IVF after 40 years


For a modern woman, 40 is an age, still very far from old age. But, although self-care allows you to look young and attractive, you can’t be fooled by nature - the most favorable period for conceiving and bearing, from 20 to 35 years, is left behind. Fertility is significantly reduced, and with its decline, the first health problems appear. Getting pregnant naturally is not so easy, and many future parents are forced to resort to artificial insemination. What dangers may lie in wait for an expectant mother after IVF?

  • Hormone therapy. Reduced fertility is accompanied by a serious change in hormonal levels. The level of hormones responsible for maintaining pregnancy, falls. Therefore, additional hormone therapy is necessary to preserve the implanted embryo. A shock dose of hormones will also be required for the IVF procedure itself - after all, it will be necessary to stimulate hyperovulation to collect the egg. That is why such a pregnancy will differ from the natural conception - hormones will be introduced artificially, and their level will give a sharp and strong jump. Although medical statistics confirm that synthetic hormones are not dangerous for the fetus itself and such effects do not bear the consequences, for the 40-year-old woman she can be transferred with complications.
  • Danger of multiple pregnancy. Russian doctors do not plant a large number of embryos - usually only two of them. But even two embryos are capable of settling down, thus creating a multiple pregnancy. At the request of the patient, additional embryos can be removed. Such an operation is carried out for a period of 9-11 weeks. The bearing of several fruits may become too difficult a test, the body depletes its resources to the detriment of the mother, who with age suffers a shortage.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Multiple pregnancy greatly increases the risk of miscarriage, because the female body is adapted to the normal bearing of only one fetus. Unfortunately, the maximum risk of miscarriage increases over long periods, the critical periods for multiple pregnancies are 20-22 weeks and 26-28 weeks.
  • Genetic abnormalities.The stock of ovules after forty years is depleted, more and more often there are "defective" oocytes that carry pathologies. Screenings are the same as for other pregnant women:
    • First screening for a period of 11-13 weeks;
    • Second screening for a period of 15-16 weeks;
    • The third (and last) screening is 20-22 weeks.

Pregnancy after forty times increases the chances of having a child with genetic abnormalities, so prenatal diagnosis is necessary.

  • Placental insufficiency. By the age of forty, in most women the condition of the uterus is worsening - transferred infectious and inflammatory diseases, previous abortions, can lead to incorrect fixation of the placenta. In addition to low placentation (stiffening of the fetus in the lower uterus segment), after 40 years, placental insufficiency is possible, which is fraught with oxygen starvation of the fetus and an increased risk of its death or serious congenital abnormalities. The risk of premature placental abruption also increases.
  • Severe pregnancy due to exacerbation of existing diseases. 40-45 years old is the age when health problems accumulate and become noticeable. During pregnancy, a huge burden falls on the vital organs, so diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys are very dangerous. And if, in a normal state, a woman can cope with the pressure that has jumped, then with such a pregnancy, hypertension can become a constant companion. High pressure, edema are dangerous for both mother and fetus, the main risk is the threat of preeclampsia and preeclampsia.

The IVF procedure helps fertilize the egg and plant the embryo. But the further success of pregnancy depends only on the health of the future mother. Therefore, when planning IVF, it is necessary to soberly assess the state of your body.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: How many Eggs Fertilized?!?! IVF Over 40! (June 2024).