The most jealous zodiac signs


Jealousy in terms of psychology is twofold. Sometimes it comes from deep affection, a thirst to protect and fear of loss.

Often, it is based on the latter, with an admixture of possessive instincts.

However, one can name more than one model of this amazing feeling ... And a lot about the character and strength of jealousy of a particular person can be told by his belonging to a certain zodiac sign.



The relationship with this sign is like tango on thin ice, a game of hide and seek with a honey badger.

Aries can understand with his mind that there is no threat to lose love, but he will not deny himself strong emotions, the ability to force a partner to feel a strong connection with him, breaking which is a real crime.

Control and error reminders are his chips. But he knows how not to cross the boundaries of what is permissible, how not to really hurt a loved one for real.



The element of Earth endows the sign with unshakable confidence in its happiness. He is not worried if the half is “late at work,” he is not bothered by friends of the opposite sex.

We need completely frank hints to excite the essence of Taurus.

But if he is jealous - it will be long and strong. The outcome of experiences depends on his inner world and spiritual, namely spiritual closeness with a partner. But in principle, this is one of the most not jealous signs of the zodiac.



One of the most jealous characters. In public, he demonstrates that the partner belongs to him, hugs and touches, can express any opinion saying "we".

Suppressing acute jealousy, he torments himself, but does not dare to speak frankly.

Over time, Gemini either realizes that everything is fine, or falls upon his love with reproaches. To maintain a relationship, his partner needs the ability to listen and speak in detail.



In his view, there are several reasons that arouse jealousy. For example, a friendly kiss on the cheek or a joint meal in a cafe.

Figuratively speaking, everything else that is not on the list, for example, the slow dance of two, a joint trip for mushrooms - does not bother Cancer at all.

So theoretically, it’s easy to be in love with him. If he is still jealous, then you need to wait out the storm - the first surge of emotions. And then he can calmly talk.


a lion

Leo's magnificent confidence in his charm and perfection allows him to live practically free from jealousy.

However, he can feel her poison if a half comes in contact with someone superior to himabout.

Appearance, intelligence, prosperity, any area in which the sign, alas, is not a master. This is enough for the volcanic eruption of passions. There is only one way out for the partner - to assure Leo that he is the best in the world and immediately cease all contact with a competing object.



The sensual nature of the sign finds unhealthy pleasure in jealousy. Virgo is beneficial to be in the position of an insulted victim - because it bodes so many “goodies” in the relationship.

The sign will not miss an opportunity to put a partner with his jealousy in an uncomfortable position in public if it looks spectacular.

A true salvation for the beloved Virgo is the periodic ignoring of jealousy from the sign. Therefore, what exactly his emotional reactions betray with his head is that, in general, he does not consider what is happening really dangerous events for love.



Anticipating theoretical infidelity, this sign itself makes the partner jealous. It seems to him that sometimes experiencing this, half will never offend him for real.

Alarmed by Libra speaks in hints, so it is difficult to understand why he is dissatisfied.

But on the other hand, the only reliable sign of a compromise is possible with him, the only sign of the zodiac - he can make a commitment in the future not to consider events that the partner will clearly explain to him in advance as an occasion for jealousy.



The high self-esteem and exactingness to the partner gives rise to such logic in the jealous Scorpio - or maybe this person is not worthy of me?

If you look at the jealousy of the sign, you can one day find yourself faced with a fact - without listening to the explanations, he decided everything for himself and this is a gap.

There is a second possibility - Scorpio will go out strictly to find out who is trying to steal his love. And practically, the best option for a pair of this sign is the option to be careful and not give reasons to be jealous.



The sign perceives jealousy as a spice, without which the relationship will be boring. He likes to shake himself a little and does not let his half relax.

But fortunately, it never crosses the boundaries beyond which it is no longer a joke.

And at the same time, Sagittarius is one of the most faithful signs of the Zodiac, sincerely wanting to give and receive infinite respect.



Jealousy evokes in him the worst qualities.

And what is surprising - the same situation, when Capricorn is doing fine, may not attract his attention, and when he is immersed in problems and stresses - it acts like sparks on dead wood in the forest. Burning aggression and the desire to possess a half alone, blocking it from the rest of the world. Often, it is this "dark" side that deprives Capricorn of personal happiness.



In his view, the periodic jealousy of one of the parties is a completely natural feeling in a relationship. Aquarius hopes that he controls the situation and does not miss what is really important. And this pain - you can survive. Therefore, he speaks calmly about his feelings with his half and offers to be an honest person with him.

Perhaps, in terms of attitude to jealousy, this is one of the most appropriate signs of the zodiac.



Feeling a prick of jealousy, this sign goes into itself. May lose her appetite and not be comforted by her favorite activities, certainly - coolness in relation to the half. He will refer to a headache, workload at work and will look for the cause of "treason" in himself.

Perhaps he will decide to surpass his rival in generosity, grooming, and a sense of humor. But soon one day she’ll just fall apart with the question - what about our love?

And this is the fastest comforting sign of the zodiac.


Watch the video: Who's the Most Jealous. Zodiac Sign? (July 2024).