The most secret dreams of every zodiac sign


Each of us has our own dreams and desires, which we hold in our hearts and hope that they will someday come true. Astrologers told what typical representatives of different zodiac signs dream of.


Aries can be compared with Napoleon, who also dreamed of conquering the whole world and becoming its sole ruler. Aries sleep and see when they will already carry out their plans to conquer our Galaxy. By the way, in fairness, these representatives most often translate their dreams into reality. That's just what they don’t want to stop at all, but in the most secret corner of their souls they nevertheless make plans to conquer the whole world.


Taurus dreams of money. No not like this. He dreams of a lot of money in which he can swim. However, do not think that all the dreams of Taurus are occupied only by a thirst for wealth. He will also not be very opposed if calm, peace and comfort come to his life. In silence, with a glass of expensive cognac and a cigar, in a comfortable armchair by the fireplace, Taurus will truly feel like a happy person.


What are the Twins dreaming of? Honestly, this is unknown to anyone, even to the Twins themselves. And why? Yes, because these representatives change their desires a hundred times a day. Today is one thing, tomorrow is another, the day after tomorrow is third. And so in a circle. And the most interesting thing is that most often their desires are so fantastic that even Hottabych himself could not fulfill them.


Crayfish often have only one single dream - to create family comfort with maximum comfort and live in this comfort for the rest of their days. Everything is banal and simple, but that is what Cancer dreams of.

a lion

Do you know what Leo dreams of in his dreams? Of course, that surrounded by a huge number of people all the attention was riveted on his magnificent person. He can imagine how a crowd of fans break through the guard, trying to at least for a moment touch this great body. Or he can dream about how he, sitting on the throne, gives valuable recommendations to a crowd of people who, having opened their mouths, listen carefully to him.


If in this life, without exception, every person respected order, cleanliness, and lived according to a strictly established plan, the Virgin would be exactly in seventh heaven. But beyond that, the thoughts of these representatives are often busy gaining career success and financial stability.


Beauty, beauty and beauty again ... If everything in the world was beautiful - Libra would always be in happy euphoria. They love when the eye is happy, when the smile at the sight of tremendous beauty does not leave the lips, when the soul is about to jump out and begin to flutter like a butterfly. By and large, Libra more often than not dreams of always and everywhere being surrounded only by beautiful things, objects and people.


Imagine that an evil and formidable Scorpio, somewhere in the bins of his wide soul, dreams of someday becoming a magician. He really, really wants everything in this life to happen only with the wave of his hand. But, unfortunately, in our life there is neither a goldfish, nor a genie with his lamp, nor Hottabych with his beard. Therefore, everything in this life has to be done by yourself.


If Sagittarius had the opportunity to spend his own life in a carefree state, where you don’t have to answer for anything and take responsibility, solve endless everyday problems and everyday issues, he would be truly happy. And he would like to spend his whole life traveling, entertaining and adventurous.


These representatives of conservative views and stereotypical foundations have fairly mundane dreams. They want a comfortable life, financial stability, and also so that there is less global change in their lives.


"World peace!" - so it would be possible to describe the main dream, but only this is not about Aquarius. Although, by the way, about this he also often dreams in his dreams. But what he really wants most of all is unlimited freedom, both financially and in personal relationships.


Pisces dream of never having duties, commissions, restrictions and responsibilities in their lives. They want to do what they want and live the way they want. But this, unfortunately, practically does not happen in our life. Therefore, one has to accept reality as it is.


Watch the video: All Zodiac Signs Have A Hidden Addiction, Here's Yours (June 2024).