Testosterone significantly increases the risk of heart attack in women


Women with elevated testosterone levels for genetic reasons are more likely to develop myocardial infarction. Scientists fear the adverse results of an ongoing study on the use of testosterone in women.

How does testosterone affect heart function?

Testosterone has a pronounced anabolic effect, so it has long been illegally used by young people. Recently, the number of older men who want to increase their male power with testosterone has also increased. Women use testosterone in bodybuilding.

Prolonged administration of testosterone causes various side effects. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned of an unclear effect on the cardiovascular system.

The FDA drug safety report was based primarily on observational studies. Long-term testosterone users, according to studies, are more likely to suffer heart attacks and strokes.

A team from the University of Hong Kong is currently investigating whether the same genes that increase testosterone levels have an effect on the risk of heart disease. These studies are called "Mendelian randomization" because they use genetic traits.

Researchers first analyzed data from the British biobank for 2006-2010. In order to verify the data of the consortium were analyzed, based on the results of the international project of 1000 genomes. Result: The risk of a heart attack increases by 42% in women.

Does testosterone have the same negative effect on men?

Men lose physical strength and flexibility with age. At the same time, their testosterone levels are also falling. Testosterone treatment in healthy elderly men increases muscle mass and strengthens ligaments.

Researchers from Boston examined 209 men over the age of 65 with slightly reduced testosterone levels. Subjects could not walk more than two blocks or climb 10 steps. In addition, many of them were already sick: more than 80% suffered from hypertension and about half were extremely overweight.

Doctors gave participants either testosterone gel or an ointment without active ingredients. Both drugs should be used daily for 6 months.

Testosterone participants had higher leg and arm strength. However, before all men could be included in the assessment, scientists stopped the study. Because 23 out of 106 men who received testosterone experienced abnormal cardiovascular events.

About 50% of the victims experienced circulatory disorders, fluid retention, cardiac arrhythmia, acute circulatory disorders in the heart and stroke.

Further research needed

Other recent scientific work has not revealed an increased cardiovascular risk of testosterone therapy. Further studies are needed to help rule out anemia, bone loss, and depression as a cause.

In the event of a serious testosterone deficiency, treatment with sex hormone can significantly improve the quality of life.

Therefore, the results of the TOM study should lead to greater vigilance, especially if patients have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. However, all patients are strongly discouraged from discontinuing testosterone treatment.

Testosterone is useful in small doses for the heart.

Testosterone is important for the heart: it improves myocardial function and reduces vascular resistance. Since the level of male hormone depends on age, lifestyle, body weight and associated diseases, it is difficult to establish a common standard for all men.

Even in men of the same age, testosterone levels show significant differences. Therefore, an individual diagnosis is made by a doctor. Too low testosterone levels are recommended, as it is just as dangerous as high.

Is there a safe replacement?

As an alternative, not related to drugs, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle.

With a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, sleep, normal weight and abstinence from alcohol, you can normalize testosterone levels.


Watch the video: Testosterone is Essential for both Men and Women (June 2024).