore, it is better to postpone the choice of clubs and studios for at least a year, or even better, until the child himself becomes interested in this or that additional occupation.

Cheated expectations. The first class is the time when friendly before mothers and children begin to conflict. A woman loses her last nerves, hanging over the child and demanding the perfect homework, and the child does not understand why the previously kind and forgiving mother suddenly becomes so intolerant. Perhaps each parent secretly or openly dreams of a round high school student, hung with medals and certificates for academic performance. But if dizzying successes are in no hurry to manifest, do not allow your dissatisfied pride to become a stumbling block between yourself and the child.

Respect. Not all of us went to the teachers' favorites, and not every teacher we met was an example of tolerance and professionalism. It was from school that we got offensive nicknames and not the most respectful attitude towards teachers. But whatever your own attitude, do not allow yourself even a slight mockery of teachers in the presence of children. After all, with a simple word "teacher" you do not take revenge on your long-time offender, who remained in the distant past. By discrediting teachers, with whom your child will have to communicate in the next ten years, you complicate the adaptation of a first grader and destroy the natural bond “student-teacher”. Your schoolchild is already quite independent and can appreciate his first teachers - someone will become a real teacher for him, and someone will disappoint. But he will make his own choice.

Criticism. Most parents take the criticism of their own child hard. But you have to hear about failures and failures quite often, and not always in a soft, correct form. Learn to be objective, to separate important signals about existing problems from quibbles and unfair treatment. At school, you may encounter both with one and the other - because nothing human is alien to the teacher. If in the first case it is necessary to cooperate with the teacher and search for ways to solve the arisen difficulty, then in the second it is important to support the child in correct form preventing injustice on the part of the teacher. But in both cases, we must not forget that the dialogue with the teacher should always take place behind a closed door.

Text: Vera Guler


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