Horoscope for women: how to "untwist" a man for gifts, given his zodiac sign


When a man wants to get our attention and disposition, he often gives us presents and pleasant surprises. That's just when he achieves his goal, he ceases to please his beloved, believing that she will not go anywhere from him. Many men even forget to give flowers to their women at least occasionally, not to mention fur coats, rings and jewelry.

Today we will try using the horoscope to find out how to “untwist” a man for gifts, given his zodiac sign.


Aries categorically can not be called greedy or mean. He likes to give presents to his beloved woman, the only problem is that often he simply forgets about it. Aries man you do not have to "twist" on gifts in the literal sense. It will be enough for you to simply unobtrusively, but as transparently as possible periodically remind him of this.


Weasel, ease and non-intrusiveness will help you “untwist” your Taurus man for an expensive gift. Moreover, he does not need to hint, but just calmly say what you want. In no case should you use different female "little things" for pressure (tears, tantrums, etc.), since this certainly will not lead to anything good.


You can’t just manipulate a twin man. Even if you tell him directly that you want to see a specific gift from him, he will simply be too lazy to go and choose it. The twin man is constantly immersed in his worries and solving everyday problems. And therefore, if you want to shell out it, then do it only in a romantic setting or in bed after sex.


To cough up a Cancer man, you will need to make some efforts and show all your thrift. You must make it clear to him that you can become an ideal mistress, a caring wife and a passionate lover. Believe me, after that he will give you everything you want.

a lion

Praise the Leo man more often, especially in public. This will flatter him very much, and he will definitely want to generously thank you for this. But do not get lost, and in the intervals between odes of praise, gently voice your desires to him. He will definitely remember them and will soon realize them.


This is one of those signs that is very difficult to “twist”, especially when it comes to expensive gifts. However, not everything is as hopeless as it might seem at first glance. It is with the Virgo man that you can use the most common female manipulation - a silent stream of tears and compassionate eyes. Just do not overdo it and in no case bring to hysteria.


If you want to receive a gift from a Libra man without a reason - you should not really count on it. Libra is very fond of money, and even more so - to count them. But if you nevertheless set out to “untwist” him, then first of all try to convince him that he needs to go shopping. For example, to update a wardrobe or buy something from household appliances. And in the store everything will already depend on you. Perhaps he will want to seize the opportunity and gain something for you.


With ease, the woman who devotes maximum attention to her appearance and image will be able to “untwist” a Scorpio man. This man will never tolerate his companion to have an unsightly appearance or be dissatisfied with himself. Looking through a glossy magazine or walking past storefronts, just carefully hint that you would also like the same handbag, dress or cashmere scarf that came into your view.


To achieve something, a Sagittarius man can and even in some cases needs to be manipulated with jealousy. Just make him jealous and carefully give him the ultimatum that if he doesn’t buy your favorite watch or the long-awaited earrings, he may lose you forever. Just always feel the measure and do not cross the line.


The Capricorn man needs to be made clear that it is precisely without this little thing that you simply cannot live. Show him the importance of the gift you want to receive. You can even associate it with your relationship. For example, if he doesn’t buy you those watches, then you will always be late for dates. Or explain that it is in this dress at the upcoming party that you will look the most stunning.


Men-Aquarius, however, just like Aries, are quite generous with their companions. Only now, unlike the Aries man, the Aquarius man often misses the target and acquires absolutely not what is needed. Such a man does not need to be "untwisted," but it is advisable to send it. Try to teach your partner to agree on joint shopping in advance, if he once again decided to pamper you with some gift for no reason.


The Pisces man, in fact, does not even suspect that it turns out that his companion periodically needs to be pampered with surprises and gifts. Do not even think with such a man to use hints, no matter how transparent they are. If you want to achieve something - talk about it directly.


Watch the video: Who Are The Most Beautiful Zodiac Signs? (July 2024).