Karma cheating


Treason, in our time, many are faced with them. But is it always possible to explain the reasons for cheating? Are they related to the karma of the genus? It’s worth sorting out.

Karma of betrayal - how to define it

Many are faced with adultery, but how can one determine whether adultery is the result of karmic problems? First, let's see what treason means to you personally? Do you connect her with betrayal, a terrible situation that is impossible to survive? Or is betrayal for you a certain experience that happened to you once, but you no longer want to experience it?

As practice shows, the majority considers betrayal to be incredibly terrible, many believe that after the betrayal, their life will forever lose its color, cease to be interesting and saturated.

In fact, the fear of betrayal can draw it into your life. All that you are afraid of - often happens to you, is the law of karma.

Fear creates the need to overcome it. Therefore, for experience and overcoming fear you may be given karmic treason. Life can warn you several times and encourage you to think that you are doing something wrong. For example, you can witness the betrayal of your friends, your close friends.

In such a situation, you will live the experiences of adultery with them and do not even realize that life helps you get rid of fear. You can stumble upon information about treason every now and then and will consider such coincidences a coincidence. In fact, life will give you vivid examples of the fact that treason can be experienced, treason is not the end of life, it can be the end of long-standing relationships.

You yourself can, without realizing it, attract into the life of men who are prone to treason. They will be given to you for experience, for practicing karma. How to recognize them? Examine the man’s past, most likely he could leave his previous lover for you, he could meet with you two at the same time, have experience of betrayal in the past and assure you that they will not happen again.

Most likely, such men lie, because they have their own karma, not worked debt to the opposite sex. If you consider the karma of betrayal by one of the partners who are being cheated, it is important to understand that even if you once betrayed someone, deceived, slandered, and someone cheated, you need to live the betrayal with dignity the first time.

Often karmic infidelities end in a breakdown in relations, as each of the partners fulfilled its role, fulfilled its mission. If we consider the karma of betrayal by a partner who is cheating, then he will not be able to build a full-fledged relationship until he realizes that he is hurting others. Ultimately, the committed betrayal will torment him, will constantly remind him of the lost relationship, the relationship that was destroyed by the betrayal.

Karma cheating - how to work it out

There are more difficult situations when partners mutually change, but the relationship is not broken. This is a rather complex form of relationship from a psychological point of view. Both partners are tied in this game and until one of them accepts the shortcomings of the other and does not let him go - the karmic connection will not be interrupted. What does such a relationship teach? Be yourself, value yourself and your freedom, respecting the interests of another.

Many women, faced with adultery, try on the role of the victim.

They live with a husband who cheats on them and constantly experience anxiety, stress, and oppression. But do they like it? This situation suits them, because they are in the role of the victim. If they break up because of cheating, they will recognize that someone is better than them, they will have to start life anew. But precisely for this they have been given such a partner - to realize their importance and ability to forgive.

In some families, it happens that infidelity persecutes every woman of the clan.

Many of them live in relationships built on fear of treason and pain from it. And each new woman in the family chooses a pair of a man who will cheat on her. Why such difficulties? What experience should a family get and what should it do in order to work out karma?

Similar situations occur in the family when one of the ancestors betrayed a woman, betrayed a woman with a child. And after that, every woman of the family finds herself in a similar situation and karmically fulfills the sins of her ancestor. But how to do it efficiently and less painfully?

There are two options for resolving a karmic task, but both are built on acceptance and forgiveness. In the first version a woman will have to understand her partner, forgive him and release him and herself. Especially if betrayal is accompanied by aggression and oppression.

In the second case a woman will have to understand the traitor, forgive and build a life with him without betrayal. It will be difficult, since the man may not even think about cheating, and the woman will still experience stress due to past negative experiences.

And here there is a karmic trap. For example, a woman will build an equal and trusting relationship with a traitor, but will be angry with him because of the past, she may not even show her mind, she will carry negative thoughts about him in herself. This will lead to the fact that after a certain period of time the man will not just change, he will leave the family for another. And this will happen at a time when, it would seem, the relationship is fully adjusted. What should a woman do to prevent a similar situation?

She should forgive the man completely, show him all her bitterness and resentment and forgive. Stop associating cheating with your family. This is given to many quite difficult and, it would seem, what is difficult in this? Just forget and live on, but in the case of karma of betrayal, various events and people will remind you of it.

Until a woman ceases to react negatively to adultery, she will not unleash karmic dependence. She needs to react to betrayal neutrally, as if her life is deprived of them and this is a fact. It is best during this period of time to build a trusting relationship with a partner, to allow him to bear responsibility for the relationship.


Watch the video: Airsoft CHEATERS Get Instant Karma Shot in the BLLS & Full-Auto Minigun (June 2024).