How to lead a married man?


As they say, life is an unpredictable thing. On the way of every woman, regardless of whether she is married or single, unexpectedly, feelings for another man may arise.

Lovers begin to "build bridges" to each other and immediately the question pops up: "Or maybe this is not a simple coincidence, but fate?". A woman begins to make plans for a joint future with her narrowed one, but it suddenly turns out that the beloved has long been bound to marriage.

You cannot accept such a state of affairs in any way, but your heart tirelessly repeats: "He is only mine and nobody else!". And just at that moment, almost every woman begins to “scroll” in her head all conceivable and inconceivable ways to get the “married woman” away. The main thing in such a rather delicate situation is to approach this issue correctly and weigh the pros and cons.

Find out which women men do not leave.

Put everything on the shelves

Before crushing someone else's marriage, you should take into account the very psychology of relationships:

The reciprocity of intentions. Does a married man want to build a relationship with his newly-chosen darling, or does he put everything on her shoulders. Whether his marriage is actually on the edge of the abyss, as he tells you about it, or is this another excuse, since under the circumstances this is a very convenient argument.
Moral motivator. It's no secret that the innocent baby becomes the main suffering party in a divorce. And if the lawful spouse cannot cope with such a blow of fate, the spouse will have to take her child with her under pressure of circumstances. And at this moment, when the relationship will take a different turn, will there be a need for a newly made victim?
Confidence in his gentleman (lover). Taking her husband out of the family is not a tricky business. But where is the guarantee that he will not commit another treacherous act for the sake of another chosen one.

But if your lover is still ready to undo the marriage, the following signals will testify to this:

  • It has long been outside the "native" walls.
  • With great pleasure spent navas.
  • He makes every effort to communicate with you to the maximum, offers frequent joint trips.

Weigh carefully the pros and cons, look at the situation with a sober head, before embarking on military maneuvers. And if you are one hundred percent sure of your partner and are ready to go to such a serious plan - interception, the advice of experienced psychologists will come to your aid.

Tactics of actions: how to take a loved one out of the family

So, you are "lucky" to fall in love with the madness of a family man. And at the moment, all your thoughts are only about how to recapture your betrothed from your legal wife.

A conspiracy to love a man: how to spend at home and what will happen after.

Here are the advice of psychologists on how to conduct combat operations:

Free yourself from remorse. The proverb “alien grief will pass” does not at all mean that you must project on your love story. If you managed to recapture the family man from the legal spouse, this only indicates that your chosen one did not love his wife so much. In practice, there are often cases where spouses, having lived for a long period together, become "strangers" to each other. At the beginning of the relationship, there may have been love, and then everything turned into a habit and the former passion remained on the sidelines. Of course, it is possible that at first the outcast wife will scourge you. But after a certain time, she will understand that you have even served her, giving you a unique chance to find exactly "your" man.

Be on full alert. If the outcast passion passes a verdict that only you and no one else are involved in her ruined love story, then her actions can be very decisive - a thirst for revenge. It can be like banal insults scratched on your door, or rather extreme measures - acid dousing. That is why you should always be on the watch.
Show your beloved that you are exactly the person whom he sought all his life (so to speak, the limit of his dreams). If a man goes “to the side”, then in family relationships he lacks some sensations. And that’s exactly what should be your lead.

The most common reason why a husband is cheating on his wife is problems in intimate relations with the lawful half. Your chances will be multiplied many times if the partner understands that you are able to make up for the entire deficit of his missing sensations in bed.

“Transform” into the most virtuoso and passionate lover. Pay as much attention as possible to your appearance. He can contemplate his wife in untidy clothes, and with greasy, unkempt hair. But you should not allow yourself that. This does not mean at all that you should always have stilettos and full “war paint” on you. You just need to look fresh and tidy. Wear a lush, erotic underwear, give preference to an elegant bow that will shade all the advantages of your figured silhouette.

Share his views on bed experiments. But do not become a tool for him to satisfy sexual needs. Periodically refuse to meet, citing a specious occasion. Thus, the beloved will begin to understand that you are not in his full power. And this is a great incentive to unleash the current bonds of marriage.
With an open heart, take an interest in his hobbies, dreams, ideas. Pamper your man with delicious dishes.

But the most important point - do not bother your chosen one. After all, the chosen one is an outlet, a "life-giving force" and, of course, a holiday. Even if your dates are not so frequent, but they will add romanticism and originality to your relationship. And the beloved must be convinced that you are exactly what his inner world was “hungry for”. And the mere thought that he will spend the rest of his life with his wife should be horrified.

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Watch the video: Why do married men cheat and stay married (July 2024).